no title

After the conversation Evelyn was lost in her thoughts and to end the awkward silence Eva shouted "let's dance,it's no find if we are in club and go home without dancing"and pulled all three of them one by one..

Gwyneth pov.

Thank God Eva pulled us for dancing as I don't want to see Evelyn sad and after few minutes she also forgot her sorrow and started dancing happily..

As we all were dancing I felt a uncomfortable touch on my waste...I moved a little little further from that place and again started dancing but again I get that was really making me uncomfortable and I wanted to run from there only but I couldn't as all my friends are here so I excused myself and went to washroom...

I felt someone following me but as I reached the footsteps stopped...thank you God I said and went inside the washroom...

I washed my face and after drying I out a little lipstick and suddenly the door closed and the light turned off...

"Hey princess"I heard a deep voice near my ear and a cold breadth with was making me weak because I know this voice and I guess you all also know...

"Wh-what??"I cursed myself for shuttering...but it's not my fault...this stranger's presence itself makes me go weak in my knees..

"You have turned naughty right?? wearing a revealing cloths, making all the man's look at you,haa??"

His words,his voice everything was a painful yet beautiful punishment for me because I thought that I will again lost him but still he is here and what about the dress??I can wear anything that I like it's not my fault that other will look at me,right??

"So what??"I asked encouraging myself...

Hearing me he left a small deep laugh..

" ready to get punished"as he said he turned me and made me sit on the slab...

I wanted to see his face but because if the darkness I couldn't...

Slowly parting my legs he stood really close to me..he pulled me a little forward making his lower part touching me...

"S-stop this"I wanted to warn him but I even don't know why these words came out as a whisper...

"I will take care of the man who touched you and for the last time I am warning you don't ever wear this kinds of clothes until I would personally say to you and I know you pretty little mind..if you think of playing with me then I am warning you from before only you won't be able to face the consequence"saying this he closed my eyes with something and I felt empty near me...

No one pov

Gwyneth came out of the washroom with her eyes covered with a tie she walked further,she removed the tie from her eyes and turned back to the washroom but there was no one except her...

She took a long breadth and went out of the washroom and went to the table where they were previously sitting...

She was alone in the table so she took all the drinks from the table and was completely drunk when Noah, melody,Eva and Evelyn came..

"What girl why drinking so much??"Noah said pulling the drink from her hand...

"Because.....I don't know "Gwyneth laughed foolishly...

"I never knew you had this side also"eva laughed looking at the drunk women who is considered as her best friend...

"I am like this only"Gwyneth pouted...

"Let's take a video"melody said taking out her phone and took video of all the stupid things that Gwyneth did and said...

"I swear she might kill herself or kill you after seeing this video "Evelyn laughed...

Then all of them took Gwyneth to her apartment and Evelyn wanted to stay with Gwyneth taking care of her but Gwyneth in drunk state rejected the offer....

"I will go myself "saying this Gwyneth ran like a child from there to her room...

All of them stayed outside till they saw the lights turned on...

"Ok she reached safely so let's go"Eva said and turned around but..

"Hey I saw a man's shadow on the window "Evelyn said pointing to Gwyneth's bedroom window...

"What??"Noah and Eva shouted and were about to move but melody stopped them..

"No it's not it's of teddy bear,it's very large so I am already sleepy fast let's go"melody changed the topic and pushed them inside Evelyn's car...

"I really think I saw man's shadow there"Evelyn whispered starting her car...

"No it's not"melody said really fast...

"Ok"Evelyn said and drove the car..

"Thank you God"melody murmured...but it was heard by Noah who was sitting beside her...

"You are hiding something??"Noah asked and Evelyn stopped the car and both Eva and Evelyn turned back...

"Wh-what nothing"melody spoke for herself...

"Really??"Eva asked narrowing her eyes...

"Yes yes"melody nodded her head in hurry...

Although none of them were satisfied with the answer but still Evelyn drove the car and after dropping everyone to their houses she went to her house...


Inside Gwyneth's bedroom

As Gwyneth couldn't walk properly she took complete five minutes to reach her room...

As she opened the door she saw her room's light turned on itself...

"Magic"saying this she laughed at herself...

And suddenly she she was about to go to the washroom the lights turned off and she was pulled inside the shower by someone...