Chapter 4: Secret Agent indeed

It was already 7 AM in the morning when the two got ready to check out. Even though they've been quarreling since they entered the room awhile ago, the two didn't stop on bickering until they woke up and reach the front desk. They were even hitting each other while on their way, making the people around them gave them a weird reaction. The receptionist greeted the two to get their attention, but after the other one glance at her, he returned his gaze to his companion and started to hit each other again

"You're the most terrible person I've ever met" the taller one scowled while slightly pushing the shorter one. The other one didn't accept defeat and hit the person, who's taller than him, on the shoulder

"You're not even better than me! You must be thankful I helped you" he retorted while pointing the man who has been gritting his teeth

"Isn't it your duty to take care of me? But you did the opposite instead!!!" this time, the taller man made his voice louder than it should be. The people around them started to murmured, while the two didn't even noticed their surroundings

"Wow! I didn't do anything that's worse than what you've done. At least I didn't climb on top of you and kiss your neck!!!"

"It wasn't on purpose! I was drugged, my mind is clouded that time and I couldn't control my l*st unintentionally!! Stop acting like I raped you!"

"Then stop acting like I abused you!!!"

As the two keeps on fighting, their voices became louder and louder until they're already yelling to each other. The receptionist who greeted them awhile ago, doesn't know how to stop the two person who have been arguing for awhile now. The couple became the center of attention as the people around them stopped their business just to watch the scene. The colleagues of the girl keeps on signaling her to make the two stop their fights since they're creating a commotion, not to mention, they're arguing a weird topic

"Okay! Okay! That's enough gentlemen. Everyone, please mind your own business, there's nothing to see here anymore" a newly arrived person clapped his hands loudly and stopped the two arguing people. He then shooed away the audience as he give a death glare to the receptionist.

After making the people leave, he then approached the two who's already looking at him with a frown. The man smiled at them and put both of his arms on the shoulders of their guests "Now boys, what are your problems to create such scene early in the morning?" he asked with an intimidated voice. The two only deadpanned as a response and took off the hand on their shoulders at the same time. Sean came near to the front desk and made their check out. They then leave the hotel like nothing happened, completely ignoring the other person who dropped his jaw in shock.

"Is 30, 000 yuan enough?" Sean asked as soon as they got out the hotel. Hanlon was taken aback by the sudden words of the man and didn't understand what he meant

"What?" he asked in confusion but Sean took it the wrong way

"What about 40, 000? 50? 100? Just name your price so that I can transfer it to you already" he unintentionally bragged while doing something on his phone. Hanlon stopped walking and looked at Sean with an expressionless face. When the other noticed that Hanlon is not walking with him, he turned his back to see Hanlon's unreadable expression

"What?" Sean asked

"I'll send you to your family now" he said instead of answering Sean's question. Hanlon started to walk away, leaving the other behind but Sean grabbed his wrist making him turned back to the man

"Hey! What's wrong? Did I offend you? Is it because what I did last night? I'm sorry, okay? I really didn't mean to kiss your neck that time" out of guilt, Sean didn't notice that he's been squeezing Hanlon's shoulder.

Hanlon stared the man's pouting mouth and puppy eyes, while frowning. The boy couldn't help but notice Sean's ethereal beauty that he failed to notice before. Who would thought that a man can be more beautiful than a girl? A well defined 3D face, pure white and flawless skin, sparkling almond eyes, pointed nose, a beautiful mole under his pinkish lips that everyone would notice, and his bunny teeth that he started to love since the day he saw it. He doesn't know how and why, but for some reason, he's so mesmerized by his beauty.

