Chapter 2: Savior

"No! I will only marry him, dad! Only him and no one else" a girl with round eyes, porcelain skin, small face, pointed nose, and pinkish lips shouted as she throws tantrums in front of her father. Everything that her hands can be grabbed will be thrown anywhere. Her room that was brightly painted in pink, filled with cute teddy bears and look so decent to the eyes has turned into a mess, anyone would think that a strong earthquake visited. She just keeps messing the place while shouting that she wants to marry the man she really likes, while the men around him were scared for their lives

"I know I know, please calm down my princess, Papa will find a way, okay?" an old man wearing an expensive suits and other accessories, tried to coax the girl who never stopped creating a chaos. But the girl didn't listen and even became more furious. The old man signaled his men to help him, but they are too afraid that the girl might skin them alive if they make a mistake. The three men look at each other, as if they are planning through telepathy to make the girl calm

The tallest among the three men picked a teddy bear on the floor and tried to coo the girl. The one's who are watching just slapped their forehead because of the man's stupidity. The girl looked at him in confusion as the man slowly getting near to her while holding a teddy bear and talking in a baby tone. The girl waited for the man to come nearer before she grabs the teddy bear and collided it to his face while gritting her teeth. The man shouts, asking for help. After the others rescued their colleague, the old man sighed and talks to the fuming mad girl

"Baby, I told you, I'll do my best to arrange your wedding with him, okay? So please be good now" the old man said in a sweet voice

"How will you do that?! Didn't you say that the Gwenu and the Chen family had their engagement party already? So tell me how can I marry Sean?!" the girl shouted as she grabbed the bottle of perfume and throws it to the old's man directions. Luckily the old man has a fast reflexes and was able to dodge the perfume bottle right away

"Yes, they've made their engagement party to announce their engagement, but the announcement was never done because of an accident" the old man clarified. Hearing those words, the girl stopped her madness and looked at the old man with a sparkling eyes. Seeing the changes of the girl's character, the four men inside heave a sigh of relief

"Wait... Come to think of it, whether the engagement was announced or not, they still haven't got married! Even the married couple can still be stolen, what's more with the couples who are just in an engagement level!" the girl stated happily as she clapped her hands. The others also clapped their hands to show their support to the girl, or they are just scared of her

"But my lady, doesn't Mr. Sean loves his fiancee? How would you steal him if Mr. Sean has a feelings for the young lady Chen?" the man who tasted the wrath of the girl awhile ago asked. Everyone in the room felt silence and stared to the man with, you're dead look. After a minute of silence, one of the men starts to laugh awkwardly as he hit the head of his Colleague, followed by the other one who elbowed him to the gut. The old man just looked at his men with a threatening look, he then turned to the girl who's glaring to the three idiots

"Okay, I'll see what I can do---"

"Set me a date with him! He would fall for me once he saw me" the girl cut the old man's words. She demanded to the people in the room with full of authority as she crossed her arms

"But what if he wouldn't fall for you or worse, he will reject the invitation?" this time, it was the man who hit the other on the head awhile ago, asked the question. The people around him glared at him and as he was about to get scolded, the tallest one interfere again

"He's right! We should consider the possibilities and make a plan B"

"How about just abduct him. If you can't get him in a gentle way then use a force" a cold voice suddenly echoed inside the room. Everyone turned their heads to the source of the voice, and was greeted with a tall man who has a pale skin, bored eyes, messy hair, and an emotionless face. The boy looks so handsome in his black jeans, fitted long sleeve shirt with a black and white striped, and a black converse shoes. His hands were keep inside his jean's pocket as he made his way to the girl's direction. No one dared to make a noise

"You're back!" the girl beamed. She hurriedly hugs the man who just came in while giggling. Again, the four men at the background heave a sigh of relief

"How is my princess doing?" the man asked in a gentle way although, he still sounds cold.

The two starts conversing and are already immersed in their own world. The old man and his men glance and nodded to each other as they agreed to their plan. They slowly made their way out from the room until they got to get out from the territory of the two beast. When they have escaped, the four of them dramatically wipe their invisible sweat and look at to each other again

"The three of you stay here outside the room and look after them. I'll just drink my tea to relieve my stress" the old man ordered the three with authority. When his men salute to him, he started to walk to his destination.

