Chapter 6: First Mission

"Here's your things. Since your existence will be unknown, you don't need to wear your uniform. And remember, no one shall know that you're back as an agent. You were only summoned to train and to evaluate whether we will accept you or not. Clear?" Anna handed a big black bag to Hanlon that contains the things that he will or might needed for his mission. Charlie assigned her to take care and orient Hanlon before sending him abroad, where his first mission will take place. After Anna gave an orientation to the young man, they began to organize his papers, and ticket to prepare for his departure. While being busy from all of the preparations, Anna would always find time to remind Hanlon the rules and regulations of the agency that were specially made for the young man's guidance.

"Crystal clear, ma'am!" Hanlon replied with full of energy. Ever since the director welcomed him to the team, he's been smiling from ear to ear. He didn't even care nor he's worried despite knowing how dangerous and serious the situation is. The thing that only keeps repeating inside his head is he can finally participate in real action together with his team. And by the team, he meant, Charlie, Anna, and him.

"Good. You should trust no one if you want to survive" she reminded him again while pointing the young man. Hanlon salute to her as a pledge that he'll always remember and obey the rules and regulations

"Wait... Not even the polices?" Hanlon slowly puts down his hand and asked in confusion. Anna stopped what she was doing upon hearing the kid's question. Hanlon has been acquainted with the people from the police force. He particularly grow up and created a stronger bond with them than the people in agency. 

Anna turned to Shizi and gave him a smile that didn't even reached her eyes "Listen, Shizi. It might be sounds ridiculous but in this world you can't fully trust anyone, not even us. Never entrust your life, your secret, your plan to anyone and most importantly, your mission. It is the only way for you to progress without letting the enemy knows, and without harming the people you care about" 

'I am speaking from my experience' she didn't dare say the last sentence out loud as she doesn't want to remember her past. The secretary continued what she was doing while Hanlon watched her. 

They are currently inside Anna's condo since they can't let anyone see Hanlon inside the agency. It's a week since Hanlon moved in to Anna's condo. It's been also a week since Hanlon been wanting to visit the police station and the hospital to check on Sevilla and to bid his farewell. Anna and Charlie forbid from going out alone to ensure his safety. They also confiscated his cellphone to make sure he doesn't have any contact from the outside world.

While Hanlon is processing the words and situation, Sean's image suddenly showed in his mind. His eyes widened in surprised and shook his head. The secretary who's watching him got confused and frowned. She tapped Shizi's shoulder making the other stopped and looked at her

"What's wrong?" she asked with a knitted eyebrows. The young man just stared at her and blinked his eyes a few. Hanlon didn't answered the question and started to walk to the door. Without any words, he left. Leaving the secretary in turmoil

After Anna comeback to her senses, she immediately followed the kid. Hanlon was already inside the director's office when she arrives. Charlie switched his gaze to his secretary and to Hanlon

"Anna" he called in a strict voice. The girl straighten her posture and responded with a 'Yes, sir?'

She doesn't know why, but she's feeling nervous

"What did you do to Hanlon? Did you take advantage---" Charlie stopped midway of his sentence, when suddenly, a thick book was thrown at him. In order not to get hit, he hurriedly hide under his table. Hanlon froze on his seat and even hold his breath

"I think, you need some good beating, my dear, boss" Anna looked like a madwoman right now. With a murderous aura, she slowly approaches the table of her boss. While Charlie silently praying to spare his life. When Anna was about to attack the old man, Hanlon immediately stops the secretary. He doesn't know where he got the courage to meddle in. The three run around the corner like a kid. They only stopped after hearing the ring of the telephone inside the office. They looked at each other for awhile before Anna answered the call in a professional voice, like she just didn't attempted to kill her boss earlier.

The two waited for the girl to finish the conversation. When Anna put down the telephone, she turned her gaze to the men, making the two flinched

"Who was that?" Charlie bravely asked his secretary. Anna didn't answer right away and stared at him. This time, her eyes are full of concern

"Charlie... Thirty of our men are dead... And Seventeen are missing" Anna's voice cracked. After hearing his secretary's answer, Charlie lost his senses and just stared at the empty corner. Hanlon whispered hasn't given the full details yet, frowned his eyebrows and watched the two in confusion. He saw how the director of the Secret Service clenched his fist while Anna gritted his teeth. The two looked like they will k*ll someone anytime. But despite of the bloodlust Hanlon is sensing from his two companion inside the office, he couldn't feel any fear. Instead, his heart is beating faster in anticipation. He wants to know and start his mission already

"Sir" Hanlon called. The boss slowly turned his head to the young and looked at him without any emotion. For awhile, he waited the kid to speak "Let's start discussing" Charlie and Anna looked at each. Even though they are not saying any single word, both of them understand the signal they gave to each. After nodding, they sit around the table and started the discussion

Anna took out all of of the files and information she prepared and showed it to Hanlon. Hanlon took one of the folder and scanned it thoroughly. The file contains the information of a person, a mafia boss in Italy. While examining the content of the file, Anna suddenly speaks up, explaining him some details of the content. In understanding, he nodded his head

"We have been monitoring Alessandro Esposito's moves. And just a month ago, the men we ordered to monitor them, went missing" Anna explained. Hanlon frowned even more while looking at the file. Base on their information, Alessandro Esposito is sixty three years old. His wife died after giving birth of their first born son, Luca Esposito. Currently, his only son, Luca is in training to become the new mafia boss of Italy. In conclusion, the one who's holding the Esposito's businesses is Luca, twenty years old.

