Chapter 7: Italy

It's been two weeks since Sean worked again. He made himself completely busy and in his free time, he would spend it with his fiance. After Anacia lectured him for being rude to his father, he immediately apologize to him. Sean gets back his good relationship with his family.

Anacia also started cooking for Sean, and now, the man is always craving his fiance's cook. The two really had a great time together, making their parents so happy for them.

Right now, Sean is in the middle of his meeting. While someone is doing his speech in front, someone in the room constantly using his phone. The man is too busy smiling on his phone that he didn't notice everyone is starting at him in awe. They were surprised seeing their boss smiling so sweet and genuinely happy. The people inside the room whispered to each other, commenting on their boss' actions

When Sean noticed the change of atmosphere inside the room, he lit up his head, and roamed his eyes to the people who are currently looking at him. In embarrassment, he slowly hid the phone inside his pocket and scratches his nape. As if the embarrassment he is feeling is not enough, his employee really has to make a comment

"Mr. Gwenu is for sure into someone" Sean's whole face turned red. Even his ears and neck became red. His heart suddenly skip a beat, especially when he saw the image of Anacia in his mind. For the first time, he lost all of his confidence and wanted the floor to eat him right now.

Sean is known for being a cold person and difficult to approach. Despite his beautiful smile, his eyes are expressionless. He makes everything perfect and the word 'mistake' doesn't exist in his vocabulary. Everyone sees him as a tyrant person. Strict in everything, has a cold aura behind the warm smile, and would instantly kill you in just a glare. Sean is more intimidating than those old business man and woman. Whenever he is with their business partners, Sean's demeanor stands out the most. The people who work for him are afraid of him. And now, they couldn't believe that they were given a chance to  witness such side of their boss. He looks like a grown man who got discovered by his crush. Even Sean, he can't accept the fact that he was speechless infront of his employees and being irresponsible in the middle of their meeting. He scolded himself secretly

"That... That was so irresponsible of me. Please continue" he regained his composure and fixed his suit. Sean signalised the person in front to continue his report. In just a seconds, the meeting became serious again, although they still couldn't move on the scene awhile ago.

"These past few months, we manage to profit bigger than expected" after the report was done, Sean took over to speak. He was walking around slowly while observing the audience and the surrounding. After examining them for awhile, he returned his attention to the big screen and started to show them the data while talking.

Sean is currently wearing an inner white polo, tie with white and red stripes, black suit, black pants and shiny black shoes. His hair were done elegantly and the eyeglasses his wearing added to make his looks even more perfect

"Since we already reach the right amount to make a new branch. It's time to start the plan to build another business in Italy." Sean declared, earning a claps from his employees. Everyone looks so happy after hearing their boss' declaration. Their face shows all the emotions they are currently feeling, and because of that, Sean feels so proud of himself again. He just pleased his people "We will start this Saturday, so please be prepared" Sean added and adjourned the meeting.

After talking to a few people. He excused himself and went to his office. Sean was just casually entering when he saw a familiar of a woman. The beautiful lady is smiling at him. She's wearing a below the knee, baby blue polo dress, paired with baby blue doll-shoes, the sleeves was folded into three fourth, and her belt emphasize her thin waist. Her hair is braided in crown style. When Sean recognized her, he was stunned for awhile, but when the lady called his name, he pouted and and fake a cry. Sean made a sniffing sounds as he walk toward to his fiance. He open his arms wide, asking for a hug, and act cutely. Anacia laughs at her fiance's cuteness and huffed him. Sean happily embrace the girl

"What's wrong? Why my hubby looks so upset?" Anacia decided to go alone with Sean's drama. Even though the man is one year older than the lady. Acacia treats Sean like a three years old baby. For others it might be cringe, but for them, it's one of their love language

"They bully me" Sean answered in childish tone. Upon hearing that, Anacia chuckled and gently tapped Sean's back. Confirming her soon to be husband. The two stay in that position for a while before they decide Sean decided to break the hug and kissed Anacia to forehead

"Thank you for coming. I feel so better now" He stated and gave his sweet smile. A smile that only a few people can afford

"Owww... My hubby is being bullied. Do you want me to feed you to make you even feel better?" Sean didn't hesitate to nod his head and showed his puppy eyes to Anacia. He even pouted and pressed his palm together

"Feed me my lady" he pleaded. Anacia shook her head with a smile. She took Sean's right and brought him to his table, where their lunch are waiting. Sean sit on his chair and watches the lady prepare their food. His eyes are full of love and admiration. His heart is celebrating in joy. And his mind imagine their future together. He wouldn't deny it, he loves the goddess in front of him

"I'm glad she will be my wife. I couldn't imagine my future without her. I promise, I won't disappoint my wife, my life, my everything" Sean thought. Even after the lady looked at him, he didn't take off his eyes at her. He wants to memorize every tiny details of his Future Mrs. Gwenu

"Do I have something on my face?" Anacia asked. She touches her face, trying to get rid the dirt on it. Sean leaned closer to her and gently placed his hand on Anacia's face. The girl got surprised, she froze on her seat and her cheeks started to turn red. Anacia didn't dare to meet her fiance's gaze, making Sean amaze by the sight of Anacia's adorable face.

