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Tayler pov.

I suddenly wanted to kill both of them and take Gwyneth with me but I stopped myself...I don't want to scare Gwyneth...

I don't think Liam and Daniel will be free for next two weeks as the wedding preparations has already started....I know Daniel don't want to marry Evelyn and not only Evelyn but no-one still he agreed for his mom but I don't think he will be treating Evelyn nicely and we have been saying that you Daniel from the day his marriage was fixed,not to treat Evelyn badly because Liam and I have done check on Evelyn and she herself had struggled very much because of her parents...and after marring to Daniel I don't think she would suffer less...I just hope she would be able to change him...


After completing our work we went to a restaurant to have our dinner as it was already late...

Gwyneth was not willing to come with us but she came after thinking for sometime...


Gwyneth pov.

After completing our work I was about to go but suddenly they all made the plan of having dinner,I was fine with them because I wouldn't join them but something happened while I was protesting...

"I am not going,please"I pleaded making puppy face to all three of them....

"No you are coming with us let's go"saying this CEO and Daniel sir started to move leaving me and mr.knight alone...

"Come with us"Tayler said coming a little closer...

"Please I just want to sleep can't I go home??"I was saying head was hurting as hell and the only thing I wanted to do was to sleep but they went not willing to let me go home...

"Come fast or else I will kiss you in front of all"mr.knight said and I hurriedly move back...

"Don't move"he said catching my wrist...

"Let's go"he said pulling me and moving to the car...

"So bossy"I murmured but luck was not with me as he turned towards me...

"I can be more bossy, should I show you??"he whispered in his deep husky voice...

"No,no need"as I said I ran from there to the car and hurriedly sat in the front seat as CEO and Daniel sir was sitting in the back...

"Ohh no I will be sitting beside mr.knight??"I turned around and both of them were looking at me narrowing their eyes...

"What happened??"Daniel asked...

"Nothing"I smiled with force and look at my side...

"I should be driving"I murmured and was about to come out of the car but as I opened the door it was pushed by someone from the outside...

"Sit properly I would be driving"mr.knight said as he sat on the driving seat...

I nodded without looking at him...

I won't lie but I have always felt something for mr.knight and I felt like his touch felt familiar to me as if I have known it for ages...I even have doubt that he was....he was the guy who was with me from the time I tried to commit suicide could he like me...the only son of Knight would he like's not him...then I left that feeling to go...

I am thinking that...that I started to like mr.knight...but I am not sure can someone fall in love with two persons at a same time...ufff..I removed all those thoughts from my mind shaking my head...

"Are you ok??"mr.knight asked placing his hand on mine and looking concerned...

"Yes"I slowly nodded my head...

"Ok"he said and again focused on driving but his hand was still on top of my's giving me a peaceful and protective feeling...

Is it even right about what I am feeling right now??am I betraying the person who loved me from the last five years??does he really deserve it??do I really deserve all this??