
After three weeks....

Gwyneth pov..

I woke up early in the morning because it's mine and Noah's entrance exam day and I am not nervous because of the stranger and you know what??.....I started to get a small note everyday which help me in lighting my mood.....

I went to bathroom and took shower and went to make breakfast faster two hours Noah called me and I went down..

"So are you prepared for the exam"he asked

"Yes I am"I said an smiling..

"You seem to be too much happy these days"he narrowed his eyes..

"It's it??" I said him smiling and why wouldn't I be happy, I got daily wishes for my special person and now for him I am ready to leave this world even if he is a complete stranger...

and"stranger??"I don't think it's good to describe him as a stranger because whenever I read his not I felt him close to me, close to my heart.. And now he has become so close that he became my world..I just can't wait to see him, hug him and scold him for not coming Infront of me...


After three hours...

I came out of exam hall and went on ground and sat there looking at the basketball game which was going on and waited for Noah..

After five minutes her came..

"How did it went??"he asked standing beside me..

"Very good and yours??"I said looking at him..

"Same"he said smiling..

"Let's go"I said smiling and we about to move bit a hand caught my wrist..

I looked back and found Noah stopping me..

"What happened??"I asked..

"Let's see the game and we will go"he said making me sit.. And he also sat beside me..

I found his words fishy but didnot said anything..

My focus was on game and when I looked at Noah I found him starring at someone with a small smile...

I looked at the direction where he was looking an he found a girl one year smaller than me sitting looking something at her phone and smiling..

So something is cooking in his mind,I smirked and cleared my throat so I could get him out of his dream world.. and it worked as he looked at me..

"So mister Jack, are you just gonna sit her and admire your Rose form fast away or gonna take a step forward and go and talk to her"I said casually looking at the game..

"Wh-what are you tal-talking about??"he asked shuttering..

"Poor boy"I said in my heart..

"It's fine if you just want to admit her from far as it might be your first and last day seeing her as I thing she is smaller than us also in age"I like at him..

He looked so sad hearing my words..

"Don't worry boy I won't let you Titanic sink so easily, you will get your Rose and you will also complete you ride with her"I said in my heart and stood up..

"what happened??where are you going??" Noah asked..

"to get your Rose for you"I said smiling and rubbed his hair and moved towards...