"Yes. You have something on your face" he replied. Anacia immediately meet Sean's gaze. Her eyes are in horror hearing her future husband's response. The ticklish feelings she has awhile ago vanished and was replaced by shame. "There's a beauty on your face" Sean added, surprising the lady.

"You... Stop that" Anacia softly hit Sean's shoulder and pouted. After seeing the lady's pouty lips, he helped down. Sean wet his own lips as he unconsciously stares Anacia's pinkish lips. It has a cute size, heart shape, and healthy looking lips. Sean signalised to calm and stop himself from kissing the lady. They never share a kiss on the lips before, Sean wants to do everything in first time on their wedding day. And he will surely not break his vow just because of his desire. To break the tension building up inside of him, he cleared his throat

"How about... We eat" He suggested. Acacia nodded her head while smiling and started to feed Sean. There are sushi, Protein salad, Avocado and egg sandwich, dumplings, and Nestea. All of those are made by Anacia. Sean actually told her at first that she doesn't has to do anything, but the lady insisted on doing so, since she has nothing to do, and as a wife, it's her responsibility to take care of the foods for her husband. Sean that time couldn't control the butterflies inside his stomach making him hurriedly entered the comfort room, leaving the lady in confusion. It's a good thing that Anacia didn't misunderstand Sean's reaction

"I hope you wouldn't get tired cooking foods for me" Sean said in between of their lunch. Anacia looks at him with a smile and before she could reply "And you'll cook for our kids someday too" he added. His eyes and voice ate full excitement. Anacia is so happy hearing those words from him. Even though the man always gives her an assurance, she still couldn't believe that, Sean really includes her in his future. She feel blessed.

Anacia saw a smudge on Sean's corner lips, the lady gently wipes it using her right hand. Sean froze on his seat and stares at her. His heart skip a beat again. He has the urge of kissing her right away, but he doesn't want to. He should he a man on his words. Patience is a virtue. Thus, Sean cupped Anacia's face and planted a kiss on her forehead. Anacia didn't see it coming. After Sean face her, she stares at him blankly while her face are turning red. Without any hesitation, she threw herself in Sean's arms and hugged him tightly. She doesn't want to lose this man. And the man doesn't want to lose his woman

The two let go and smiled to each other. They didn't say a word and just continued eating their lunch. This time they talk casually and laughing to their hearts content. There's no need to restrict themselves, they own each other after all

After eating lunch, Anacia went home. Sean walks her to the exit of the building. He even pleaded to drives her to their mansion, but Anacia refused him since the man still has alot of words to do. Sean tried to act cute but he just earned a chuckle from the lady. When the car finally vanished from his sight, he went back to his office and started his works.

Sean locked his office, turned off the CCTV cameras, he then opened his drawer where there is a compartment inside. Sean take out the files containing a confidential information. One of the reasons why he decided to build a branch in Italy is because of the report he received from his men. Sean read the messages again before he opened the file

"Someone found out the Gwenu's businesses and they are using the infos for their own benefits. Take action right away before it's too late. They also know your surname. The files that we sent you are just minor details, we can't dig in deeper anymore. Please take care, sir Elide" Sean's eyes darkened after reading the message. They have been so careful since the very beginning. There are times that they encounter some problems or someone finding out their identity, but they always solve it right away and caught the people who will go against them. Sean clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, his jaw tigthened. Sean tried to control his anger, he bit his lower lips until it bled, and after tasting his own blood, he heave a sigh. The man stands up from his seat and take out the Cabernet Sauvignons wine from his shelf. After pouring it in his glass, he drank it in one go. When he emptied half of the bottle of the wine, Sean sit back to his chair. He started to open the files and scanned it thoroughly. Just like what his men said in the message, the information are just minor, but it doesn't it's completely useless, the details can still be use as a clue.

It's already 8 PM when someone knocked. Sean looks at it for awhile and stands up to open the door after remembering that he didn't unlocked it since this afternoon. Albert Wen, Sean's secretary, greeted and inform him that his father is waiting for him at lounge. Sean got confused when he heard his secretary's words. He didn't bother to ask and just dismissed him. Sean hides the files again. After getting ready to take off, Sean exited his office. He walked his way to the lounge and found his father sitting in there while reading magazines. He rolled his eyes after seeing the magazine's cover, it was a famous actress in Beijing that is only wearing two-piece. Sean scoffed and continued his pace

"If I were you, I would never look at the other woman, especially when I get married" he deadpanned after he get near to his father. Mr. Gwenu looks at him, raising an eyebrow, he then chuckled and put down the magazine he was looking awhile ago. Mr. Gwenu Stands up from his seat, leveling the height of his son, he putted his right hand on Sean's shoulder and smirks at him

