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When grandma called me her son,my eyes got filled with tears, I was little bit afraid of reaction of reaction of Thomas uncle..this was the first time and someone wanted to adopt me as their family from the last 18 years and I was hell afraid from inside for no reason...

When I was a orphanage,it never concerned me whether those family adopted me or not because that time I only wanted to dye but this time it was different, I wanted to get adopted... I also want to have a family, I want someone who could love me as her son and a sister who would annoy me...I truly wanted Thomas uncle to accept me...

When Thomas brother called me inside the room,my heartbeat was running very fast but as I came out of the room my happiness had no boundaries..

Although I did not show it in my face but for the moment I was the most happiest person on this whole universe..but I was kind of afraid because of the word that Thomas brother(his brother from now on)said to me because but I know I could do it

(Back at the part when Victoria showed Tayler his room for that night)

Tayler pov

After giving me the desert sister in law went to her room and than I closed the door.. My happiness had no boundaries as I got a new family and I know they will love me as their own family and this was making me more afraid because from now own I have to do something which I never thought in my whole life ..

I went to the window side and opened the I opened the window cold wind blow upon my face... although this room was on second floor but still I could see the whole city because this house Knight mansion was on top of every houses...

I left the window open and just closed the curtains and lay down on the bed...I wanted to sleep but "sleep"this word was nowhere near me....

While I was lost in other thoughts our of nowhere the girls face came in my mind...

Her lips,small body which could perfectly fit on my arms,her eyes,her voice everything was making me smile but...her was something that hurt me from inside...I never knew just by one glance I could love her this I was sure that the sixty years which I have left with me I want to spend it all with her only...

Her mom's was different from other moms,as if she never loved her but I felt that her mom was hiding something...

I wanted to steal her(Gwyneth)from all those pains and the only thing I wanted to give her was love and happiness...