no title

No one pov

They reached to the restaurant after one and half hour of ride as they were a little far from the city...

"AHH finally we are here,I was tired"Liam said stretching his body...

"You are always tired"Daniel mocked....

"I am your older brother,respect me"Liam glared at Daniel...

"Then behave as one"saying this Daniel went inside ignoring Liam's curse...

"Are they really businessman??"Gwyneth murmured...

"Yes they are"Tayler whispered marking Gwyneth flinch...

"You scared me"Gwyneth said patting her heart...

"Let's go"Tayler smiled and pulled Gwyneth inside...

Gwyneth smiled looking at their interwined hands...

Gwyneth pov.

I don't know if this sudden feeling is wrong or right but now I won't care and go with the flow leaving everything on my destiny...

We went inside to a private room and like a gentleman mr.knight pulled chair for me...

"Thank you"I smiled...

Then he took off his coat and sat at chair next to me...CEO Liam and Daniel sir were sitting Infront of us...

"Let's order"Liam said taking the menu card...

"Rib-eye steak,mixed green salad,spring rolls, grilled salmon with dil sauce, chicken and mushroom pie, eggplant lasagna and Apple pie with cream,lemon meringue pie, crêpe Suzette and ice cream for dessert "Liam ordered everything...

"Isn't it too much??"I asked..

"What??too much??" Liam made Face..

"He can eat all this by himself"Daniel laughed...

"Yes I can,and it's good to eat much food"Liam said pouting...

I chuckled looking at CEOs face..

Till the food came we talked some random things..

"The food is here"Liam smiled..

"Please grow up"Daniel pleaded...

"Go to hell"Liam said taking a bite...

"Let's eat"Daniel ignored Liam and said to us..

Then we started eating... while eating I felt someone's hand covering my hand...

I looked down and saw Tayler's hand caressing my hand...

I was red due to embarrassment..

"Are you ok, Gwyneth??"Liam said placing his hand on my forehead...

"Y-yes I a-am"I shuttered..

"You are so red"Liam sat on his place..

I just smiled at him..

Nor I can stop my face from being red nor I can remove mr.tayler's hand...where did I get stuck??

"No need to be embarrassed,just eat food properly"I felt Mr.tayler's breath near my neck and suddenly he bite my neck..

I covered my mouth so that any kind of sound won't come...

Mr.tayler Chuck and moved back...


No one pov.

After few minutes Tayler got a call and he went out..

And after cutting the call he called Daniel and Liam to the washroom...


Gwyneth pov.

Just after few minutes of Mr Tayler going outside CEO Liam and Daniel sir also went out..

"What's so secretive??"I said but my full focus was no food so I continued eating as I was really hungry...


Tayler pov..

"What happened??"Daniel asked checking every door of washroom,what if someone's there??

"We are being followed"I said...


"Yes but our men couldn't get who was it and that person didn't came inside the restaurant"

"That means they knew about Gwyneth"Daniel said...

"Yes I guess"

Who the hell is messing with my I got to know I will show them the real hell...

Suddenly I got a message from unknown number...

I opened it and my blood started to boil...

It was picture of mine and Gwyneth walking together and the picture inside the restaurant room..

"I must say your girl is quite beautiful,it would be fun to have such a beautiful girl under me"

"Find out who is he"I shouted...

"We will but what about Gwyneth's life is in danger"Liam said worriedly...

"Why don't you say you are the one who is supporting her from the last 6 years then she can live with you and you can protect her"Daniel suggested...


"I think he is saying right,do it fast or else it might be too late"