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your mother, so keep this as a secret. Okay?" His father said in a convincing voice, trying negotiate with his son. Sean took off his father's hand from his shoulder, gave him a dirty look and started to walk, leaving his father behind. Mr. Gwenu caught up with his son while chuckling

"Okay, Grown up man. How about a dinner with me tonight?" Sean raised an eyebrow to his father as he shifted his gaze from top to bottom

"Are you still trying to negotiate with me? Sorry, but my work hours is done. I'm not a business man right now, I'm a lover boy" he replied, earning a loud laugh from the old man. There are still people around them but no one dares to mind them, there's no way they'll dig a grave for themselves

"You're so funny, my son. Come on, lover boy... I just want to have a quality time with you. You always spend your time with your fiance. We barely talk" Mr. Gwenu said in between his laugh. He even wipes the tears from laughing too much awhile ago. Sean got annoyed after his father teased him. It got worse for the fact that this old is stealing his time that he reserved for his queen. But on second thought, a moment with your parents is still important. After all, there's no permanent in this world. Might as well just swallowed the annoyance than suffering regrets

"Your treat" his father nodded in agreement. They then went to their car, but as Sean was about to enter at the shotgun seat, he stopped his pace after seeing his father comfortably sitting at the back of the car. He frowned in confusion

"Since I'll be paying for our dinner, you'll be my driver" Mr. Gwenu happily stated. Sean groaned and moved to the driver's seat. He was pouting while starting the engine. Without any warning he stepped on the gas and drives it on a speed limit. His father curses his breath when he almost crashed his face infront. After glaring at Sean, he came back on relaxing himself

After they arrived on the Flair Rooftop, one of the well-known fancy restaurant in Shanghai, Sean and his father choose a seat where they can see the beautiful view. After a seconds of settling on their seats, a waiter approached and handed them the menu. The two checks the contents of it while nodding. Thirty seconds had pass, Sean ordered Spicy chicken feet salad, Japanese Style roasted boneless pork ribs, salmon, and Golden Happiness for the drink. While Mr. Gwenu ordered Pomelo salad, Salmon, and Wild blossom. After the waiter repeated their orders they then returned the menu and started chatting

"This must not be a simple dinner" Sean commented. Mr. Gwenu smiled proudly at his son and gave him an elegant clap

"At least, you never disappoint me. Except that one time" Sean responded a 'tss' sound to his father and crossed his arms

"So? Spill the beans" Sean demanded in inoffensive way. Before Mr. Gwenu open his mouth to speak, he breathed out first

"You're now in charge of everything, Sean. I'll leave this things to you, just know that, you can still ask for a help from me" he started making Sean knitted his brows. He looks around then and leaned on the table

"Dad, are you drunk?" he asked worriedly and examined his father's face. Mr. Gwenu shook his head while chuckling

"You're sometime annoying, Sean. Anyway... I want you to take it easy. You're getting married, and I can see that... You're deeply in love with your fiance and she does the same. I'm happy with that. So as much as possible, avoid getting yourself into trouble, if you don't want to see her crying in pain" Mr. Gwenu's words touches Sean's heart that he was speechless. He knows what his father means by those words. Knowing what kind of life they have, trouble always follow them

After a moment of silence, their foods arrived and the two started digging in. They were enjoying their food when Sean's break the silence

"I'm going to Italy tomorrow. I'll bring Anacia with me" Mr. Gwenu stopped eating and looked at to his son while frowning. Sean's determination is visible not only on his face and eyes, but also in his whole persona

"Why would you bring her? You're going to build a new branch of our business and investigate our case in there, Sean. You're on work, not on vacation" He scolded his son and emphasize the word of work. After shaking his head, he took a bite from his food but it was stop midway

"I'm also going to propose to her in there" Mr. Gwenu widened his eyes after hearing his son's words "I want us to be engaged through proposing and not because you arranged and announced our engagement" he added while not meeting the gaze of his father, watching the view from his seat. Mr. Gwenu happily tapped the shoulder of his son and gave him a thumbs up. Sean turned his gaze to his father, with a smile, he nodded...

Sean had inform his fiance regarding to their trip to Italy. He picked up Anacia from their mansion and helped her carries her luggage. The two bid their farewell to the Chen's couple. Sean started the engine and gave a nod to his parents in law before he drives the car away from the place.

Their flight to Italy is 6 AM, and they arrived at the airport 5: 45 AM. As someone who's from an influential family, they booked a private plane ticket. While they were on their way to the plane, Sean saw a familiar figure of a man hugging an old man and a woman. The two even saluted to the familiar man. Sean stares at him for awhile, trying to remember or figure out who's the person is, the man turned his head. Sean was about to saw the man's face but Anacia called him making Sean didn't see the face of the person. The two together with their people started walking through to their plane. The familiar man saw a group of people passed by but just ignored it

"I think I have to go. See you soon" Hanlon bid a farewell to Charlie and Anna, he then hugged them for the last time and happily went his way to the plane. Hanlon was jumping like a kid and wave his hand at them. After Hanlon's back vanished from the sight of Charlie, he heave a sigh and turned to his secretary

"Here it comes, Italy"