The kid heave a sigh and choose to close his eyes for a second before he returned his gaze to Sean. With another sigh, he nodded his head and grabbed the man's wrist to let go his shoulder. Sean looked at his hands before he awkwardly pull away and take a step backward. He scratched his nape and tried to avoid eye contact, but in the end, he still returned his gaze to the younger man

"I'm really sorry" he repeated. Hanlon swayed up his eyebrows and smirked

"Are you sincere?" he asked naughtily

"Of course! I can even kneel if you want"

"You said to name my price. Are you willing to give anything I want?" Hanlon made a serious face as he used his challenging voice to Sean. You can't find any hint of bluffing in his actions as he spoke. But in Sean's case, as someone who wants to be forgiven already didn't hesitate to nodded "Then... Buy me a breakfast today" Hanlon grinned. The man was too stunned to reply right away, he even dropped his jaw while blinking a couple of times

"You- you... You want me to buy you a breakfast today?" he clarified while pointing himself. Hanlon only nodded in response making Sean made a weird reaction "Okay. What do you want to eat?" he sighed while thinking that the boy might request something another after they ate breakfast

"Let's go to the convenience store, I wanna eat instant noodles" for the second time, Sean got surprised by the boy's request. He even frowned at him, waiting to hear the words 'just kidding' but Hanlon only stared at him with an innocent face. He didn't expect that Hanlon would only request an instant noodles to him when he's expecting him to go somewhere fancy restaurant.

Without any questions, Sean only nodded with a wry smile as he agreed to Hanlon's request. The two called a taxi and went to the nearest convenience store. They only sat next to each other while minding their own business. The ride maybe not that long but it was the longest silent moment of the two...

"Here's the report of Agent X, sir"

"I received a call from the quarter of North America, they detected an abnormal movement of the mafias in there"

"The system of their site was already hacked"

"Agent Lin sent a report from the head quarter of East Asia"

"Chief Kiano sent their report for this week's mission"

Left and right work, papers there, tapping of keyboards, calls and rings, and various of voices can be heard. In other words, a total chaos everywhere. This is the very first time that workers were working so messily like they didn't undergo trainings. The staffs couldn't even get a hold of the situation, and troubles all over the world is keep rising.

Inside the office of the Director is not even better, although the room looks clean but their head is messier than the situation. Charlie doesn't have any idea why the chaos in the world is getting worse, it seems like they're being sabotage. Aside from getting a report regarding the situations, some of his men are missing too. With the current happenings in the world and their agency, it is clear enough that someone is indeed a traitor in their organization. All of their plans are failed

"What now, Charlie?" Anna asked while her brows are furrowed. The face of the two couldn't be painted anymore as they look so stressed for how many weeks have passed.

"I don't know" he simply answered while looking at the empty space. His secretary heave a sigh of frustration and forced her boss to face her

"Charlie, regained your composure. You can't be like this! The people outside are relying on you! They need you, we need you" she pointed out while shaking the shoulders of her boss. Charlie only looked at her with an empty eyes as he opened his mouth to respond

"Anna, all of our missions are unsuccessful, every plans seems to be leaked out, my men that I sent to the operation are missing. I think this person is trying to sabotage us. We don't have any idea who that person is, so we can't keep our plans from him. As long as this traitor is with us and knows every move we are making then, there's no winning in this game" he explained. Tears are slowly streaming down to his face. Her boss looks so miserable right now. Charlie isn't the type of person who's cold-hearted and arrogant despite of his position. He gets emotional easily and has a lot of weakness, but only Anna knows and witnessed all of it. Knowing that there's a possibility that there's a traitor in his organization has a big impact on him. The people who he treated as his family, betrayed him

The two stayed quiet for an hour. After some time of silence, Anna's whole face lit up after she remembered something. She approached her boss--- who's currently absent minded--- with an ear to ear smile. When Charlie noticed her change, he frowned in confusion

"We need to use a hidden gem" she excitedly blurted out. The director of the Secret Service gave her a 'What the h*ll are you spouting about' look

"Aren't you too obsessed with fantasies and games?" he deadpanned and averted his gaze from the girl. He's not in the mood to talk about nonsense this time

"What I mean is that, we should use someone who's not known in our organization but is already part of our organization and has the skills and capability" she beamed after successfully getting back the attention of her boss. Charlie stared at her with a furrowed brows