Yamamoto Botan is the boss of Japanese Mafia. He is 65 years old and is a single dad to a son and daughter. Despite of old age, Yamamoto's Physical appearance and combat are still good that a lot of people still respect, scared, and worship him. He maybe soft and seems like a funny person with his children, but when it comes to business, his beast side that his children inherited from him, will show.

Hajime Haru is Yamamoto's first born. Haru's mother--- Hajime Akari--- is a well known model in Japan. She had a one night stand with Yamamoto and give birth to Haru. The two agreed not to marry each other as for them, they are just compatible on the bed. When Haru was born, both will have their rights with their son but not on each others life. They still meet each other for some matters but never been involved with feelings. Haru inherited his unique appearance--- they look like a vampire, with their pale skin, crimson red lips and dark aura--- from his mother. When Haru turned four years old, he was send to Canada to live with his grandparents. The boy live a life with dull colors as he was force to train at early age. Haru never cares the people around him, he never gives attention to anyone, and when his father or mother visits him, he only talks at least twenty words a day. Haru is like a living dead being controlled by the seniors in their family.

After seven years of staying in Canada, Haru came back to Japan to meet his new born sister, Yamamoto Takashi. Her mother is Amano Riko. Riko got married to Yamamoto because of business, but after she gave birth to her daughter, they got divorced and leave Takashi to her father. Takashi looks like a tiny Angel that after Haru saw her, he swear to protect the baby while he held her into his arms. Because of Yamamoto's busy schedule, Haru became the mother and father of his younger sister as he decided to live with his father to look after Takashi. The two half siblings grow up being close to each other. They always protect each other and would do everything just to make the other happy. Despite of Takashi's brat attitude, Haru always has a long patience for her. Same with Takashi, despite of his brother's cold attitude, she never felt ignored. The two maybe opposite, but they are each others half of lifeline...

Yamamoto Botan just smiled as he reminisce the memories of his son and daughter. He never thought that those two will be a blessing to him and although they grow up in a different environment. He knows that someday, his son and daughter will take his place and continue the business of their family

While sipping his tea and enjoying the view of his garden with fountain, one of his men suddenly approached him and handed his phone. Yamamoto answered the call, his aura changed

"Make sure you'll get him" his cold voice that sounds like Haru, echoed in the place. His princess requests should be granted. Disappoint the Princess and everyone will taste the wrath of the Dragon knight...

Picking up the plastic bottles, sweeping the leaves, and segregating the garbages. For today's video, the great secret agent, Shizi Hanlon is a sanitation worker. Who would thought that after accomplishing his two mission, he will be assigned to clean in a public places, under the heat and bright light of the sun.

He was appointed to clean the streets, as to help the sanitation workers with their job since he doesn't have anything to do inside the station. As a human being, it is everyone's responsible to take care of the world where they are living. No matter what is your status in life, your job, or even though you're the president, maintaining cleanliness should be done by Everyone. Dion Lee, one of the chief Inspector of a police station at Shanghai City, believes in those saying. For him, it doesn't matter how much money do you have or how poor someone is, the suffering cause by the people will still effect them. The chief inspector often teach that lesson to Shizi so when he got the approvement to let Hanlon do a sanitation work, the kid didn't complain and just followed his assignment for the day quietly.

While sweeping the trash on the ground, he couldn't stop pouting as it is unfair for him to be the only one assigned with the task. After the operation finding the missing cat yesterday, Hanlon have been trying to obey every words of his senior. He also tried to act like an adult, but it still not twenty-four hours yet since he tried to change, he already felt like giving up.

After Hanlon finished cleaning the portion of the place, he decided to take a break for awhile. He's been sweating nonstop and it makes him feel uncomfortable. As he checked the time from his watch, Hanlon scowled when he found out that it is still 12 noon and has seven hours left before he can be dismissed as a sanitation worker. The temperature for today is too hot to bear that he just took off his uniform living only a white T-shirt on his body. His hair is also wet due to his sweat coming out.

