Chapter 8: Fear

Shizi Hanlon stayed in the Hotel Roma Tor Vergata, that is located at Via Vico Viganò, 24, 00133 Roma RM, Italy. The place is just nice, relaxing, and has a pool. The room is painted with white, making it looks clean, the space is just enough for him to move around, and the bed that is place near in front of a flat screen TV is just perfect for him. Hanlon is satisfied in the hotel he chose. After dropping all of his luggage, he excitedly looks out the window to check the view. When he finally opened the window, Hanlon couldn't say he is disappointed with what he saw. The relaxing scene of a green grass and clear sky are enough to make his eyes sparkled. He smiled happily and left the window opened as he unpacked his belongings.

Before he continues to arrange his things, he played his favorite music and humm with it. He was nodding to the beat while folding his shirts, when suddenly, the song reaches to the good part of it. Hanlon was jumping on the bed and gracefully moving his body to the rhythm. To add more feelings with his dance, he backflips on the bed, hence, he fell off. Hanlon groaned in pain and massages his back. His face couldn't be painted. He cussed under his breath while slowly getting up. Hanlon uses the edge of the bed for support. After stretching his body, Hanlon's phone suddenly ring. He immediately snatched his phone that was place beside the lampshade. When he saw the name on the screen of his phone, his eyes widened. He didn't expect that he would get a phone call from an acquaintance police

"Mr. The greatest detective!" he greeted after answering the call. Jake rolled his eyes even though the kid can't see it

"Oh! You can still shout. Good to know" Jake commented in a bored tone. Hanlon giggled on the other line making the detective smile

Hanlon turn on the speaker as he continued to arrange his things. The room that was neat awhile ago is already in mess. The clothes that he folded got scattered on the floor after he fell down from the bed. Frowning and pouting, he sighed in defeat while roaming his eyes around. After glancing his phone, Hanlon gives up on tidying up his room and decided to lay down on the end while talking to his friend

"I'm actually misearable right now. I need your help, brother" Hanlon sounds like a spoiled brat who is begging to his brother to get what he wants. Jake is already used to this side of Hanlon and just shrugged it off

"That's good for you" Jake said while nodding. Hanlon made a 'tsk' sound as he make a face

"What's with the call, by the way?" Hanlon asked

"Nothing. Just checking on you"

Hanlon stared at the white ceiling for awhile before he released a deep breath. He is feeling guilty for what he had done. He actually planned to visit Jake in the hospital, who's currently recovering from the injuries he got from saving Sean. But things happened

"Come on... I didn't call you to talk about that day. Okay?" Jake tried to comfort the young man after getting no response from him. The detective is aware how Hanlon gets guilty easily. Hanlon maybe always bring troubles to everyone, but he is the type of person that won't forgive himself if something bad happens to his friends.

"I'm sorry, Jake" Jake gulped down when he heard Hanlon called his first name "I was supposed to came back... But, instead... I... I hangout with, Sean... I'm sorry" Hanlon's voice shakes while speaking. The guilt he is feeling is too much that he can't control his voice. The weight on his chest feels so heavy

"Shizi" since the young man called him in his first name, might as well make it fair "It's not your fault. I'm glad you didn't came back that time. Besides I'm completely fine. I'll be discharged after three days from now. It's not like we are dead, so cheer up. Okay?" Jake's voice was so soft and gentle that only Shizi and Lily--- Jake's younger sister--- can afford. He often uses this voice of his whenever he wants to convince his younger sister or Shizi. Even though it's not that effective to Shizi, it's also not completely useless.

Hanlon released a deep breath as he stated in his mind "They maybe didn't die but there still a lot of dead police officers that day. And they also almost died! Jake is even unconscious"

Hanlon is aware that Jake has a weak body. The detective is capable of fighting back but still, he is a fragile human being. Hanlon couldn't stop feeling guilty because, despite of the fact that he knows the situation of his friends, he still hangout with Sean, and forgot the operation. This is the reason why he can't move forward. He is still immature and act impulsively

The young man was about to say something but Jake speak up first

"Enough with that guilt of yours. Anyway, I heard that you were summoned to your agency. So... Are you coming back to your organization? Did they finally made you officially part of the Secret Service?" Jake's words made Hanlon's guilt feelings vanished. In just a seconds, Hanlon sit up straight from lying down, his eyes widened in surprise, and his jaw dropped. This is the topic that he didn't expect Jake will talk about. It's not like he didn't prepare for this situation, but still, him being sloppy made him lose trust to himself

To avoid suspicion, Hanlon calm down his self first. He can't afford to give any hints to Jake, especially the fact that the person he is currently talking right now is a detective!

