Chapter 5

I move my body and meet the attack head-on before punching the creature in front of me. This is a B-rank dungeon that just appeared in Medan city. I'm currently leading a group of fifteen C-rank hunters that stay in Medan.

"Don't overextend! They have the ability to camouflage! Tank goes in front! Support! I need you to start checking how many of them are left!"

"Yes, sir!"

I see them move and see the Tank taking a barrage of magic missiles from the hidden enemy. I can see them, but I need to know their capabilities as that was my main job other than protecting them from real danger.

I already know where the enemies are but decide to hold myself back. This is a test for them—a test for them to see if they are worthy of becoming a member of my guild. So far, there are two people I think are perfect people to join my guild.

The first one is Ashlee Kenia Dumalahay Macrohon. She is from Manila, Philippines. Ashlee is a support hunter. She is a buff and debuff type of hunter. She can buff herself to see the monster who is hidden around us and paralyze them with her spell.

I only need to give her a healing spell; she will be a perfect support for the guild. Even though the price for a healing spell book is a little expensive, I'm willing to lose some of the money to lure her in.

The other one is Omar bin Andika. He is from Ipoh, Malaysia. Omar is an assassin who can go invisible. What makes him special is that I cannot smell him. I can still feel his life force, but I cannot smell him. That is what makes him special. There are three other assassins in this group, but while their concealment spell is greater than Omar's, I can smell them.

Both of them are considered low-level C-rank hunters for their inexperience because they just awakened three months ago.

"Sir! There are more than a hundred of them coming at us! I think this is the last wave!"

I can see they get pale when they hear the news. I, on the other hand, smile.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it."

I walk forward and transform into my half-dragon form. My body has grown, and now I stand three meters tall. I now have a tail and wings on my back. I also have two horns on my head, my teeth grow and get sharper, and my eyes become the eyes of a dragon.

I take a deep breath before roaring.

A torrent of purple energy released from my mouth and filled the entire Dungeon in front of me. All of the monsters coming at me are dead from the single dragon breath. This is my dragon breath. It was not fire but rather energy with an element of space and time.


"I-Is this the power of S-rank?"

I ignore them and change back into my human form. I look at them and smile at them.

"The Dungeon is cleared. The only thing left is the boss room. Let's call the miner and the harvester. They are clear to do their job."

We walk out of the Dungeon, and I can see a lot of reporters taking pictures and broadcasting us from a distance. Ugh. I hate flashing lights. It irritates my eyes. Not hurt, just annoying. I ignore the reporter and walk toward the leader of the Miner organization.

"The Dungeon is clear. Take your men inside and clear the mana crystal. Sadly, I'm getting too overboard and disintegrating many monster corpses in the process."

"Understood. Come on! Let's get to work!"

~A few hours later~

My team and I walk inside the boss's room. As we step inside the boss room, I can feel massive life energy above us. The boss is on the ceiling watching us. I quickly transform and jump to block an incoming attack.

"The boss is above us! Tank prepares to block the attack. Fighter and Assassin, your job is to pin down the boss. Mage, damage dealer! Healer, heal the Tank! I will make sure the boss falls."

After saying that, I quickly fly toward the boss and punch it right in the head. Now I can see the boss. I take the boss' head and throw it to the ground. The boss landed on the ground and looked at the hunter in front of it.

It opens its mouth and releases a torrent of energy toward the hunter. Lucky for them, the Tank is there for them and blocks the incoming attack. When the attack is over, the fighter quickly dashes forward and pins the gecko monster into one place while the mage prepares their spell.

I can see the fighters jump and retreat when the mage fires their spell. They quickly hide behind the tower shield of the tanks and see a massive explosion of different kinds of elements. Sadly, it was not enough to kill the boss.

I can see the life force of the boss had decreased in large amounts, but it was not enough to kill it. I widen my eyes when I see a large amount of mana gather in the boss' mouth and release an energy blast at the tanks.

I quickly cut the energy blast hitting the Tank when I see they cannot hold the attack and release a dragon breath from my mouth to counter it. My breath attack hit the shoulder of the boss and made it scream in pain.

"Healer! Heal the Tank! Fighter and Assassin! Pin down the boss. Mage! Prepare your spell! Go! Go! Go!"

At my command, the healer quickly ran toward the tanks that were panting on the ground. The fighter and the Assassin move to pin the boss so it cannot move around for the mage to attack it.

A few seconds later, the mage fires their spell at the boss just as the fighter and assassin retreat. Unfortunately, just like before, it did not kill the boss but managed to hurt it. They continue to fight like this for about three minutes before I decide to finish this job.

They did not have enough firepower to kill the boss. They were already panting because they did not have enough mana inside their body and the boss still had more than half of its life force.

"Get back! I will kill the boss."

I fly toward the boss and thrust my fist forward to hit the incoming attack with my mana blast. Both of our attacks fight for dominance but sadly for the Gecko, mine is stronger.


I appear above the boss as it falls to the ground and descends at high speed before punching the Gecko with all my might.


A massive explosion is happening when my fist meets the Gecko's head. When I still feel the life force inside the boss' body, I transform into my semi-dragon form and use my hand to rip its head apart.

I want to burn it, but its body can give me at least a billion rupiahs, maybe even more. I look back at the people behind me and say.

"And done. Let's go back."

Night Dragon just finished our first Dungeon, and I got another target to join my guild.