While fanning using his hand, he tried to drink from his water bottle only to find out that it's already empty. In annoyance, he just sit on the bench near him and look at the sky to clear his mind. Some of the sanitation workers noticed his despair and pitied his situation. They are aware that the young man is already exhausted since he's been cleaning the place for three hours straight. Not to mention, it's already lunch break, but the young man haven't eaten anything.

A man in his forties picked up his water bottle and approached Hanlon. He handed the water bottle to the young man and sit next to him. Hanlon was confused for awhile before he accepted the offer from his companion. With a warmth smile plastered on his face, he drank the water nonstop until he emptied the bottle. When he realized that he drank all of the water inside, he looked at the man in forties awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck. The man only laughed at him as he patted the back of the kid

"Don't over do it, young man. Be patient and you'll achieve your goals. It's still not too late. No need to change yourself" the man gave him an advice and then left him to start cleaning again. With the water bottle in his hand, he stared at it for a moment as he process the words he heard awhile ago. He doesn't know what is right to do or if he's still doing the right thing. For the past few months, he's been trying too hard to comeback to the place where he came from. Doing the things that he's not used to do and acting differently from who he really is makes him exhausted. Sevilla always tell him no need to change himself just to please the people around him, but every time he follows that advice, he will be just pulled back from the start making it difficult for him to become an agent officially.

"Sometimes... I wish that the accident before was just a nightmare. How nice is it to have a parents by your side... I never really grew up, huh? I still need a guidance from them" Hanlon whispered while his tears slowly stream down to his face. He heave sigh and wiped the tears on his face, he then lifted up his head and watch the place he was assigned to take care of. The light that the sun gives, makes the place looks so bright. The light helps the humans to see the beautiful world for them to enjoy while living. But why is it hard to live happily? Why life is full of suffering?

When I was a kid, my parents used to tell me that life is like a rollercoaster, it's full of ups and downs. If it so, why I only experienced to be on top--- didn't really reach to the top, more like a middle--- once and the next day, I'm being buried to the lowest part of the world already and never been able to see the light again?

With a sigh, he just shrugged everything inside his mind and started cleaning again. Nothing to complain with the job though, since he will still get paid for doing his work. What frustrates him is that, people relied to sanitation worker so much that they didn't care to throw their garbages to the designated trash bin. People just throw their garbage without proper segregation, or worse, they just threw it anywhere. Jing'an Park is one of the popular park in Shanghai, because the place itself deserve the recognition. People often visit the park when it's sunset to witness the beauty of the place. Not to mention how eyes catching their sculptures are. The place is so mesmerizing that anyone who came will have a chance to chill and relax. It's such a shame that most of the people don't know how to maintain the beauty of the place

While Hanlon was busy segregating the garbages, a sudden shout of someone caught his attention. Hanlon stopped midway of putting the plastic cup to the container and look at the woman who is now crying and pointing to one of the direction. He hurriedly mingled with a lot of people and approached the woman, he tried to calm her down, but the woman keep repeating the same words while pointing at the north

"Someone kidnapped my daughter!" Without hesitation, Hanlon runs to the direction the woman pointing at. He doesn't know where to find the kidnapper or what it looks like. He just keeps running while his eyes is searching for someone who's possibly a kidnapper

He's panting heavily as he keeps turning around to find the culprit, his face is already red, and the sweat that was already dry came out again. Hanlon bend his knees to rest for awhile, while he still looking around the place. When he looked at to his left side, he saw a man in a black jacket, wearing a black cap, holding a crying baby. A lot of people only glanced at him and pay no attention right away. The man looked at him when Hanlon began to approach them. In just a blink, the man runs to his escape while pushing anyone on their way. As if on cue, Hanlon also chase after the man as he shouts to the people to stop the man, but everyone just looked at them confusedly while the others who tried to stop the man got only pushed to the ground. Thanks to the years of training to become a secret agent, Hanlon's physical strength is better than an average man. Not so long of chasing, Hanlon caught the kidnapper by grabbing his right shoulder. He thought that it's already done the moment he set his hand to kidnapper, the man suddenly throw the baby to the air. The witnesses only exclaimed in surprised and worried.