"Explain further" he demanded

"Well, Mr. Charlie Adamson the director of the Secret Service---"

"It's not really necessary for you to mention that, right?" he cut his secretary's words with his bored voice. With a threatening look, Anna pointed his finger to Charlie

"I'm talking, Charlie so you have no rights to cut my sentence" she said with a strict tone. With how they treat each other, you can say that these two are very close . It's even hard to tell who's the boss and the secretary

"You may continue, ma'am" Charlie said sarcastically

"Thank you" she replied with a fake smile as she rolled her eyes "So, as what I've said, we should used our hidden gem, hidden Agenda, our Ace, the joker of the cards---"

"Aren't you being too dramatic?".

"I told you not to cut my sentence!!" she yelled making her boss flinched

"You were exaggerating and using a lot of adjectives even though it's not related" he counter attacked while gesturing his hands. Anna heave a sigh as she tried to calm herself. After breathing for a seconds, she then nodded and smiled again

"Let's not waste time. Okay back to topic... So, this is my plan. Since we don't have any idea who's the possible traitor in our organization, we can't avoid that person when it comes to executing our plan" she started. This time the atmosphere changed. They maybe like having fun earlier, but it's their only way to let out the heavy feeling inside their chest. Now that their mind is back in state, they need to work again

"Your point?"

"We should use someone who doesn't have exposure in our organization, someone who's existence in our world is unknown but is not unknown to him. That person will be our spy and will carry out our plan as we pin down the possible rat" It's not clearly stated but Charlie understand what his secretary wants him to do. If they couldn't avoid the traitor then they will become the traitor's blindfold

"Shizi Hanlon" the only name that came into Charlie's mind

"Yes, him. He's the only way for us to move forward"

"He's too young, Anna. We are giving him such a heavy burden! I can't do that" Charlie argued in disagreement. His voice is full of concern while saying those words

"Charlie, in this situation you can't let your emotions or sentiments to be prioritize. I know Shizi is the only son of your deceased friend, but we are talking about people's lives in here" Anna pointed out. Her eyes were like a wolf, never leaving the sight of its prey. She wants to make her boss understand that in this world, there should be a lost to gain

Rheyn Hanlon is Charlie's friend who died in an accident after the two succeeded in establishing their organization. Before Rheyn died, the latter used to joke that if ever something bad happens to them, he wants Charlie to take care of his son, Shizi. Charlie was furious after hearing his friend's joke but didn't expect that his jokes will eventually came true

After the burial of the Hanlon couple, Charlie didn't bother to get the custody of Shizi as the boy's guardian. He actually met Shizi before as the godfather, but the boy was still a year older that time. He wanted to test how strong his godson, hence he decided to only watched and helped him in the dark. Charlie doesn't have any plan on involving his godson in their world, he wanted the kid to have a normal and happy life, but fate loves to play.

"I can't let anything bad happen to him, Anna. That kid is already like my own son! I purposely sent him to one of my friends so that he'll be away from our chaotic world!! And now you're telling me to bring him back to make him as our frontliner? No!" Charlie snapped as he stand from his seat and was about to leave his office.

"He's already part of this chaotic world, Charlie!" Anna said in furious voice. The director of the Secret Service halted from his pace "Everyone is part of this chaotic world because we are all living together is this d*mn reality! We don't know what these d*vils are planning to do, but if you'll prioritize that so called emotion of yours, who knows a worse would come and it'll directly affects your godson" it's not intentional but if threatening is the only way to make her boss agree with her plan, then she hopes that Charlie would forgive her...

Sean have been staring weirdly at Hanlon for awhile now. The boy didn't pay attention to him as he's too busy eating his Instant noodles, savoring every taste of it. Ever since they arrived at the convenience store, Hanlon went straight to the shelf of instant noodles and grabbed two pieces of it. He even handed one to Sean but the latter refused the offer

It's been thirty minutes since Sean have been watching the young man eating. And for the past thirty minutes, he wonders how this boy can eat a lot but still have a thin body. Sean was too immersed in staring the boy that he didn't notice that his phone has been ringing for nth times now.

