happy birthday princess

Next morning,

I woke up as the sun easy was directly falling into my face.. And now the same boring day starts..I sighed..

I got up and went to bathroom and took cold shower.. I really like cold shower because it can make me fresh for the whole day..

After coming out I dried my hair and went to kitchen to make breakfast.. It was ready after half an hour.. and I ate it watching television..

Around 11:05 Noah called me..


"Come down I am here"

"Ok I'll be there in three minutes"and I ended the call and for the last time I looked myself in the mirror and went down...

"Hey sweety"Noah said smiling cheesily..

"Please don't smile like that you look creepy"I said faking my fear..

"Whaaatttttt??"he stopped smiling listening to my words..

I wanted to laugh at his reaction but somehow I controlled myself from laughing..

"Let's go"I said moving forward.

"Ok ok let's go"he said controlling his anger..

"So which university??"he asked me...

"I don't know let's check some of the universities and then we will fix "I said casually..

"What you haven't even chosen the university and you called me"he asked making his big eyes more bigger..

"You are saying as if you have already chosen for yourself"I rolled my eyes while he scratched back of his head embarrassingly..

For the whole day we searched for the best university and chooses******* university.. After the weeks we have to come and give entrance exam, and for the fee our parents will pay for it..I only need to tell them the name of my university..

You know since last six months my parents didn't even talk to me they only valid me when the put money in my account or when the part the bill of school.. And I think it's better to live like this.. You can live the way you want... No one for nagging you... No one for there to force you to study and on one to love you.. No any expectations no any heartbroken nothing,nothing..

"Not every parents are same"I didn't believed this when I was young maybe I was really naive amount the children's around my age and from the last six years I felt that it's true that not every parents are same and the world and people work for money so I will also keep my focus on money not working for it like others but making the money work for me..


We are lunch in a cafe and headed to our respective house..

When I went inside I was shocked looking at my apartment... It's completely different...

Roses were everywhere in the ground. Balloons were hanging in the wall and my whole apartment was decorated..

I went to my bedroom and saw a big teddy bear lying in my bed.. Floor was covered with bags ..I went near and opens the bags and say many meet clothes, jewelleries..

I came out of the room and headed towards the kitchen.. As I went inside the scene made me in tears.. There was a cake and

"Happy birthday Princess"

Was written..

It's my birthday, my birthday, my fucking birthday which I completely forget since last six years because no one wished me in my birthday and I also never said my birthday date to anyone...I smiled looking at the cake and tears feel from my eyes..I look around and saw a note then I opened it..

"Life is not same for everyone, don't people may got only happiness and some only get sadness but that doesn't mean they can only stay in the life full of sadness... It's our job to look for our own happiness and you Princess you deserve only happiness even if you think you don't, you deserve best even if you think yourself as worst.. You know the best part of my day is your smile..I love you more everyday, I love your honesty, your passion, your resilience, your courage and your smile.. So please not for yourself but for me keep smiling because you and your smile me it's the only way I can be happy..

Wishing you very very happy birthday and soon by worry you will pass the entrance exam.. Take care and thinking of you always my princess, my queen and my world"