
Chap 2

I was proud, I was a waiter in a small bar in ikotun, Lagos state. I felt like a grown up. I worked super hard and was paid daily with a sum of one thousand Naira.

One afternoon, I was done and paid, I saw

some boys approaching me, they all looked dirty-looking. I didn't want to run because I knew if I had to run, they would know I got money on me and they would rob me. so I had no other option than to walk like a senseless beggar who had nothing to eat.

But my act failed. the gang grabbed me, smacked me across the face and then made me run home in fear and pain.

"What happened?" Titi asked, seeing me limp to my room.

"Nothing" I winced in pain, trying not to let out those tears that were eager to get down my cheeks.

Later in the evening, Ma was back, Ma was informed by Titi and Emeka that I was lying in pain in my room. Ma came to my room and asked me what happened. I narrated everything to her. Ma had no comment to make, she only untied the edge of her wrapper and gave me a hundred naira note. I was glad my money was recovered. Ma cries drew my attention, before I could speak she had already left the room. Maybe she needed money, I thought. I'd become rich for Ma and wipe away her tears.

I was lying on my mattress when I had Ma screaming and the sounds made by colliding objects which gave out irritating noise.in pain, I stood up and went to the doorway to take a glance at what was happening to Ma. Titi and Emeka ran to me in terror.

"Brother, will Mama die?" Titi cried.

"Why is Mama screaming?" I asked curiously, searching Titi's face for an answer.

"Wicked Pa is smacking Ma with bottles and sticks" Emeka cried.

I needed to fight for my mother's right, I don't care if I had to die, it would be an honor to die an heroic death, I thought. I took my siblings into my room and soothed them in a loving way which made them to relax.

"OK, stay here, OK, I'll be back" I said giving Titi a peck on her forehead, which made Titi give me one of her those of her "goodluck and safe journey smiles". I was comforted, it was like I was going to war. I went out of the room, holding my right arm as i limped, I stormed into Pa's room, I felt like he was gonna kill me the instant he set his eyes on me, I wished the ground would open and swallow me. oh my, I wasn't a freedom fighter or judge that I would try to intervene in their case. but I couldn't stand the blood oozing out of Ma's body it made me angry and mad at pa.

"Stop, you evil man, aren't you ashamed of yourself, you're hitting a woman." I yelled wondering where the hell I got the guts and audacity from.

Immediately, Pa stopped lashing Ma's body with the "koboko" a whip used by herdsmen in controlling their cattles.

Pa deviated from lashing Ma and turned to my direction and said

"Adejoke, would you get out of here, before I count to ten" Pa ordered pointing the koboko at me to terrify me.

I stood my ground,I didn't want to tell Pa I was scared of him, I had already made up my mind to be a source of trouble and anxiety to him. Pa came up to me and whacked me thrice across my mouth with his right palm which made me wonder whether pa's hand were made of irons'. it hurts but I stood my ground not to leave the room. one stroke on my body was like my body was set ablaze, Pa gave me a big blow on the forehead, which made me fall to the ground.

"Let the boy go, please,I beg you, you can hit me but please spare him."Ma pleaded as she held Pa on the legs.

I got another blow landing on my mouth, which made my teeth readjust and blood to ooze. I let out a sharp cry. I opened my mouth to plead  to Pa, but no words came out. my heart was in terror,I imagined myself gasping for air and dying in the hands of my so-called father.

"Adejoke, leave the room please" Ma pleaded.

I smiled in pain, I was losing my breath slowly. I had to defend Ma, I groaned in pain.

"Pa, leave Mama alone" I pleaded.

Pa got irritated and he kicked me on my stomach which made me spew out blood. I cried and shouted for help,I was losing consciousness. slowly and slowly I felt like my life was leaving me behind.

"Who had to defend Ma, Titi And Emeka" I thought, I had to stay strong for them.

"Stop, stop my son is dying please" Ma pleaded.

"Let go of me, you loosed woman" Pa said as he slapped Ma's hands out of his legs.

I gave Ma one of my reassuring smile that everything would be OK. Then I lost consciousness.


NB; pls this is actually my first novel so pls don't get disheartened seeing any grammatical errors. Show your support by inviting your friends to read, vote and giving your opinions. Thanks.