After Hanlon finished eating his instant noodles, he happily rubbed his stomach before he turned his gaze to his audience. With a grin he teased the man

"Enjoying the scene?" Sean froze on his seat for a second before he regained his composure. He cleared his throat as he stand up to fix his coat. Sean tried his best to maintain his elegant posture while looking at Hanlon with unfocused eyes

"You're done" he stated that the other replied with a nod "What now?" he asked. Hanlon didn't get what the man is talking about so, he raised both of his eyebrows and examined the person in front of him, from head to toe, back to his face

"What do you mean?" Hanlon queried. Sean only frowned while staring at the young man, neither of the two talk and just stared at each other with a furrowed eyebrows. They only came back to their senses when a lady approached them

"Ammm. If you guys are done, can we use the space now?" the two turned their gaze to the lady. Hanlon hurriedly offered the seat and stand next to his acquaintance. The two watched the three girls get comfortable on the space they had occupied awhile ago. After the girls finally settled, the lady who approached them looked at the two man standing and bow to them as a sign of gratitude. The two bowed back and bid a farewell.

After leaving, they stand up outside the convenience store and roamed their eyes on the street. There are a lot of cars passing by but the two seems spacing out. Hanlon, with his hands on his hips, he looked back to Sean

"What's the plan? I need to report your safety, you know?" Hanlon deadpanned. With a knitted eyebrows, Sean glanced at the young man and sighed

"What do you want to do?" Instead of answering, he asked back. Hanlon got confused. Sean is aware that the person he's with is still on duty and has a responsibility, obviously they should go back to the station right now to inform.

After staring each other for ten seconds, the two giggled

"Who cares! Let's have fun!!!" they both exclaimed at the same time. Hanlon jumped and put his right hand on Sean's shoulder, the two walked with a smile on their face

"Oh! We don't have a car" Hanlon halted after remembering that the person he's with might not used to walking under the heat of the sun. He looked at Sean with an innocent face "Should we call a taxi?" he inquired "But of course, you'll pay for the bill" he added with a grin. Sean laughed at Hanlon's behavior

"Don't you have a car or something? If I'll use mine, we might won't be able to do our plan" Sean pouted and linked their arms together

"I don't have a car. I'm not rich like you" he replied. Hanlon actually planned to buy a motor but his money is not enough yet. If only he's not careless, he wouldn't need to always pay the damages he caused.

While walking on the street, Hanlon talks about how he could have an enough money already to buy his dream motor. But because of circumstances, it delayed. He also talked about how he fall in love with the motors and what are some of his goals that he thinks it's impossible to achieve. Sean listened attentively to the young man and would respond if needed. While listening, Sean thought how this person helped him but never asked something big in return, he even declined the offers. And because of that without any hesitation, he made a decision

"Do you know how to drive a motor?" he asked. Hanlon looked at him with a shocked expression and pretended to be hurt

"You really think I don't know how to ride a motor? I trained myself! I can even participate in motor race" he ranted while wiping his fake tears. Sean rolled his eyes, whispered 'how dramatic' to himself as he dragged the young man and called a taxi

"What motor do you want?" Sean asked after they entered the taxi

"Well, I like MTT 420-R since it's known for being a good streetfighter and I would like to test the speed. They said it's the fastest motorbike. But I would buy Yamaha YZF-R1 because it looks cool and intimidating" he answered after staring Sean for a couple of seconds, even though he's confused with the other's question

"You have a lot of words when it comes to motors, Huh" Sean stated while nodding his head

"Why did you ask anyway, and where are we going?" Sean only shrugged as a response making Hanlon looked at him with a 'you're suspicious' written all over his face. The man shook his head and ignored the kid beside him

When they've arrived to their destination, Hanlon eyes widened. He roamed his eyes around the area and was fascinated by the sight of the motors. He feels like he is in heaven

