Chapter 3: Conflicts

A room made of steel, has a big screen in front, and a table and chairs in the middle. Just by looking in it from the door will make it hard for you to continue entering the room. It feels like once you enter, you'll never find peace again.

A woman wearing white polo, pencil skirt, and eyeglasses, entered the room. She checked everything inside the room and made sure that the meeting will go smoothly. After doing her job, the girl sighed and nodded before she left the room.

Anna Smith is the secretary of the director of the Secret Service. The room she entered awhile ago is the meeting place of agents, where they only used for critical situation. It is located underground of an undiscovered continent. There is nothing but total blackness all around, and neither the moon nor the sun are shining. The only light in the vicinity comes from a volcano's crater. No trees, grass, and animals around the area, the only living things in the place are crows, and even the sea looks dead. For over a decade now they've been using the place as their main base. For some reasons none of the agents have died every time they visit in there. Even though the area is full of disasters and dangers, they still came out the place safe and sound. The danger lurking around the undiscovered continent is a big help to the agents to keep the place secret from the whole world.

Charlie Adamson, 47 years old, is the Director of the Secret Service for fifteen years now. He was belong to a Mafia family, which his dad is the mafia boss of the North America. Before the mafia bosses were divided into 195 (countries) there are originally consisted seven (continents) mafia bosses around the world. Charlie Adamson doesn't have a peaceful environment as he grow up. Aside from the torture training, he also suffered trauma because of the war everyday. He witnessed how his mother was always worried every night waiting for his father to comeback from his mission. There are no time that they wouldn't asked the question "Will my father/husband can still come home alive?" Because of this experiences, Charlie promised to himself that he will never followed the steps of his father, that's why after his father died, the title for the next mafia boss of North America was given to his father's right hand.

After how many years of struggle, Charlie became a successful man. But despite of his strong will not to follow his father's footsteps, he still became involved of the world's conflict. Everyone does though, some are indirect while the rest are the cause of world's problems. Charlie and his best friend were the people who discovered the hidden continent. After some observation and research, the two agreed in using the place as their hideout. Charlie's friend is also the one who helped him to establish the Secret Agent force. But not so long after they succeed with their plans, Charlie's friend died in an accident

The agency that Charlie established is not just a normal secret agent service. Their agency is the spy of every country, finding out the plan of the other places, the movements of mafias and other big people, secrets of countries, and many more. They are also working with other agencies to have contacts or connections, for safety measures, they spread their men to the whole world. Every inch of the place has a spy, whether it's a hotel, cemetery, police station, or the president's place. All members of this agency required a tough body, smart brain, and most importantly, a well trusted person. Charlie established this kind of business to protect, keep the peace of the world and at the same time, earned. Because of this organization, the world have been--- not totally, but at least minimize the conflicts--- peace for 12 years. Charlie's warring life lead him to his current state. He maybe doesn't have a family, but he's happy protecting and helping the people around the world, and working with his big organization that he already considered as his family is enough for him.

After 30 minutes of preparing the meeting place, the chiefs of secret agents started to gather and read the contents inside of the folders. Anna then distributed coffee to the chiefs and assisted them whatever their request is. When the chiefs are already completed, Charlie Adamson entered the room and walk his way to his chair. The whole place stayed quiet as they waited for the director of Secret Service to speak. Base on everyone's current expressions, you can tell that this meeting is not a good news but can't be also considered as bad news

"Thank you for coming here everyone, I appreciate your hard work. I assume that y'all already have an idea what we're going to talk about so, let's get this straight to the point" the director of the Secret Service started. He looked at to everyone for awhile as the whole room remained silent.

These people have been working with him for how many years. They were together through ups and downs. Every problems they encountered, they always find a way to solve all of it and everyone trusted his decisions. Right now, all he wants is it will be the same as before, brothers without any traitors

Charlie sighed first and continue to speak "So, as what it is already stated inside the folder, a report from one of the agents was send to me. It's been actually almost 3 months since this thing reported to me, but we didn't pay attention to it at first because I thought it would be nothing. I hope you'll forgive me for my ignorance" Charlie paused for awhile and stand up to bow to everyone as a sign of asking for forgiveness. A various reaction is being heard inside the room after they witnessed the Director's behavior

"Come on, Charlie. It's not that a big deal. We've been in a worse than this so, don't worry, we are cool" one of the chiefs smiled. The director looked at him for a seconds before he nodded and get back to his seat.

