Chapter 9: Hanlon meets Anacia

The place that that was shimmering in luxury awhile ago has been long gone. It is already covered with blood, smokes, dead bodies, the scene is so chaotic that it seems like there is no a business party happened earlier. The laughters turned into cried in pain, the branded clothes became ragged and the place looks abandoned.

It's been ten minutes since Sean and Hanlon hid at the corner. There are still gunshots that can be heard and the war seems like it wouldn't end any soon. Sean noticed how anxious Hanlon is, so he called his attention by gently tapping his shoulder

"Yes? Are you alright? Is there something wrong" Hanlon responded in a panicking voice. Sean frowned at him, waiting for the kid to calm down first

"I'm fine" he said after Hanlon calmed himself. The young man nodded but still checked if his companion is really okay

"You're fine. That's great" he said in himself "Why did you tapped me?" he asked in full of concern

"You look so anxious. If there's something you have to do, I'll help you" Sean insisted as he put his hand on Hanlon's shoulder. The young man knitted his brows, trying to figure out what does the person in front of him is saying. Hanlon and Sean are having staring contest when a realization hit Hanlon

"I'm in a mission!" he screamed inside his head. Hanlon awkwardly smile at Sean and turned his gaze to the gun that the latter is holding. He saw how Sean is also good in fighting--- aiming the enemy without any single mistakes--- when they were on their way to hide.

After breathing deeply, the secret agent-in mission decided to take action. There's no way he can achieve his goal if he'll keep hiding at the corner. Not taking off his gaze to the gun, Hanlon tried to convince himself that, Sean will be just fine, Sean is not a damsel in distress, and if ever, he's there to save him.

When the kid is done with battling himself, he nodded and meet Sean's gaze, who's now giving him a weird look

"Let's join the war" he declared. After Sean agreed, he dragged the man with him "Don't let go of my hand" he added as he pulled the trigger and shoot the first enemy they encountered

"I won't" Sean responded while also exchanging bullets with the enemies

The two held each others hand while firing their guns left and right. Hanlon leading the both of them, and Sean supporting the young man's offense. They made a great combination of fighting even though they are not saying anything. Responding and sychronizing to each others movement, they almost killed all of the men who go against their way.

After shooting an approaching threat, Hanlon's gun stop firing. He tried a couple of times but there's no bullet coming out anymore. His extra bullets are also already gone. Sean noticed it "You done?" he asked

Panting heavily, Hanlon responded while preparing himself to fight in a close range "Just continue shooting" Hanlon bring out the knife he hid in his clothes. Hearing the kid's reply, Sean followed the instruction. Both of them tigthened their hold to each other as they form in their fighting stance

Seeing that Hanlon is just holding a knife, one of the enemy mock them by smirking sarcastically and showing them the gun his holding. Hanlon only stare at him blankly, while Sean gritted his teeth.

In a cue, Sean fired his gun first making the enemy shoot to Hanlon's direction. But instead of the kid being hit, the man who fired the gun is already laying on the ground, head shot. The enemies widened their eyes in surprised. They saw how the kid used the knife to hit the bullet approaching him and returned it to the person who pulled the trigger. Even after doing it, the knife doesn't even had scratch. Hanlon is still standing, unbothered at all

"Nice shot" Sean commented. The battle continue. Others are bravely charging unto them which the others are wavering. Sean honestly admitted to himself that he got scared for a seconds. He was nervous that Hanlon might get hit. But after seeing the young man still standing unscathed, he proudly smiled while looking to the enemies

"Perks of having fast reflexes and eagle eyes" he bragged and smiled. The people in opposite got goosebumps. They were about to run to their escape but suddenly, someone shouted, getting their attentions

All of them turned to the source of the voice while a person hiding in the dark, use the chance to shoot Sean on the shoulder. When Hanlon heard the groaned of his companion, his eyes widened and caught him in his arm. Hanlon looks at the person behind them, because of frustration, he didn't hesitate to grab Sean's gun and shoot the man a couple of times on his head

"Sh*t! I let my guard down" Hanlon cursed. His eyes are full of bloodlust while still looking at the dead body

Not so long, the person who shouts awhile ago, emerged while the enemies escaped already.

"We have to go out. There's a bomb!" a man yelled. He runs as fast as he could just to get out of the place but he was stop by Hanlon "Please, sir! I don't want to die! Let me go!!" he begged.

"No! If you want to stay alive, call someone to defuse the bomb! Stop being an idiot" he scolded him while gripping the man's wrist. Hanlon's other hand is still on Sean's back to assist him

The man shook his head slowly but after seeing the fuming mad Hanlon, he instantly nodded his head. With a shaking hands, the man took out his phone from the pocket and calls for a help. Luckily, they got a response right away since someone had report the situation already.

Hanlon let go of the man and gives his full attention to Sean. Checking the latter's wound, he heave a sigh of relief when he saw that the wound is not fatal. Sean stared at Hanlon's features again but he instantly avoided his gaze when the kid looks at him

"You're kinda treating me differently, Mr. Rich boy. Did I do something wrong?" Hanlon pouted. His scary and intimidating aura awhile ago has already changed into childish and dramatic

"What do you mean" Sean asked, still not meeting the others gaze.

