Chapter 6

I smile a little as both of my targets look at the monitor in front of them. So what is inside the monitor? Multiple colors were dancing around. It was rather soothing for me but for them? Well… it was a hypnotic app. So you can guess what happens inside their brain.

"Karla, how is the app? Have you installed it inside their phone?"

"Yes, master. I have already installed the app inside their phone and it is ready to be used."


I take the company phone out of my pocket and check how far they are in their Hypnotic Depth.

|Ashlee: 4 Hypnotic Depth (Ready to be given low-level compulsion)|

|Omar: 4 Hypnotic Depth (Ready to be given low-level compulsion)|

One point every hour, just like the catalog says. Should I use the VR helmet? Yeah, let's try that. I take a VR helmet out of my inventory and place it on top of Ashlee.


When my hand touched Ashlee, she woke up from her trance state, but I activated the helmet before she could do something. Once activated, Ashlee falls into my arms just like a puppet out of battery.

After placing her on the sofa, I look at my phone and see there are three options for reprogramming for my target. There are already prewritten commands, and after thinking for a few seconds, I choose three essential things in my mind.

The first one is to make her absolutely loyal to me. The second one is that she subconsciously trusts my words more than anyone. The last one is to make her more submissive toward me.

I already have a theme in mind. Karla will be a stern and proud woman, but she will be a lustful and shameless woman on the bed. Ashlee's theme will be Sadomasochism. She will be a sadist in battle but become a masochist on the bed.

As for Omar? Well, I will make him a loyal minion instead. A person who will not betray me with anything. That should do for now.

"Karla, what is my next appointment?"

"Nothing, master. However, tomorrow will be a busy day for you. It looks like the government is already preparing an attack force to take back Lombok Island from the Orcs."

"Oh, yeah. I need to go to Lombok tomorrow morning, huh? Karla, I need you to stay in the pocket dimension when I'm away. I need you to train in the mansion."

"Of course, master."

"I also need you to search for land for me. I need them inside this city and take care of the paperwork for me. I want to open up a business that deals with relaxation."

"Then I will use my connection to deal with the paperwork."

"Thank you, Karla. That would be appreciated. If you want something, tell me. You deserve it."

I want to open up a massage parlor in this city. I have a perk called Hotel California. This will let me make this building a flower that will attract my worker bees. This allows me to mass capture and create a network of loyal minions for my business.

"Then can I ask to… warm your bed tonight?"

"Oh? That is not a reward if I do it every night, isn't it?"

"But to me it was a reward."

She walks toward me and gives me a soft whisper that makes me growl a little bit. My Dragon's blood starts to boil, and a tent is already forming on my pants. I'm afraid it will destroy it if I leave it a little longer.

I picked her up and said.

"You make me do this."

I take her to my bed and throw her on it. I take off my pants and let my dick on her face before saying.


"Yes, master"

~The next day~

I do a stretch and equip the armor prepared for me. This armor is coming from a Basilisk from an A-rank dungeon in Mongolia. It creates a second skin that protects all of my body. This second skin will reduce the amount of damage I take, and it can take a lot of damage.

I look at the island underneath me and look at Hartono.

"I can go wild in here, right? There will be no punishment for property damage, right?"

"That is right. You can go wild. The government wants the property damage to be minimal but they are willing to let you destroy most of the buildings on this island if only to take back the island. However, they have one demand. Don't sink the island."

"Will do."

"We will descend in a minute. We need to do this fast before the Orc arrive with their long range fighter."

"No need."


Instead of answering his question, I jumped out of the helicopter while smiling at Hartono, who shouted at me.

"Are you crazy?!"

I smirk a little and feel the wind around me as I free fall to the ground. I change into my half-form and increase my speed. Finally, I can see my target, a tribal village filled with many orcs. Orcs are humanoid creatures with green skin and a body filled with muscle.

They are creatures of pure physical strength. It has a massive defensive capability against physical damage. The only weakness it has is a magic attack; even then, it can take a lot of magic damage before falling.

I smirk a little as I am about to land on the massive building in the middle of the Orcs' village.


I can hear the Orcs screaming around in panic. I take a deep breath, and when the dust is gone, I release a massive Dragon's Breath at the enemy.

I infuse my breath with an element of Space to easily destroy anything it touches. The space around my breath folds together and destroys anything in it before it becomes nothingness.


I look at the massive Orc shouting and see all the orcs charging at me with their weapons.

"Oh? You dare to come at me? Well, let's see how it goes! Za! Warudo!"

A massive dome of time appears from me and stops anything inside it in time. I may not be an otaku who watches all of the anime ever released, but I watched Jojo in the past because of all the memes going around, and I must say, I like it.

My power over time is not as powerful as DIO, which can affect the entire world, but I can use more than a few seconds of time. I can hold this time bubble for more than an hour before I feel exhausted.

I take a hundred javelins from the armory inside my pocket dimension and throw them toward the orcs coming at me. The javelin stops just in front of them. I appear in front of the massive Orcs; I guess he is the leader, and punch him with all my might a few times before walking away.

I snap my finger, and suddenly I get showered by the blood of my enemy. The javelin pierces all the orcs, and the boss' head explodes from my time-powered punch. I grin a little and release a roar that targets all of my prey.

Let's get wild.