She doesn't know yet

Trust your gut, she knows best.





What just happened?

Who was he? Why his presence created uneasiness for me?

Why did I got entranced?

She asked all these questions in her head.

That's suspicious. He is suspicious. And who was she with him, who had that mysterious smile on her face? She inquired in her head. People are so strange nowadays. She speculated. Ah, just forget it. Why do I care? and it's not like I'll ever cross paths with him again. She shut herself up. And went to the cafeteria to grab a cup of tea to clear her mind.

Nothing can refresh her more than a good cup of tea. She could die for it.

Sitting at a corner table she was taking the sips slowly and loosely.

Everybody was busy talking about something. She felt exposed sitting in a crowd.

" I wanted some Me Time. And I surely can't have it with everybody around. But it creates enough distraction to come out of my thoughts and just listen to external sounds", she observed.

She spent good fifteen minutes distracting herself.

And then the sixteenth minute he arrived again.


Why is he here again?

Well, it's a cafeteria and people come here to eat something, you can't throw people out of a student cafe, can you?

She concentrated on her cup of tea and stared hard at the cup as if she is gonna drown herself in it.

He went and ordered 4 cups of coffee.

I guess he is awaiting his group.

And then he took a table and sat at a chair that looked directly at me. Now it looked like he was sitting right in front of me.

It's not good manners to follow someone and look at them with assessing eyes. He looked right at me with boasting confidence and indescribable emotion in his eyes.

Why is he so weird? What's with him? I don't even know him. Why is he bothering me? or should I say, why is he stalking me?

I came here to have a relaxing time and it turned out to be more stressful than it was before.

Why did it have to be this day? She yelled to herself in her mind.

Some people come into our lives to cause a disturbance, just like when you throw a stone in calm waters, it causes ripples to appear, and disturbs the whole comfortable atmosphere. And it leaves after-effects for a long time.

She was a calm lake and not yet ready to deal with external disturbances.

She already had an inner turmoil going on in her, she couldn't afford outside force to push her to her limits.

"Okay, it's enough, I can't take it anymore. I'm out". She took her purse, stood up from the seat and went for the door. On her way out she saw that girl with a mysterious smile coming this way with two girls who looked like relatives. She threw me a courteous smile and I just nodded in courtesy.

She said something to the girl on her right and the girl nodded in approval. It was odd. Are they talking about me? she inquired in her head.

I don't wanna make this day any more horrible.

She pulled out her phone, called her brother to pick her up and sat on a bench on the lawn.

Everybody was enjoying themselves. Everybody has something to be happy about, how innocent their faces are, without any worry or disappointment. I wish I could also gain that confidence, she thought sighing.

Does anybody have figured out their life?

Maybe I'm the only one who hasn't figured out it yet.

"Your aura tells me your having a bad day today", a girl wearing a purple gown, sat beside her and spoke to her in a calm voice. She had a stone on her finger, that made her hand more beautiful than it was. Do people wear stones currently?

Is this a fashion or her personal choice?

" Why so gloomy and depressed?

May I help you?", she said sympathetically.

" Umm, Who are you? , Do you know me?", She looked at her with wide eyes and asked a question in answer to a question.

" Oh, did I startle you? , I didn't mean to. I just pulled towards you because you had sad eyes and a dark aura. Which means you are unhappy and feeling miserable. " she told in detail.

" Let's start with an introduction first then. Hi, I'm Ruby, a researcher here doing work on the history of supernatural beings. ", she took out her hand for her formally.

" Ohh, Hi, I'm Violet, a student who graduated from here in English Literature." she took her hand and shook it in a firm handshake.