Chapter 9

Several days had passed since Guts became a butler. Still it is strange to hear that such an incredible warrior got to work this work....but during all these days...he actually enjoyed peace....for the first time he was actually liking his life...but this all seemed to be a lil bit too much of a happiness for him...or so he thought.

Right now he was in the back of mansion practicing and training to not become dull after all he didn't killed in a while. Slowly yet passionate he was swinging his huge sword. Every swing was causing great wind pressure.

Guts)*thinking* Already two days as butler...I don't think it's a job fited for me and this blue haired maid... Rem if I'm right is secretly watching me....might be that Roswaal's order....Well it's expected since I'm stranger who suddenly appeared from nowhere....But I don't trust them too well.

He was swinging his sword easily while Emilia and Puck approached him.

Emilia) Working hard Guts?

Guts) Oh hey there kid. I'm just practicing to not get dull... it's been a while since I last fought.

Puck) Might be unusual to live peacefully right?

The fluffy creature said while Guts looked towards it.

Guts) Hmm...come to think of it ya all can use maguc right?

Emilia) Well yeah...but I don't really use it.

Puck) Spiritualists and mages are different. Mages use there own mana while Spiritualists borrow powers from there spirits.

Guts) Huh hell of a usage...I wonder do I have some talent in magic.

Puck) Hoo so you are interested....hmm lemme see....

Puck got Guts's hand while it started to glow.

Puck)*thinking* Whoah...Such a huge amount of power....I bet this all is due to that brand on his neck....and the smell of witch....he really is somewhat related with Satella.....

The glowing stoped as Puck sarcastically looked towards Guts.

Puck) Guts your attribute for magic is... darkness.

Now that Puck said it. Darkness really fits Guts and no matter what attributes or elements would be granted Darkness would be most appealing.

Emilia) Ooh...Darkness is really rare.

Guts) I see...but how the hell do I use it?

Puck) Ho ho ho! You are underestimating my abilities. Imagine the flow of energy entering gates. Just use your imagination and than cast a spell...for example Shamak!

As Puck screamed the word black fog started to cover nearby area blinding Guts.

Guts) Huh... pretty is much better than smoke bombs...I can't even sense anything nor smell as well.

As spell disappeared Guts was quite amazed.

Guts) Pretty useful shit right here.

Puck) I thought you would say something like it being not very powerful.

Guts) Huh...I already have strength and skill and now using this magic it will be useful to distract my opponents.

Puck) I see...

Emilia) Guts-san id really thoughtful.....I wonder would I also be like that?

Guts) Nah I'm not thoughtful just experience and than lemme check it....

He closed his eyes and started to imagine dark flow of energy entering the circle portal. In a split second infinite ocean of mana entered the gaits as....

Guts) Shamac!

This time gust of huge amount of dark fog covered whole mansion and was going to spread further but thankfully Puck stopped it.

Puck) *huff* Barely manage to stop....your amount of mana is a bit too great.

Guts) Fuck...that was unexpected...I think I poured too much mana inside my gate.

Emilia) W-Wait after this you can still be ok?!

Guts) I feel a bit tired but I was through worse.

Normal human would already faint but Guts had incredible stamina so he didn't even felt a slightest tiredness.

Emilia) No! You should take a rest!

She started to drag him towards the bench and layed him on her laps.

Guts) it ok?

Emilia) I-It is quite embarassing but....If it's you *blush* I agree....

Guts) Ugh...ok than....

They spended the next few hours speaking. Emilia grew atached towards Guts and was believing him enough to let him decide her life. Guts was unfamiliar with term friend as he didn't really had friends during his time....He thought of Griffith as one but after Eclipse he sweared that he will kill him...he will kill the hawk with a worst way possible like he did to his comrades.

Guts) Are we friends?

He sayed sudden words as Emilia red looked towards him with soft smile.

Emilia)*blush* Y-Yes.....