The meeting went smoothly for 4 hours and call it a day. Everyone agreed on the plan they come up and are doing the best they can to perform the assign tasks they have been given. After Charlie and his secretary was left inside the room, he sighed and massage his forehead. Anna approached him and handed a cup of tea, she then pressed a button on the remote, making the whole room soundproof. The secretary sit near her boss

"What now, Mr. Charlie?" she asked in a straight face. The director look at her with a worried face. The mask that he was wearing in the meeting awhile has been taken off

"I don't know. I'm still hoping it's not true, Anna" he answered. His eyes began to watered as Anna sighed in frustration. She's been working with his boss since she was a teenager. For how many years they've been together, Anna can already see through her boss. The successful and director of one of the biggest organization around the world is also a man who's suffering, trying not to Break down or showing any weakness since he is the source and foundation of the agency.

Charlie maybe smiling and proudly speaking in front of everyone awhile ago, but deep inside he wants to confront his people. He wants to show the other side of him that only his parents and Anna saw.

"You can cry because you're a human, capable of feeling emotions. But never forget that you're a human, forget the emotions instead. You maybe see them as your brothers, but traitors are traitors, even the God punish those sinners. Never let your emotions be the cause of the world, and your downfall, Charlie" Anna stated before she left the man alone.

Three months ago, Charlie received a report from one of the agents that there's a traitor in there organization, but the man ignored the report. He doesn't believe that someone would betray them, there's no way his brothers would betray him because they are family and are working for the world's peace. Why would someone who's part of righteous wants to mess up the world... But then, Judas once betrayed Jesus, for his own sake

In three months, Charlie keeps receiving report regarding the traitors. He always ignored them, but as the day passed by, he noticed a lot of changes. He noticed how some of their operation and plans are unsuccessful, and how their target seems to predict their moves when their existence is not even known to the world. Anna keeps on telling him that it's time to pay attention to the report and investigate it. They don't have any idea whoever the traitor inside their organization, but since then, Charlie became cautious. The meeting earlier was only about the outer part of the problem and didn't mention the core. Charlie actually wants to tell about the chiefs regarding the possible traitor, but Anna disagree the idea, saying that one of the chiefs might be the traitor.

A war of four countries, Mafias conflicts, and a leader who's a traitor of his own country, those are the contents of the folders. Aside from not knowing who's the traitor, he also doesn't have any idea why would someone betray them. With the current situation of the countries and big people, Charlie wants them to resolve these problems first as they slowly unravel the secrets of their organization. He maybe the director of the Secret Service but that doesn't mean he can overlook everything, with how big the agency is, he needs people to do some of the sightseeing for him and that's what make it worse. He doesn't want to entertain the idea but, there's a possibilities that his organization is already part of the mafia...

His whole face is flushed with red, sweating all over, and breathing frantically. That's what Hanlon greeted when he saw Sean's situation. The man can barely keep his eyes open and can't even stand on his own. Hanlon patted his cheek gently and tried to talk to him but the latter won't give any response and would only look at him. After their team finished searching the whole room, Hanlon decided to carry Sean on his back. Even though the other is taller than him, he still did manage to lift Sean and started to march through the exit. It's a good thing that Sean's weight is not that heavy making it for him to do his job easier

The whole team started to get out from the room and walk their way out of the building, but an unexpected event happened. A smoke bomb suddenly greeted them making the police blinded by white smokes. Hanlon, Sevilla, and Yang who are walking together, hold each other as they guard Hanlon who's carrying the victim. The three of them started coughing because of the smoke, not so long, a loud gunshots was heard around the building. Since they can't see anything, a lot of there companions died, some of them got injured.