Hanlon released his hand to the kidnapper and hurriedly saved the baby. When Hanlon has his focus to the flying baby, the kidnapper runs immediately, thinking he can escape. Hanlon successfully caught the baby, and when he has her in his arms, the baby cried furiously. He tried to calm the baby down, but the cries only got worse that he himself wants to cry too. Suddenly, someone shouted that the culprit is escaping making Hanlon came back to his senses. Hanlon just casually handed the baby to the girl near him and runs after the culprit. The girl was confused and frowned to why she was given responsibility of taking care about the baby. On the other hand, Hanlon and the man was busy running around trying their best to escape and catch. When the young secret agent got annoyed by all the running and the sweats on his body, he stopped running, took off one of his shoe and threw it to the man, hitting him at the back of his head. Because of the impact, the man stumbled on the ground making Hanlon seized him finally.

Minutes right after Hanlon save the day, police officers arrived at the place and took care of the rest. A lot of people praise Hanlon while the woman keeps thanking him. Hanlon tried to console her, saying that it's not a big deal. Seeing Hanlon being awkward in his situation, Yang stepped in between the two and helped his junior to make the woman leave Hanlon alone

"Ma'am, as part of police force, it is our duty to help those in need. If you don't mind, my junior has still something to do, so please excuse us" Yang politely said as he grabbed Hanlon away from the crowd. The kid only sighed in relief after escaping the bunch of people around him

"Thank you, Yang"

"You did a great job. Just come back with us to the station. You look mess" Yang frowned while checking Hanlon's appearance

"Eh? It's still 2:09 PM, Yang. My dismissed is on 7 PM" Hanlon confusedly stated as he checks the time on his wrist watch. Yang was about to answer him when they suddenly heard a growling stomach. The two looked at each other for awhile before they slowly set their eyes to Hanlon's stomach, they then looked at each other again. Hanlon flushed red in embarrassment and just grinned awkwardly

"You didn't eat lunch again" Yang sighed.

Sevilla usually prepares food for the two of them since Hanlon knows nothing in kitchen. The last time Sevilla let Hanlon in the kitchen, he almost burned the whole place, not to mention how mess Hanlon turned the kitchen. Since Sevilla is working overtime on some mystery cases last night and failed to return in their apartment, Hanlon only eat an instant noodles for breakfast and didn't care for the lunch.

When they arrived at the station, Yang put a lunch box on Hanlon's table. The latter stared only at the lunch box. When he heard someone scowled, he looked at the person in front of him only to find Yang raising an eyebrow to him

"Eat that, kiddo. We don't want to cause a commotion here just because you fainted" Yang scoffed. He didn't bother to wait the kid's reply and just returned to his table

"I experienced worse than being hungry in just how many hours, but I never fainted. I didn't passed the training of a secret agent for nothing" He whispered while pouting. After staring at the lunch box for awhile, he grabbed it and started eating the food nonstop. Well he's a secret agent, not a professional fasting person.

When Yang noticed that Hanlon is eating the food he gave. He smiles secretly and continued doing his work

After Hanlon finished eating, one of the police officer approached him "Sevilla and the chief is waiting for you in the office" he informed before he turned his back to leave. He frowned out of confusion and glanced at Yang who only signaled him to go. Without any questions, Hanlon marched his way to the office

When he reached at the office, he knocked on the door first with his signature beat before he turned the knob to enter. As what the police officer said, both Sevilla and the chief inspector were waiting for him. The two are seriously discussing something when they noticed Hanlon's presence. Sevilla gestured him to come near that the kid followed without any words. He approached the two with a wondering look

"It's a good thing you're here" The chief commented

"Wow! That's new, Chief" Hanlon exclaimed. Sevilla only chuckled at the kid's reaction while Dion Lee sighed "Okay, kidding aside. Why you guys summoned me here?" He asked in an innocent tone while looking the two seniors in front of him

"Yang told us that you know Mr. Sean Sky Gwenu" Sevilla stated gently. The kid looked at him while frowning as he remembered who owns the name his senior mentioned

"Ah yeah! We searched together his missing cat yesterday" Hanlon beamed "Why? Is his cat missing again?" He added in a mocking tone while smirking. Sevilla and the chief looked at each other for awhile before they decided to answer Hanlon

"We received a report. Mr. Gwenu is missing" Sevilla said making Hanlon froze on his seat...