When Sean called him, he looked at the latter with a sparkling eyes making the man taken aback by his reaction. Hanlon jumped his way to his acquaintance and encircled his hand around the latter's neck

"Mr. rich boy, take a picture of me please" he begged like a puppy. Sean rolled his eyes, witnessing the other being dramatic again

"Choose anything you like and I'll take a pictures of you after" Hanlon suddenly stopped his puppy face and stand straight in front of Sean. He looked at the man with an innocent face and frowned afterwards

"This is Yamaha YZF-R1, Mr. Rich boy. These motors are so expensive" he smirked while gesturing to the things he's in love with

"Just choose okay? I'll pay for it" it's like Hanlon just heard a loud explosion after Sean said those words. He doesn't know what to feel, he's happy but he feels like he shouldn't accept the offer. He's afraid of something

"Nah... Forget it, we should get going" he said and started to walk away but, Sean grabbed his wrist and dragged him in front of the motors

"Choose already, Mr. Secret agent. If you want to buy MTT 420-RR, just tell me and we'll go there right away. Or maybe, you want both? I don't mind" Hanlon heave a sigh and look at Sean straight in the eyes. His face looks innocent but his aura can intimidate anyone

"Why are you doing this Mr. Rich boy?" he asked coldly. Sean was taken aback hearing the voice of the young man. This is the first time he witnessed this side of Hanlon and he got bad feelings with it. After he regained his composure, he approached Hanlon

"I haven't tried riding on a motor before and I want to try it. Since we're having fun and neither of us has a service, I came up with this idea. This is also my thank you gift for all the help you've done for me" he explained and genuinely smiled at the young man. The intimidating aura Hanlon has, slowly faded. With a knitted eyebrows, he pouted his lips and tilted his head

"It's my duty. What's with the thank you gift? I don't need it"

"I told you, we can also use this today to have a chill ride"

"Why give it to me when you can have them after having fun?"

"I don't know how to ride motor, okay? So choose now and accept my gift! Stop being stubborn"

"Are you guys gonna buy?" a man suddenly tried to meddle in their arguments

"Shut up!" they both yelled at the same time to the latter. The man got scared and excuse himself while scratching his head. Poor human being just trying to make a living but got scolded instead.

The two inhaled and exhaled for ten seconds. After calming themselves, they then looked at each other again

"We never have a peaceful whole day together" Sean stated while panting

"We always argue with small matters" Hanlon agreed. The two just chuckled and started to hit each others shoulder. After they stopped playing, Hanlon nodded his head and choose a color (green) of the motor he really likes. After paying, the two apologize to the man they scolded awhile ago. Sean even gave him a tip.

The two left the shop and started to process the motor's papers. It's a good thing that Hanlon has already a License and Sean being incredibly rich and well-known, making the whole process done right away. The two high five after they received everything they need to ride the motor legally. With a smile on their face, they started to roamed. Since it's lunch time, they decided to eat after passing by a fast food restaurant

Hanlon ordered chicken with rice, nuggets, fries, and coke. While Sean ordered chicken with rice, burger, sweet taro pie, and green apple tea. They were chatting and teasing each other while eating, having a great time together. When Hanlon saw Sean drinking his green apple tea, he got curious with the taste and ask if he could taste the drink. Sean handed the drink without any hesitation and grabbed some pieces of fries from Hanlon, the two started to share each others food casually.

"Do you want to buy the MTT 420-RR?" Sean asked after drinking his drink.

"Why? Do you want to use it? I'll accompany you" Hanlon swallowed the food inside his mouth first before answering

"No. It's just that, you mention you want to try the MTT 420-RR so I want to buy it for you too. Besides, I already told you, I don't know how to ride motor"

"I can teach you. But MTT 420-RR is not a good choice for a beginner like you. And no, there's no need for you to buy me another motor. I'm thankful because you bought my dream motor and is willing to buy me another one, but I don't need to change motor everyday, okay?"

