Chapter 11

Guts was still playing with kids until strange girl didn't approached him.

Meili) M-My name is Meili...c-can I join the fun?

She said shakingly towards Guts while holding a puppy on her hands as he just softly smiled.

Guts) How the hell this is fun...they are torturing me...

Guts...the man who was killing apostles for breakfast had never been so helpless as to be against kids. Kids just laughed as they continued to play with Guts...

Guts) Is it your puppy?

Meili) is little bit angry but it's kind.

Guts) Is it so?

He wanted pat it as suddenly it bite his hand.

Puppy) Woof!

Guts) Damn...I was never loved by animals.....

Suddenly he noticed Rem watching him so he just had this for the day and got towards Rem.

Petra) Come next time too cool Nii-san!

Lucas) We will be waiting.

Guts just waved his hands and got towards Rem.

Guts) Sorry I made you wait...

Rem) No....It was fun watching you.

Guts) Eh?

Rem didn't said anything in addition while tried to get two barrels of salt by herself but Guts got them for her.

Guts) Lady should not carry heavy things. Lemme carry it for you.

Rem)*blush* Th-Thanks....

They were heading back towards mansion while Rem was still kinda amazed that Guts who usually seemed too strict was actually nice with kids.

Rem) Say...did you ever had children.

Guts) Huh?

Rem)*blush* D-Don't misunderstand... I'm just a little bit are so nice with kids.

Guts) Well...I don't know...maybe I had....

Rem) Huh?

Guts) Nevermind....

Before the Eclipse....Casca's feelings revealed themselves....Guts and Casca had sex together....child was now forming in her....But after Eclipse and the Rape which was made by Griffith...the child died....or maybe it is one knows...and maybe never would know....

Rem) I'm sorry I gave you a hard question.

Guts) Nah. That's ok and I don't really feel anything about this in the first place...

Rem) and sister are really similar....both brave and strong...I wish I could have been the same....shame I'm not....

Guts) Hahaha....Hahahaha!

Rem) D-Did I said something funny?

Guts) Just you think that people are being born brave but in reality it is much more complicated.... People become brave they are enduring quests made by live and going on forward....they don't know what will happen next but at least they have courage to overcome what live will give them.

The impact of his words and his pace were screaming themselves out...that was truly magnificent.....speach made it even better.

Rem) I see....

They already approached mansion as Rem got to cooking while Guts wanted to change his clothes. Upon opening the door he suddenly appeared in Beatrice's library.

Guts) Oops! It seems I'm one more time here.

Beatrice) You are quite lucky to always find this room.

Guts) Really? Huh... unexpected but in any other means I have a favour to ask.

Beatrice) Favour? Quite rare of you I suppose.

Guts had rather a logic question as after playing with today's kids he understood one of them is imposter... specifically saying Meili. She was unknown kid out of bunch and Guts's always felt her was filled with bloodlust. During countless years of him leaving his life in danger his awareness skill had grew to the point he knew when people might lie.

Guts) Can you check my body if I don't have any spell on me.

He was sure Meili did something as while returning her smile was the one of a assassin who completed mission given.

Beatrice) I don't know what you are trying to pull but....

She layed her hand on Guts's bulky torso.

Beatrice)*blush* I will do it...

She send a magic wave as it colided back showing Guts's wound leaved by dog who bite it glow in dark.

Beatrice) It's a curse...tho it is easy curse but it might had brought you to death within today...

Guts) I I was right? Can you do something....

Beatrice) It will be easy to take it off I suppose but you seem calm for person who might had died within tomorrow.

Guts) I put my life in danger as daily routine so something trivial like this won't really harm.

Beatrice) Quite thoughtful of you I suppose.....and it seems you already know the culprit.

Guts) I do.

Beatrice) And what will you do now?

Guts)*smile* Isn't it obvious? I will hunt for some bitches.

He closed the door as finally after so much days he got his armor and put it in while going downstairs.

Guts) It was a while since my sword was soaked in blood.

Jumbo) Guess someone who tasted war will always be with war.

Suddenly out of nowhere the stranger which fought Guts back then appeared.

Guts) You!

He swung his sword towards the man as it slidely passed through not even harming him.

Jumbo) Whoah there big boy. I'm not your enemy.

Guts) Than who are you?

Jumbo) Just a mere man who travels around dimensions or so it said in my BIO on Facebook.

Guts) The fuck is Facebook?

Jumbo) Oh. Haha sorry it is not what is important. You are quite luck and unlucky I would say.

Guts) Huh?

Jumbo) You are beloved by witches....and even have a spell of one on yourself.

Guts) So my appearing in here is doing of witch?

Jumbo) Yes. Since I wasn't the one who summoned you here. I'm just mere messenger who wanna give you a hint on your abilities.

Guts) Huh?

Jumbo) Well first you shall not fear death as you can start it all over.

Guts) The heck you mean?

Jumbo) In other words whenever you die will start all over again. In other words you travel back in time.

Guts) Huh!? Is it even possible?

Jumbo) Till now you never knew of new world existence so it is highly possible no?

Guts) Guess you are right than.....Huh...It surely is something important to say now in all places considering you saying it now.

Jumbo) Who knows....Ah! Also remember you can't tell anyone that you have you won't be able to even say it as spooky witch might come over you~! Boo~!

Guts) Sly bastard....

Guts finally got down preparing his sword.

Guts) Once again...Rip and Tear.