"As expected from you brother! Nothing can escape from the greatest detective of Shanghai!" Hanlon said with full of energy. Although, he is not confident that Jake wouldn't notice anything, but him acting silly will divert the tone of the truth. He can't just answer right away like how he practiced back when he was with Anna. If he'll do so, Jake will know right away that he is lying. And to make it worse, this brother of his might start to investigate, Jake will be endanger and their plan will jeopardize. All of that is because of him!

Hanlon is now under pressure

"Yeah, right. So, how is it, Shizi?" Jake insisted "Are you on a mission?" Hanlon hands became cold after hearing the last question. He is on the verge of crying but choose to stop it. He swallowed a large amount of saliva and opened his mouth to answered

"Brother" he dramatically called "They are bullying me!" Jake knitted his brows, confused to the young man's answer "They made me read this and that, write thousand words, and memorize a lot of sh*ts! What am I? A student? I completed the train already... I wanna comeback to the station, brother" Hanlon fake a cry. Aside from being the Ace as a trainee secret agent, Hanlon is also good in acting. He can act like a professional actor and he is natural, no one would know his hidden intentions.

Jake was about to respond but a nurse came in and informed him that, it is time for him to drink his medicine and to take a nap. Jake nodded to the nurse and bid a farewell to his junior. After the call ended, Hanlon heave a sigh of relief. He still hasn't sure if the detective is not sensing something. Hanlon is aware that he can't keep it a secret forever, but he wants to protect the mission and the people around him for as long as he can

Putting down his phone, Hanlon took a glance to his messy room. He smirked lazily and shrugged his shoulders. He decided to just take a shower before going to rest so that he could roam around after getting some sleep. Hanlon grabbed his towel and a pair of comfortable casual clothes.

As he headed to the bathroom he happily dance to his way. Moving his hips, chanting the music and striking a pose. Even after knowing his complicated situation, he still couldn't contain his happiness because finally, he got his very first mission as a secret agent

After showering, Hanlon looks at himself at the mirror and posed. He wiggled his eyebrows and bit his lower lip

"You're the most handsome man in this room, Shizi Hanlon" he said huskily and smirked. When he was satisfied to his looks, Hanlon laid down on the bed that is still scattered with his clothes. Caring nothing and feeling tired, he fell asleep right away...

Shizi Hanlon was sleeping soundly when someone disturbed his dream. A knock on the door wake Hanlon up from his dreamland. Frowning in annoyance, he watched the door being knocked for twenty seconds before he decided to open the door.

After opening the door, Hanlon was greeted by a staff of the hotel. The girl staff smiled and handed him a small envelope. The young man looks at with a confusion. He was about to ask the girl but the staff left without saying anything. Closing the door, he didn't waste any time and checked the content of the envelope. Inside of it is a small card, an invitation card with his name on it, indicating he is being invited to a party later at 8 PM. After examining it for awhile, he received a call from Charlie

"Thank you" he said after answering the call. Anna was heard chuckling on the background and Charlie scolded her

"Anyway, Shizi. I assume that you've received the invitation card already" Charlie's serious voice send a chill down to Hanlon's spine. Don't want to be scolded, he switched himself into a serious mode

"Yes, sir" he responded without any emotion

"Good. The details is in there. I want you to attend that party and investigate carefully. Remember, don't get yourself into trouble. Lay low" Charlie's intimidating voice was blended by his concern. After speaking, he gulped down in nervousness and secretly prayed for  his godson's safety

"Noted, sir" Hanlon replied. Without any following words, the call has ended

Halon looks at the screen of his phone. After browsing through the messages for awhile, he checked the time (6:56 PM). Doesn't want to be late, he immediately get ready to attend the party

Shizi wears a white inner polo with a maroon tie, covered with a black suit, paired with a black pants and a black perforated shoes. Hanlon's hair is in messy curl, same in his bangs. Checking himself one last time in the mirror, Hanlon grabbed his things and left to attend the party

The venue is located in the Hotel Corte Rosada Resort (I'm not sure with the distance between the venue and Hanlon's hotel). Riding his motor that was bought by Sean, he arrived 9:05 PM.

"Late is better than absent" Hanlon quoted after checking his wrist watch.

After placing his helmet to the motor, Hanlon took a breathing first. He was looking the venue from the outside while preparing to enter. Inhaling more air for the last time, a hand was suddenly placed on his right shoulder from the behind. Hanlon got surprised and too nervous to turn around so he stood froze

"What are you doing?" hearing the familiar voice, Hanlon immediately checked the person behind him

"Mr. Rich boy!" Hanlon happily called Sean while the latter frowned at him "You scared me" he scowled and hit Sean to his shoulder

"Yeah, right. What were you doing awhile ago? You look like a creep" Sean arch a brow as he crossed his arms

"I was getting ready to enter. You disturbed me" Hanlon complained, pointing to Sean

The man just rolled his eyes and shook his head. He was about to left Hanlon behind but the young man grabbed him. Sean faced Hanlon with an annoying look but he got taken aback when he saw the young man's teasing smile