Hanlon was about to reply but stop midway. He noticed how Sean is acting cold to him. The man is naturally passively aggressive to him, but this time there's something strange. Sean doesn't talk to him the way he does before.

"It feels like we were closer the first night we met, compared to this night" Hanlon said in his mind

Without saying any words, Hanlon turn around and Carried Sean on his back. The latter got taken aback and protested to get him down but the kid didn't listen to him

"Dude, I'm not disable! I can still walk. It was my shoulder that got shot, not my legs!" Sean reprimanded but his words only fell into deaf ears. Hanlon walk his way out of the venue.

After reaching the outside, they were greeted by a rescue team and helped Sean to clean his wound. The people who'll defuse the bomb enter the place, they were guided by the man who shouts earlier. Hanlon sit beside Sean while the latter is being given a treatment. While waiting for his wound to done, Sean receive a phone call from his fiance. Seeing the name of Anacia on the screen of his phone, he immediately answered

"Hey! You're not sleeping? It's late" Sean's voice sounds sweet making Hanlon pique his interest. He inoccently watches Sean while listening to his conversation. It's not clear but he heard the voice on the other line, it's a girl

While waiting for his friend to finish his conversation, Hanlon got also a phone call. Hanlon got up from his sit when he saw Charlie's name. Excusing himself from the crowd, Hanlon answered the call after reaching the place where no one is around. Sean noticed Hanlon leaving, he watches the kid walking farther and failed to hear what Anacia said, thus, he just agreed to his fiance. After ending the call, Sean's gaze didn't left Hanlon's back. He grew impatient as he wants to follow Hanlon to know who called him

"Sir" Hanlon greeted when he is finally alone

"I heard what happened. You okay?" Hanlon smiled wryly after hearing the director's question. He find it weird that his boss is asking for his condition instead of the mission

"Yeah, I'm good. And I think, I failed my task this night. I didn't get anything" he dissapointedly said. Hanlon feels upset for not achieving anything for his assigned task. It's the very first step they'll take but he failed. He badly wanna punish himself

"I won't give myself an ice cream for one month!" Hanlon said in his mind

"It's not a big deal, Shizi. I'm glad you're fine. Take care of yourself"

"Yes, sir. You too and send my regards to Anna" after that, the call ended. Halon turn around to go back to  his sit but before he could walk near to Sean, he saw the latter staring at him while frowning. Hanlon blink a couple of times, trying to find out what he did again. Shrugging off his questions, he continued to walk his way to Sean

When Hanlon arrived, the treatment is already done too. They both thanked the lady and excused her. Hanlon gave the nurse a sweet smile before he returned his gaze to Sean who's still looking at him with a furrowed brows

"Ahhm... Are you hungry?" he awkwardly asked, scratching the back of his neck. Sean only smirked weakly and looked at to the other direction. He has a suspicion that the person who called him is his colleague and that the call is for the mission. He wanna confirm it and ask how their conversation goes. Especially the fact that he is also involved directly. He wants to protect their family and to keep their friendship as well, but he doesn't know how. Hanlon is part of a Secret Service force while he is running an illegal business, a soon to be mafia boss in China. His mind is really mess up right now. He wants to clarify everything with Hanlon but he is also afraid of the possibility that they might become enemy or put themselves into danger

"Mr. Rich boy, who called you?" Hanlon asked after a moment of silence. Sean made a 'tsk' sound while saying in his mind "If only I could ask him the same question easily"

"It's none of your business" Sean responded lazily. But Hanlon wouldn't accept such answer, so he stubbornly insisted while shaking Sean's hand

"Come on... Stop being such a mysterious person. We've been through life and death, there's no need for that secrets" Sean froze on his sit after he heard the kid. He became deaf and only the words that Hanlon said keep repeating in his mind. Sean got lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Anacia's arrival

Sean only came back to his senses when  he heard his fiance's voice

"What are you doing here?" he asked right away

"I told you, I'm on my way" Anacia responded

"But I didn't agree"

"Yes, you did! Do you want me to play the record of our conversation earlier?" Anacia challenge him and took out her phone from the shoulder bag. Sean stopped her and just nodded his head

"Fine. I forgot, I'm sorry" he apologized and gently held the lady's hand "How are you? Aren't you tired?" Sean's voice is so gentle and sweet again that Hanlon didn't hold his chuckle. As if he just realized, Sean furiously turned to Hanlon while Anacia looks at the young man confusedly

"Who is he, Sean?" Anacia asked while her eyes are still on the kid

"Nothing. Don't mind him. He is just a psycho in this area"

"Hey! That's mean. How could you say that" Hanlon complained like a child to Sean, he then turned his gaze to Anacia and gave her a cheeky smile "Hi there beautiful lady, my name is Shizi Hanlon. May I have the pleasure to know your name?" Hanlon offers his hand for a handshake and Anacia accepted it without any second thought

"My name is Anacia Chen. I'm Sean's Fiance" she introduced herself making Hanlon's smile fade instantly. His jaw dropped in surprise and was too stunned to speak. Sean gave him a teasing smirk as he proudly cross his arms

"Mr. Shizi Hanlon, I want you to meet my Fiance, Anacia Chen. Soon to be Mrs. Gwenu"