Chapter 10

It was night and we can see  Ram inside Guts's room. She has been teaching him how to read and write since Guts didn't knew the writing of this new world. He has been doing a great progress since his studies started and was already good at reading.

Ram) So is there any liked fairytales you read?

Guts) has many good ones and one that made me curious is the tale of envious witch Satella.

Ram) Ah yeh this one...make sure to not say the name Satella so loud in society.

Guts) Huh? Why the fuck?

Ram) Envious witch is the reason of all misfits in this world...she had created beasts so frightening that they still live till now...her deeds are really scary.

Guts firstly thought that people like to do someone object of hate...he for some reason sympathised her.

Ram) What about you?

Guts) Hm? Me?

Ram) Do you know any tale that I don't know yet.

Guts) Hmm..there might be few...oh how about I tell you about two demons?

After hearing the word demon Ram flinched and looked towards guts.

Guts) Once upon a time there were two demons. One was red demon and other one was blue .They were best friends and always cared for each other...but something was wrong with red demon it was sad for some time and blue one noticing it started to question him what was going on. The red one told that he wanted to become friends with people in village but they were scared by him. At that time Blue had come up with a goo plan. Blue one will come and bully people in village while Red one will scare him out and he will run. "This would make people to think good bout you." Said a blue one. So it happened and Red demon gained many friends in human village.Months passed and Red demon didn't heard a word about  Blue one so he decided to come over his house... upon coming there he saw a note.

"I'm glad. You gained many friends and so I wanna go and journey around the world. With all care your friend...Blue Demon. Red demon understood that no matter how much friends he will get they won't replave true one....he burst to tears and from that day never saw his friend.

Ram) That's quite a characters were stupid. Starting from Blue demon and continuing with people of village.

Guts) Huh? How so?

Ram) Say would you choose a red demon egoist who can't solve his problems? Or rather a blue one who blindly doing something he was not even asked to?

She gave Guts a choice and his choice was obvious.

Guts) I always was greedy so I choose both. Isn't it better that way.

Ram) Illogical.... anyway let's go and prepare dinner for today....and...please don't tell Rem this story she might become upset...

Guts) Huh...ok....

They got towards kitchen in order to cook speaking of which. Guts the man who beside roasting meat wasn't able to do anything in cooking became really good. At first it was pain in ass to clean the veggies but thankfully to his skill with knife he finally was able to do it. "Killing someone is much easier...." He always said before cooking.

Rem) Oh sister you are here. We ran out of salt so I want to go and buy some from village.

Ram upon seeing this opportunity smirked.

Ram) Agh~! I feel dizzy. Guts please acompany my sister.

Guts) The fuck?

Ram)*whisper* It's your t  opportunity to get along with Rem. Don't make my affords go to waste.

Guts)*sigh* Ok... anyway I wanted to see village in first place.

Rem) Shall we go than?


And so they started to walk. On the way silence was between them...untill Guts didn't decided to break it.

Guts) Man I missed walking like that on forest.

Rem) M?

Guts) Nothing just I used to always sleep in forest camps and catch wild beasts in order to eat so I'm just having nostalgia....

Rem) Pft....hahaha...

Guts) Huh? Did I said something funny?

Rem) are saying it as it's not a big deal...also that huge chunk of metal in your back makes you even more funier Guts-kun.

Guts) Is it so? But I can't go anywhere without it....this sword became part of me...I don't imagine fighting without using it.

Rem) You are really strange Guts....and I always wanted to ask...from where do you have so much scars?

Guts) Just endless battles... originaly I had scars only on my torso...but some questionable fight after I was hit by huge lightning made me burn a little haha.

Rem) Eh!? L-Lightning bolt!? How?

Guts) Long story....oh! Here we are!

They saw a village and people with kids playing. It was really peaceful in here. People didn't know about sadness and were having bright playing around and everything was alright.

Rem) Wait here please. I will go buy some barrels of salt.

Guts) Ok take your time.

While Rem was gone suddenly big amounts of kids surrounded Guts.

Petra) Wow! Nii-san you have such a huge sword! Bte I'm Petra!

Guts) Huh?

Lucas) I'm Lucas!

Mild) I'm Mild!

Meina) M-Meina...

They all started to introduce themselves while Guts kinda lost himself.

Guts) Agh...y-yeh nice to meet you... I'm Guts...

Petra) Guts Nii-chan... Are you a warrior!?

Guts) Huh? Kind—

Lucas) Wooooo! So cool! You look really strong!

Mild) We wanna be cool as you!

Guts) Umm hey hey brats....What do you all want.

Petra) Teach us be cool like you!

Meina) Y-Yes....we wanna be like you!

Guts) Agh...umm...

Seeing those innocent eyes the kids were showing....Guts wasn't able to deny.

Guts) Alright brats. Get sticks and try to attack me.

He said imprinting his sword right onto the ground.

Mild) This willl be peace of cake!

Lucas) Here we go!

All kids rushed towards Guts as he dodged easily every bit of them.


Lucas) Ain't no way I will loose!

He jumped off as headed straight to Guts face.

Guts)*thinking* No way! This attack.....!?

He just stepped aside.

Guts)*thinking* Is so obvious....

While doing this villagers gathered and started to look with amazed and fun faces towards Guts.

Villager1) Haha he is so big yet so kindly playing with kids.

Every villager started to clap towards Guts who seemed little bit lost in himself.

Guts)*thinking* That's the hell I'm walking into....

*A few moments later*

Rem) Ok Guts-kun I finished with

She saw villagers laughing amd surrounded Guts.

Guts)*thinking* Yare Yare Daze...