"This won't do, Hanlon needs to get out of this building as soon as possible" Yang said while making sure that their place is clear. Sevilla agreed and called some police near them. The loud gunshots continued to echo inside the building, the whole place have already stained with blood

"Y'all cover Hanlon, we need to send them out already" Sevilla demanded, the polices nodded and gather around the youngest in the group.

Luckily, the smoke slowly faded making them can see through the place. The group fastened their pace while shooting the approaching enemies. Hanlon held Sean tighter and was determined to save the man.

When they have reached the third floor, a loud explosion of grenade surprised them. Yang and other police officers got injured, while the others caught in a shooting war. Sevilla dragged Hanlon away from the conflicts, he led them to the staircase, but a lot of men in black block their way.

Without hesitation, Sevilla shoot everyone who go against their way. While fighting back, the detective got hit by bullet in his right shoulder. The two run to one of the corner and hide themselves. They already know that they're dealing with not easy people, but they didn't expect it would be this difficult.

Last night while working on some cases, Sevilla received a call from his friend that his boss is missing. As one of the best detective in Shanghai, Sevilla is being trusted with a lot of cases and whenever his friends has a problem, they would call him immediately since the man wouldn't a have second thoughts to help. His friend give him the details and said that they're also working of finding the whereabouts of their boss, in other words, they're just a second option and a back up. Sevilla's friend told him that they would be dealing a person with high status in life, but he didn't inform him that this person is the boss of Chinese mafia, Sevilla doesn't have any idea that his friend is also working for a mafia and that they're going to save the heir of the Chinese mafia boss. And until now, they don't have any idea what kind of people they are dealing with

Hanlon looked at his senior in worried. He gulped down after he saw how much blood Sevilla is losing. While examining his senior situation, the person on Hanlon's back suddenly groaned. Sevilla glanced to both of them and said "You need to escape, Hanlon. Mr. Gwenu's situation is not good"

"You guys will be fine, right?" Hanlon asked. His eyes keeps on turning to his senior's wound. The latter only nodded in response while he's covering his wound using his hand. Hanlon put Sean down first, he then pull out his handkerchief inside his pocket and tie it to Sevilla's wound. Hanlon stared his senior first before he carried Sean on his back again. After he glanced again to Sevilla, Hanlon started to walk away

In this kind of situation, Hanlon's first priority right now should be Sean. One of the rules he's been carrying is, no matter how important your colleagues to you, whenever you're in an operation, you should trust them and take a step forward in order to carry out the mission, even though that means leaving them behind.

After Hanlon got out the corner, he used his right to support Sean on his back, while his left hand is busy shooting the enemies. When he reached the second floor, there are even more men in black. The whole floor are full of the abductor's people, all of them are pointing their guns to him. While standing in front of everyone, he can feel the temperature of Sean is becoming hotter as the time passed by, he's been also groaning and restless. Hanlon roamed his eyes to the area, trying to figure out what he should do. Slowly, the kid sneaked out the smoke bomb inside his sleeve and in just a snap, the whole place is covered with white smoke

Hanlon hurriedly runs to the near window, since the staircase was being guarded by a bunch of ugly creatures. Hanlon hugged Sean and without any hesitation, he jumped off the window and pulled out something from his clothes, suddenly he's wearing a foam. Hanlon tightens his hug to Sean and protected him from the impact of falling down to the ground. After he saw there are a lot of enemies approaching them, Hanlon wasted no time and immediately runs with Sean on his back.

Naturally, since he can runs faster than those average people, he did escaped from their sight. After making sure that the area is clear, he decided to put Sean down first so that they could take a rest. They're currently sitting on the bench of the street, it's convenient for them to hide since there are a lot of people and they can just blend in.

Hanlon slapped the older one gently, hoping the other will come back to his senses "Rich boy... Hey! Can you hear me? Rich boy" Sean looked at him full of lust, he is even redder than before "Hey! I'm going to call an escort for you, okay?"