"As what you have heard earlier, our men, either went missing or dead. There are also alot of abnormal moves from these big names people. And all of our operation were failed" Charlie said. His expression hardened as he clenched his fist. The people who Charlie assigned in Italy were already close to him. They are the men who were with him ever since he and Hanlon's father started the agency. Now that they are missing, he couldn't help but to feel anxious. As soon as possible, he wants to secure the safety of his brothers

"What happened, sir? Why did the agency suddenly have a lot of changes. It feels like this is not the place where I trained" A muscle in his jaw twitched. He is confused, completely in turmoil. He doesn't know how to put into words the things he wanna say regarding the changes of the organization. Everything changed! And because of that, he feel frustrated

"It all started when we received a report regarding a possible traitor inside our agency, almost five months now" Anna answered, getting the attention of the young man. Hanlon shifted his gaze from the Director to the secretary. His eyes widened

"Traitor?" he murmured. Squinting his eyes, Hanlon leaned closer to the secretary, wanting to know more about the information

"Yes. A traitor. We ignored it at first but as the day passes by and with the situation of our organization. We started to investigate it. But... The problem became worse" Anna sighed and handed Hanlon some papers, showing the profiles of their missing and dead men. "These past few months, we always received a dead body of our men. That's when we can confirm that this person is already dead. While the others who hasn't found the dead body yet, we consider them as missing" Anna added. Hanlon checked the papers that was handed to him and looked at it carefully. He made sure that remembered some minor details of the people on the paper

"These... Most of them are my senior. While I'm not familiar with the others" Hanlon commented while his eyes are still on the paper

"We haven't received any dead body from the Italy yet. So we assume that the people we assigned in the Italy are still alive. Well, not all of our men in Italy went missing" Charlie said, hands waving in the air. Hanlon understands that their director really cares for his people. Even him, hopping that his seniors are safe.

Hanlon looked down the papers in his hands again and sighed. The papers are just the people who were assigned to look after the Esposito mafia, that went missing and dead.

In every country, their organization send a lot of people to watch the moves of the politicians, business people, mafias, and other big time people. They are aware that there are some politicians who are part of the underground business. Some Presidents or leaders are even the mafia boss of the country himself. Well known people in entertainment industry that sold themselves to Mafias just to gain fame. Legal businesses that are partnered with illegal businesses. Rich people are just connected to each other through money. But because of that money, the relationship they build can a cause to doom the nation, country, or the whole world.

"The problem we are facing right now is too big and chaos, Hanlon. We want you to take care of it one at a time" Anna interrupted his thoughts. With an unreadable expression, he stared at the secretary, waiting for her to explain further "For now, we want you to have your first mission in Italy. Go there and find more information with these big time people, especially the Esposito mafia" She added in a demanding tone. Hanlon was about to answer when, Charlie get his attention

"Don't pressure yourself, Shizi. Take your time. Always remember that you need to prioritize your safety. And if ever... Please don't get involve with the Esposito yet. You know our men that were assigned to them are missing... I... I couldn't bare losing another men again, Shizi" Charlie pleaded. His eyes are full of emotions and the sadness of it can be clearly seen. He is like a father who's really concerned to his son, that might get bullied after sending him to school for the first time

"I... I'll be very careful and will... Will... I will take care of myself, sir" Hanlon was so surprised that he lose at words to reply. For some reason, he can feel the fatherly love of Charlie. He suddenly remembered Dion Lee, the chief inspector

Well, Schizi Hanlon is known for being careless and act impulsively. Despite his strong will power and strength, he always put himself into trouble that can jeopardize his life. Thus, after hearing Hanlon's words, Charlie doesn't still feel at ease. He is starting to regret his decision putting the kid into the front line

After they form a plan and finalize even, Charlie adjourned the meeting. The two left the director alone in his office. Since Hanlon will depart tomorrow morning, Anna accompany the kid and helped him with his things. The papers that are also needed for his trip to Italy are also being taken care already.

While Hanlon packing his things, the secretary suddenly approached him and handed him a pair of black gloves. He frowned in confusion and looked at the secretary to ask for the answer

"This mission is too dangerous, Shizi. This is an electrifying gloves. By wiggling your middle and thumb fingers, then touching each other's tips of it, you can stunned anyone you'll touch. Wear it to protect yourself" Anna explained. With an amazing expression, Hanlon excitedly wears the gloves and did the moves to activate the electricity. After doing so, Hanlon was about to touchy the secretary when he saw Anna wearing the same gloves. The kid just laughed awkwardly and took off the gloves

When they finished packing, they decided to eat some junk foods together while chatting. They were just casually talking when Anna called Hanlon's name in emotionless voice

"You know we lost a lot of our men right?" she asked. Hanlon didn't answer for awhile. This is his first time hearing this kind of tone from Anna. The young man nodded in response

"I'm sorry for putting you in such situation and making you carry a heavy burden that we adults should handle. But even so, please take care of yourself" Hanlon gulped down. He doesn't know how to respond... Or if he needs to reply "You're important to Charlie" Anna added. She then left the boy in thoughts.

Hanlon was chase out from the agency and sent to the police station. He maybe took an exam and trained at the agency, and literally part of the organization. But he never met the director nor they had an interaction before. This is the very first time he talked to Charlie, that's why it's a mystery for him, for the director to be so caring towards him...

Hanlon's flight to Italy is 6 AM. Charlie and Anna send him together at the airport. There are only three of them. After reaching their destination, the two help their young young agent carry his luggage. They look like a family on a trip, only if they are one... When they put the bags in inspection machine, Charlie face Hanlon and fix his clothes, after checking the kid's appearance, he looked at him proudly. Anna was observing the two quietly near them, smiling

"Have a safe trip" Charlie said. The director then saluted his hand followed by his secretary "Goodluck in your first mission, Agent Lynx" they added in unison