Sean declined the offer of learning how to ride a motor and said that he has Hanlon to be his driver. Hanlon make a face as his response. After they finished their lunch, they went to the toilet together to do their things. But instead of washing their hands afterwards, the two started to play the water making themselves get wet. The men inside the CR looked at them weirdly while an old man approached them and scolded them for playing the water. The two check themselves on the mirror only to see that they look like a wet chicks, abandoned on the street. The two just laughed and made their way to buy clothes.

When they entered the mall, Sean and Hanlon just ignored the judging eyes on them. They walk their way confidently, acting as if they're a runway models. Well, with their looks and good body, they might get accepted as runway models.

Sean chooses a branded shop to buy new clothes, but Hanlon dragged him to a fifty percent off sale men wears. Sean disagreed saying that he has money to pay everything. Hanlon argued that sale clothes are better than the branded one. The two end up pulling each other like kids. The people around them just shook their heads and ignored the craziness of the men. Since none of them wanted to give up, they decided to play rock paper scissors. Hanlon being good at this game won and dragged a furious man to a clothing shop with fifty percent off. The young man picked up a clothes for the two of them and asked if they could wear them already after paying. Luckily, the sales lady just let them, seeing how wet they are

Sean checked himself on the mirror and nodded in satisfaction "Not bad" he stated.

Hanlon crossed his arms around his chest and smirked "See? I told you"

Sean gave him a thumbs up while smiling. After they put their wet clothes in paper bag, they left the mall and started their chill ride. Hanlon who wants to ride the motor at the speed limit is considerate enough to run it in neutral. Knowing that this is the man's first time to ride a motor, he wants him to enjoy and relax. When they reached Minpu bridge, Sean yelled in happiness while he opened his arms wide to feel the air. Hearing his acquaintance's yell, Hanlon couldn't help but to smile.

'The path for the two of us seems smooth...'

It was already 6 PM in the afternoon when the two decided to went back at the station. They were laughing while entering only to find that Sean's parents is in the station looking at Hanlon furiously. Their smile slowly faded away. After they nodded at each other, Sean went on to talk to his parents

"Where have you been?! Did that person abducted you?" Sean's mother pointed at Hanlon and was ready to order their men to seize the kid, but Sean stopped them

"He didn't abduct me, okay? He's my friend and he's the one who save me." Sean explained making the men stopped their attempt. His mother glare at Hanlon before she turned her gaze to her son. Checking if has any bruises

"Why he didn't return you to us right away? I heard that you two fled first last night"

"I was drugged, okay? I requested him to bring me at the hotel so that I could fix myself first" He responded. While the family are having their time, Hanlon looked at the police in the front desk who gave him a deadly glare. Hanlon swallowed a large amount of saliva as he looked away

"What took you so long to fix yourself, Sean? Just tell us if that person did something to you" Sean's mother rubbed his shoulders, trying to make her son feel at ease even though it's not necessary

"He bathed me with a cold water to calm me down, but it only made me came back to my senses, still not fully free from the effects of the drug. I just got fine this morning" Again, Hanlon swallowed a large of saliva and heave a sigh of relief after hearing Sean's statement. He's thankful that the man didn't tell his mom that he almost killed him, though to be specific they almost killed each other

"Then why you didn't return right away after you feel better? It's already dark, Sean! You literally got missing after being rescued" his mother whined while rubbing her forehead. Sean's father approached his wife to calm her down. Sean looked at Hanlon with an apologetic face while the young man gave him a reassuring smile and thumbs up

"I'm sorry for not returning right away, mom. Let's go home, I know you guys are tired" Sean said and assisted his parents to exit the station. After Sean's mother glanced at him suspiciously, she walked away together with her husband and their men. Sean bid his farewell to Hanlon and smiled at him. But before Sean could exit the station, a newly arrived group of people approached the young man

"Shizi Hanlon, you're requested to comeback at the Secret Service force"

Sean froze on his track and widened his eyes. He looked back to the young man who's now saluting with the newly arrived group

"He's indeed a secret agent?... It seems that our path is not that smooth"