"No... Don't do that" Sean tried his best to respond. Hanlon frowned at him in confusion and was about to ask when suddenly, Sean tried to take off his upper clothes. The kid immediately stopped him and seize his hands

"The h*ck?! I don't understand why you don't want me to call an escort for you, but you don't need to strip naked, you know?" Hanlon shout whispered. The latter pouted on him, and tried to free from his grip. Watching Sean's current situation made Hanlon face palm and fake a cry

"Why am I so unlucky" He complained as he looked up to the sky. When Sean made a move again, Hanlon returned his gaze to the man and asked in a tired voice "Why you don't want me to call someone that can take you home?" he was yawning while waiting for the other's answer. It's already near midnight. After they planned for the operation and ate their dinner, Hanlon didn't have a time to take a rest since he used the break time to make a report. He maybe got into a hellish training, but that doesn't mean he's not capable of feeling tired

"There's no way I'll show myself like this to the others" Sean still manage to scowled despite of not feeling well. Hanlon couldn't believe what he heard and just nodded his head in disbelief 

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Take me to a hotel, I need to fix myself first" Hanlon yawned and nodded again as he let go the hands of Sean. With sleepy face, he stood up from his seat and called a taxi for the both of them. After he got on, Hanlon assisted the latter to enter the car, they then headed to their destination. On their way to a hotel, Hanlon couldn't stop worrying about his companions. He badly wanna go back to help them but he can't just leave Sean alone 

'Why am I stuck with this man again?'

Inside the car, the driver keeps on glancing his two passengers using the mirror. Because of the appearance of the two, the driver couldn't help but Stiffened on his seat as he drives to the place that the younger told him. Silently, he keeps on praying that nothing bad will happen to him as he keeps gulping down.

Meanwhile, at the back, Hanlon just keep yawning while Sean is busy fanning himself. He also requested to the driver to put the air-con in maximum level as he tried to take off his clothes again, but Hanlon grabbed his hand and interlocks it with his own

After they've arrived, Hanlon paid the driver since the person he's with is not in his right mind to pay. After receiving the money, the driver just breathed a sigh of relief, thanking the God that he got away from the two safely.

With an annoyed face, Hanlon dragged Sean to the counter and made a request for a one room. With the appearance of Sean, the receptionist give them an awkward smile as she process the request of the customer. After she gave them the room key, she said "Enjoy and have a pleasure night, sir" making Hanlon cringe. The girl must be thinking of something because of how his accompany looks like. He can't blame her though

Hanlon opened the door using the key, and entered while helping Sean. The two were having a hard time to walk, and by the time they have reached the bed, they fell down together. The kid groaned and was about to get up, but to his surprised, Sean is already on top of him

"Come on... I've done what you requested, now fix yourself so that I can return you to your family" he whined while trying to get rid of Sean on top of him, but the latter tightens his hug as he tried to kiss the neck of the younger boy. Because of the shock, Hanlon pushed the man harder than expected, making the latter fell down on the floor

"That hurts!" Sean shouted while rubbing his back. The kid get up on the bed and scowled at the older

"You suddenly kissed my neck, what do you expect me to do, embrace you?" he asked sarcastically. Hanlon approached the frowning man on the floor and helped him to get up. After the kid heave a sigh, he carried Sean on his back again and headed to the Bathroom. Hanlon gently put the older man on the bathtub, and without any warning, the kid bathed the man with a very cold water, making the other shivered.

"Sh*t! D*mn! F*ck it!!!" Sean exclaimed while trying to cover himself from the water "Stop it, you f*cker!" Sean never thought that in his whole life, he can cuss like this. He grabbed the shower from Hanlon's hand and turned in off. While panting, Sean looked at himself inside the bathtub and glared at the culprit

"I guess you've comeback to your senses" Hanlon giggled. As he turned around to leave the man behind. The latter suddenly encircled his right arm to the kid's neck and strangled him. The young agent tried to free himself, but the son of the mafia boss refused to let go and even tighten his arm 

Hanlon is panting heavily due to lack of oxygen, he keeps on hurting the man behind him to escape, but it didn't work. With a full determination in his eyes, Hanlon jumped to his fullest strength and made sure that he'll land on his back. Sean grunted in pain while the other is panting besides him. The two maybe survived awhile ago, but it seems they'll be each others death...

