Chapter 2

Guts was still exploring the city and suddenly entered strange saloon as saw that in this saloon wasn't any human but all animal like creatures.

Guts)*thinking* I'm too tired of understanding what is going on.

He sat on chair while wanted to order some booze.

Guts) Get me some boo—

Suddenly his shoulder was grabbed by Lizard like giant man.

Lizard man) Hey. This place isn't for shitty humans like you.

Guts) Huh? It would be more safer for you if you will let me go.

Lozzard man) Pfft! Hahaha! Look what he is saying!

Everyone started to laugh at Guts.

Guts) Well I warned you motherfuca...

He slightly pushed the Lozzard man as suddenly he flew off from saloon with unbelievable speed. Everyone stoped laughing and now shocked were looking towards the place where Guts pushed the man.

Guts) Actually hey owner gimme some beer.

Bartender) S-Sure....

He gave him the cup of beer as Guts quickly drank it.

Guts) Phaa! Nothing is better than good ol much do I owe you.

Bartender) Z-Zero....just go please.

Guts) Huh...Sure...

He exited while headed towards nearby stairs.

Guts) For fucks sake... I'm tired...whole day I walked around and no info....where the hell am I? Why such a strange species live here? How should I get back to others....Huh...strange...and the aura doesn't seem alike it is almost as if.... I'm in another world...

He was calmly sitting while thinking bout matters but not long enough....

Thug1) Hey shithead!

Guts)*thinking* Why the fuck everyone in this fucking place wanna mess with me....

He immediately got up seeing three thugs.

Guts)*sigh* I don't know what I did for ya all to mess with me but I will give you time to fuck time starts going...

Thug2) The heck!? Th-This man looks like a mountain...

Thug3) Maybe H-He is right and we should better run.

Thug1) Don't be stupid! If we will beat someone like him we will be legends.

Guts) *sigh* I warned you all....

Thug1) Sh-Shut up!

He got a knife from his pocket.

Guts) Cute weapon you got there kid but...

He grabbed the razor part of knife and with single move broke it.

Guts) With such a small knife you won't kill a rat.

Thug1) E-Eek! Sorry! Sorry!

Thug2) L-Let's run.....

All of them were about to run but suddenly they saw a blonde haired girl in tight suit running towards them.

Blonde girl) Open the path!

She jumped from wall to wall while using those thugs as trampline.

Guts)*thinking* Hoo this girl got some skills...she looks flexible enough to parkour easily...she might be skilled thief or something similar.

Thugs didn't had time to waist so they run off pretty quickly while Guts just sighed deeply.

Guts) Cocky bitches.... anyway time to find myself a shelter to spend a night...I doubt that currency of my money is acceptable here...hmm what should I...

???) Hey! You stop there!

Guts) Huh?

He looked towards the girl who stoped him.

Girl) Give me my emblem!

Guts) Pardon?

Girl) Emblem! The one which you stole.

Guts thought that who the hell was this chick who out of nowhere claiming that he stole some kind of emblem from her but realization hit soon.

Guts) You mistook me for brat who just run off.

Girl) You know where?

Guts) That way.

Girl) Thank you!

She quickly accelerated while Guts was calmly walking but.

Girl) Wait! You think I will believe you?

Guts) Nah but you should.

She seemed concerned about the emblem she lost but it wasn't Guts's problem.

Girl) Ok! Puck!

She said this name as Guts turned hearing the familiar name...but it was another was flying cat.

Guts) Huh? Flying pipsqueak... reminds me of certain fairy with same name.

Girl) I didn't get you but it would be for your own health to give back what you stole....

Guts) Agh my head aches from all this shit... Anyway I see you can use magic...but it is different from magic of that old woman....

Girl) Ice!

The Ice spears appeared and rushed towards Guts.

Guts) No manners at all I see....

He finally got out his giant sword...which was enormously huge with handle covered in bandages and black Rusty metal was covered with old blood of Guts's enemies.