A chair in the middle of the four corners, sit by a blindfolded man. The room has only one light, placed above the man. His head is still spinning after he wake up from being unconscious. When he adjusted from the pain of his head, he noticed how he was being tied on the chair while being blind folded. Even though without seeing anything, he tried to find the source of the noise he's hearing until someone spoke in front of him

"Hello there, Mr. Gwenu" a husky voice greeted him. Sean didn't bother to answer and just waited what the man will do next.

As someone who has a high status and big name, it's not surprising for him to be caught in this kind of situation anymore. It actually happened to him before, and the only reason is because they want money.

"Do you know why you're here, Mr. Gwenu?" the man asked. This time he heard the noise of the heels walking around. Since he can't see anything, he can only rely to his ears

"Just name your price and get all of this done. I'm busy" Sean replied, not being bothered at all. He's used being abducted, and just giving them money solves everything. That's why he never felt any nervous at all, instead he just smirk sarcastically

"Hmm, how about your surname?" the smirk on Sean's lips slowly faded as he's confused of the man's words. He frowned at them and tilted his head trying to understand what he really wants. The man only smiled to Sean's reaction "I want you to marry my daughter" he clarified making Sean choked in his own saliva and laughed afterwards. He even shake his head, thinking the man must be stupid

"I'm sorry, sir but I already have a fiancee" he answered while still laughing "An even though I don't have, I still won't marry your daughter" he added, trying to make the other pissed. You can say that this guy is not afraid of death and even invited him to his life

Yamamoto Botan gritted his teeth, trying to suppress his anger. He wants to hurt the person in front of him for daring to insult his daughter, when Every man in this world wants a piece of her. Yamamoto heave a sighed and nodded repeatedly, he then looked at Sean again. Sean is aware that there are other people around them, as long as he can use his ears, he has a chance of fighting back with them. Right now, it occurs to Sean that these people are not easy to deal with, not to mention that the man's voice sounds familiar

As someone who's a son of a mafia, he was trained at the young age in physical combat and using his five senses in another level--- more like having a sixth sense. He didn't have a lot of bruises and enduring too much pain for nothing. Giving up his childhood just to prepare himself of succeeding his parents businesses, both legal and illegal

After a minutes of silence, Sean heard the door being opened and a footsteps approaching them. He turned his head to the source of the knocking heels, waiting and preparing for what might happen

"Sean!!!" a familiar voice of a girl suddenly exclaimed and not so long he felt someone hugging him. After smelling the scent of the girl, Sean recognized her

"Takashi?" he called while frowning. The girl gasp and released her embrace to Sean. She even dramatically covered her mouth and looked at to his father and brother with a fake tears.

"O my... Sean you recognized me even though you're blindfolded" she giggled while her eyes are sparkling.

"Let me get this straight to the point, Takashi. I won't marry you" he stated while emphasizing the last sentence.

The men of Yamamoto dropped their Jaw hearing the latter's words. They already expected that the young Gwenu wouldn't agree to marry Takasi. But they didn't know that this guy has the gut to utter those words in a straight face and without stuttering. One of the men widened his eyes and trying to tell Sean telepathically that he should be careful with his words. But of course, there's no way telepathy really works

Takashi's cheerful face slowly turned into emotionless while staring to the man who caught her heart. Her tears started to stream down to her face, her face is turning red due to forcing herself to suppress the pain she's currently feeling.

In takashi's whole life, no one dared to reject her. Everyone wants and worship her like a goddess. Of course, who wouldn't want someone like her, perfect physical appearance, smart, and has a good family background. A lot of boys are lining up for her. She never been desperate to anything too, except to Sean.

She was seven years old when she met Sean for the first time. Her father was having a meeting with other mafia bosses from other countries. Sean's father is the boss of Chinese Mafia and since he's currently training his son to become the next boss, he brought Sean with him. Takashi that time tag along with her father because Haru was busy at school and Haru doesn't want anyone to look after his sister except him and their parents. When they saw Sean, Mr. Yamamoto requested Mr. Gwenu to let Sean play with her daughter so that their children won't be lonely. Luckily, the latter agreed and just let his son do what he wants. Takashi was so enchanted to Sean's appearance that she couldn't take off her eyes from the boy. Sean has a blank face, but when he smiled, you could feel the warmth in it. His smile is so sweet that anyone who can see will have a bright day. Since then, Takashi became attached to Sean. They also became friends and often play together. Takashi introduced Sean to Haru and told him how she really likes the boy. Sean just ignored the admiration of the girl and thinks that it is just an infatuation and will fade away through the time

After the one week of mafias meeting--- which usually happened once in a three years--- the Gwenu's returned to China. Since then, Takashi never heard anything about Sean because his father forbids anything that will distract his son's training. Even though she doesn't have any contact to Sean for how many years, her feelings is still there, it even got stronger (obsess in other words).