Expulsion, loud gunshots, and blood everywhere, that's the current situation of the place. The police force is slowly losing as the enemies seem to undiminished. What makes it worse is that, they couldn't call for a backup because of the signal in the area. They've got a lot of injured people while the rest are already dead. After Hanlon left, Sevilla tries to escape to call for a help, but suddenly, he was cornered with another group of people. This time the girl they captured awhile ago is with them, together with an old man in his expensive suits, and a boy who has a pale skin with an expressionless face. The girl approached him and grabbed his hair harshly, forcing him to looked at her.

"Where's my husband" the girl asked in a threatening voice. While examining the face of the girl, Sevilla noticed how this beautiful lady in front of him looks like a crazy person. Her eyes is bigger than the original size while her face remained expressionless. If the old man has a dominating aura, and the boy makes you shiver in coldness, the girl in front of his has a crazy attitude. Base on their physical appearance and their demeanor, these people aren't just a normal rich citizens in this world.

Sevilla choose to stay silent making the lady got angrier. Takashi let go of the man's hair and trampled on his face. The detective cough blood while trying to suppress the moan due to the pain of his injuries, but later on, he yelled in pain after the girl kicked his guts. Who would thought that this slim girl has a lot of strength.

While Sevilla was being beaten, another group of men arrived. They are dragging an injured and dead police officers, some of them are trying to fight back whereas the others just stayed still as they are too exhausted to move. When the newly arrived got close to the scene, Yang widened his eyes after he saw Sevilla's situation. His face is covered with blood and has a lot of bruises that he almost didn't recognize him.

Yang and Sevilla have been friends for more than a decade already, they have known each other since they were kids, and once a partner, before Hanlon arrived and became part of the department. The police officer and the detective used to live at the same neighborhood, grew up together, dream together, and did the best they can to achieve their goals together. They have each others' side while going through hardships, even though Yang's attitude is cold towards Sevilla, the police officer still cared for him

Since Yang have been fighting for an hour now, not to mention he got injured because of the sudden expulsion of a bomb, and even got shot on his left leg, Yang used all of his remaining strength to free himself from the grip of the enemy and runs to Sevilla's side. After he push the girl away, Yang carried Sevilla on his arm and called his name, he was thankful enough that the detective is still breathing, but the appearance of his friend makes his blood boils in anger that he recklessly shoot the people in front of him

After seeing their senior fighting with the enemies on his own, the other police officers grabbed their guns and joined the fight. They position themselves in front of the two and sacrifice themselves to protect the people behind them. Yang widened his eyes seeing how his comrades slowly falling down on the cold floor, bathing with their own blood and lifeless. He didn't notice that while watching the situation, his tears was already falling down through his cheeks. He's losing hope. After accepting the report and planned for the mission, they never thought that it will be like this. They didn't expect that they'll become an ammunition.

Yang closed his eyes while his tears keeps flowing, waiting for his death, accepting their defeat and fate. Not so long after the police officer closed his eyes, he suddenly heard another group of people approaching, and another conflicts begin. While the others are fighting with the enemies, the rest surrounded them and act as their barrier to protect them. The newly arrived group are not wearing police uniform nor he's familiar to their faces. Yang saw how the three people, who seems their leader, flew from the scene.

Loud gunshots, cried, groaned, and pool of blood, that's how chaotic the situation is. Because of tiredness Yang just stayed in his position while the unconscious detective is still on his arm. Yang roamed his eyes to the remaining police officers around him and he's grateful enough, these people are still with them. After waiting for minutes, the conflict between the two parties is finally done. Outside the building can be heard a serene from both police car and ambulance. The rescuers approached them and gave them a first aid kit before they were brought inside the ambulance. After he was laid on the stretcher, Yang let himself fall asleep, thinking and hoping for the safety of Hanlon and the Victim