Chapter 1

Dark room. Nothing but darkness can be seen. We can see a huge buffed up man in the middle of this room. He was aimlessly flying in nothingness.

He was wearing a black armor in his back a giant the looks it was obvious that no ordinary human can lift it. He had a partially white hair in the side and one eye closed. His body was full of scars to the extent that there was no opened space on there. Also he had Iron hand on the left and in his belt could be see strange knifes. The man's name was Guts...the hero who slayed Apostles,Killed hundreds of armored warriors all by himself and even fought the god hand.

Guts) Where the hell am I?

He calmly questioned as felt female hand touch him.

???) S...Save...M...Me.....Guts

The voice said as Guts surprised turned only to see himself in a strange place.

Guts) Huh? The where the hell am I.....

He surprisingly said from disbelief seeing himself in a city which was surrounded by unknown kind of creatures. He saw animal like humans and giant lizards carrying carriages instead of horses.

Guts) Is this doing of an Apostle...but I can't find anyone here....Puck,Isido....Casca.....

He was confused but decided to stay calm and started to observe the city. While walking the streets he was surprised that this city is calm and peaceful. Everyone are doing there work...everyone living there peaceful lives. But the thing he didn't noticed was shocked looks of citizens upon seeing him.

A giant man carrying a giant 3m long sword in his back while being coated into a strange black armor without an eye.

Guts) I should observe the might be a trap set by apostle—

Suddenly his attention caught a kid laying on road while holding his leg from pain and carriege rushing crazily....Guts upon seeing it furiously caught the kid with one hand while with other hand of his caught the giant lizards rushing towards him.

Guts) That was close kiddo.

He said while citizens with awe was looking towards him.

Citizen1) H-He stoped the carriege with one hand!?

Citizen2) He looks so huge! Maybe he is mercinary!

Everyone started to clap while Guts scratched his head.

Guts) Tch! I'm getting too much attention.

He slowly put the kid on ground while slowly started to walk off.

Guts) Be careful kiddo.

As he started to go suddenly he was stopped by bunch of knights.

Knight1) Hey who are you!?

Guts) Huh?

Knight2) You don't look like ordinary human! Who are you!?

Guts sighed and was holding himself to not cause a ruckus.

Knight1) The hell!? Why are you silent! You think if you have a big sword it will scare anyone.

Guts smirked while looked toward there.

Guts) From my birth I had another big sword with me unlike someone.

The knight became totally pissed.

Knight1) You son of a Bi—

He was about to pierce Guts with his spear but Guts with a swift move of his hand hit the knight right to face breaking the whole armor.

Knight2) You bastard! I will kill.....

???) Stop this ruckus.

Said a red haired woman in white clothes. Knights upon seeing her raised there heads and saluted her.

Knight1,2) G-Good morning Lady Reinhardia!

The knights said in the same time while Guts upon looking towards her thought bout something.

Guts)*thinking* Hmm this chick is wonder why these bitches are scared.

Reinhardia) I'm terribly sorry for the misunderstanding. They were just scared that you might be dangerous.

Guts) No worries. I am used to this.

He said going towards another direction while Reinhardia smiled upon looking towards him.

Reinhardia)*thinking* Such a monster...I wouldn't be able to defeat him even if I use all my power....he is surely not someone simple.

And so forth our hero continued his walk while strange feeling was following him. Interesting what will happen next.


Boom! It's me ya author! I know it is strange that guy who has 60+ mha fics with Izuku as mc doing an actual crossover of Berserk and Re:Zero but...You should know that Guts is more better mc I had ever encountered. We all are crying all over Izuku's past where he was descriminated for being quirkless or here we all sympathize to Naruto saying he was treated as monster...But why no one talks bout poor Guts...his past is something else! His life is miserable to the point where it's better to watch NTR rather than past of this mofo....well anyway let's see what will happen next.