Seeing his sister's pathetic situation, Haru clenched his fist and was about to punch Sean. Takashi stopped him and shakes his head, indicating not to hurt the person she loves. Haru just sighed in annoyance and closed his eyes to calm himself, he then caressed the face of his sister

The men of Yamamoto's household held there breath, watching how intense the situation is. They honestly want to leave the room, but it would just make their life in danger if they'll make a noise

"And why is that so, Mr. Gwenu?" Haru asked in a cold voice--- as always--- and turned to the man afterwards. He slowly approached Sean and grabbed his jaw harshly. Haru stared the man's face intensely as if he can see his soul. In his mind, he's preparing to make Sean bleed in a most painful way he could, if ever he doesn't like the latter's answer

"I'm sure you're already aware, Haru. I'm engaged" he answered flatly. He's not afraid of the torture he'll get, he's been there already. Torture is part of his every day life as he grow up "And I don't like her" he added

Haru tightens his grip on Sean's jaw, but Takashi pushed him and shielded Sean.

"What do you think you're doing, Haru" She asked raising an eyebrow. Showing her scary demeanor, their men and even their father shivered, witnessing the other side of Takashi. The girl barely shows her serious self and always act like a childish brat, that's why whenever she changed, everyone would not dare to provoke her. She's the craziest member of Yamamoto's household

Haru calmed himself and sighed. He loves his younger sister so much that he always makes his pride down when he's against with Takashi. Haru smiled gently and approached his sister. He patted her on the head before he planted a kiss on Takashi's forehead

"If he doesn't marry you, then make him the father of your child" Haru said and looked at one of the men as a signaled to do his task. Takashi smiled hearing his brother's suggestions, she even jump in excitement and hugged her brother, while their father just rubbed his forehead. Haru really knows hot to get on his sister's good side

Hearing those words, Sean froze on his seat. He didn't expect that they would come this way just to achieve their goals. Sean tried to free himself from being tied, but it's no use. He began to fight back as much as he could when a man injected something to him. In just a seconds, he began panting and feeling hot. He feels so uncomfortable that he wants to break free and stripped his clothes

Haru and Mr. Yamamoto only watch the scene with no emotion. When their princess look at them with a smile, they only nod at her and left the room, giving the two a privacy. If you thought that they did all of this because it is their beloved princess's request--- well sort of--- but the main thing why they agreed to this is because of Business. Having Takashi married to Sean will make the two mafias also tied together. With the Chinese mafia as their backup, the Japanese mafia will become even stronger.

After the people left them in the room, Takashi look at her beloved Sean for awhile. She then began to take off her clothes and started kissing Sean, while unbuckling the latter's belt. Sean groaned in both pleasure and disagreement. He wants it to stop but at the same time he wants it to continue. Because of the drug injected to him, his mind is already clouded. He even became more desperate in freeing his hands so that he can touch the girl, but even though he's drowning in the lust, the image of his fiancee keeps showing in his mind, making him stay sane and tried to stop himself

Takashi was touching Sean chest after he took off the tie on his polo and unbuttoned it, leaving the man's body in display. Nothing in the girl's mind except having Sean as hers for the rest of their life. While they are busy making out, a sudden burst of the door was heard. Takashi stopped and look at them in wide eyes. The newly arrived men pointed their guns at her as they ordered to put her hands on the air. Without any words, Takashi raised her hands and let the police handcuffed her. She knows it won't end this easy. After the police covered her body, they then dragged the girl out of the room, while a young man hurriedly untie Sean's hands. After the police took off his blindfold, even though he couldn't think straight, he didn't fail to recognized his savior

Shizi Hanlon