"What's with you?" he asked. Hanlon's teasing smile turned into smirk, making Sean got confused "You're creeping me out, kiddo" he snorted

"Let's stick together. You're my only friend here" Hanlon casually said. Sean lost his senses for awhile. He doesn't know why, but Hanlon calling him his friend, send a new sensation into his system. He was too stunned to speak "You can't say no, Mr. Rich boy. I won't let you go" Sean came back to his senses when he felt the young man's grip got tighten. He stared Hanlon's hand gripping into his wrist for awhile before he looks at Hanlon's face. The baby face that the young man usually wears, vanished. He looks completely matured and different person. His eyes that are piercing through Sean's soul, his well-defined jawline that looks so manly, perfect pointed nose, his mysterious, lion-liked almond eyes and the lips that can be sexy and cute anytime. Checking the young man's current appearance made Sean feel envious and cautious at the same. The duality that Hanlon is possessing send a chill down to his spine. Hanlon is the real dangerous person between the two of them

When Sean didn't respond and just continued to stare at nowhere, Hanlon click his fingers into Sean's face, earning his attention again. Sean blink for a few times before he nodded, indicating that they'll keep each others company for the night. Sean let Hanlon walk infront of him. While they are on their way to the entrance of the venue, Sean stares at Hanlon's back. The latter noticed it but choose to stay silent and just ignored it

"My heart is beating faster right now. My mind is in turmoil. The whole me feels like I'm carrying something heavy and at loss. I don't even know the reasons why. But I'm sure, it has something to do with the person infront of me" Sean stated in his mind

When they're finally inside the venue, the two choose a place where it's not crowded. Hanlon grabbed a drinks for the two of them and started observing the place. The party was host by Leonardo Greco. It is a party for the good and successful business partnership for over ten years from now. If Hanlon attended the party for his mission, Sean came to investigate. Sean's father and Leonardo are business partners but are not close friends, but still Leonardo invited the Gwenus. While Charlie only got the invitation because of their connections.

For the past thirty years, the Greco family haven't been confirmed of doing any illegal business. There are some rumors but a lot choose to ignored, that includes Gwenus. Sean and his family didn't really care for the business man not until this day came. It is said that the Grecos involved in something that they shouldn't be and there's an information that if they're not the culprit, they might be the victim. Same goes to Hanlon. He was ordered to investigate because of what they've received that might link into something deeper. The situation is not that clear for them but they believe in one step at a time

It's already 11:36 PM and the party went smoothly. They just casually chatted and interact with other people.

Sean is curious why would Hanlon attended such event. But knowing his job, he knows that the young man has a mission. He wanna ask but stayed quiet.

The drinks that Hanlon got awhile haven't emptied yet. Both Sean and Hanlon has a low tolerance of alcohol, only that when Hanlon gets drunk, he would become wild, whereas Sean when getting drunk, he act childishly but more behave than Hanlon. The two are aware of their limitations so they act responsibly. Instead of drinking, Hanlon enjoyed himself in talking to random ladies. Sean on his phone chatting with his fiance. The two were just enjoying themselves when suddenly, a loud gunshots was heard. Leonardo is already dead

The guests panicked and started shouting. Sean hurriedly keep his phone in his pocket and alerted himself. Hanlon left the lady he has talking awhile ago--- she was about to hug Hanlon--- and grabbed Sean's wrist. They immediately blend with the crowd and noticed how there are a lot of men in black and the men of Grecos are exchanging bullets. The whole scene is chaos. Dead bodies are constantly increasing. Yells, cries and gunshots can be heard in the place. And the whole area is tainted with blood.

Hanlon grabbed his gun from his clothes and started shooting some of the men in black. He was dragging Sean who is also holding a gun. The two didn't let go of each other while fighting the group of people who sabotage the party. After clearing the way, they hurriedly run into corner and hide themselves.

Both Sean and Hanlon are covered with blood and sweats. They were panting heavily while checking the bullets of their gun. Hanlon bit his lower lip when's he saw that he doesn't have any bullets left. He has to use his extras. It's not a big deal for him, but he is concerned with the person beside him. Hanlon turned to Sean and the latter met his gaze. They are still panting while looking into each others eyes. Without saying any words, they both nodded to each other while smiling. Hanlon chuckled and closed his eyes.

They really didn't formulate a planned with those looks. When Hanlon got his breath back, he take a peek to check for some possible enemies. There are still some people who were firing guns and attacking each other. If Hanlon was alone, he wouldn't hesitate to take some action. But being with Sean, made him reconsider things before proceeding to his plan

While Hanlon's back is facing Sean. The man stared at the agent again. This time, his eyes are emotionless but his heart is full of fear. Now, Sean already know why his heart is beating faster.

"This is not the first time I saw him in action. But this is the first I saw him act as a secret agent. He is the source of the fear I'm currently feeling"