Chapter 10: Proposal

"I can't believe this! You're Mr. Rich boy fiance?" Hanlon cried after he entered Sean's room. The older man just rolled his eyes as he takes off his white coat. Anacia approached her fiance and helped him with his tie while Hanlon walk straight to the chair and sit, like he just owns the place

"How many times do you have to ask that?" Sean glazed while unbuttoning the first three buttons of his white polo. He then sit on his bed and Anacia handed him a glass of water. Sean's expression changed from bitter to sweet, making the visitor smirked

"Why is he calling you Mr. Rich boy?" Anacia asked her fiance, getting back the empty glass from the man

"Because he is a crazy patient who escaped from mental hospital" Sean blurted, giving the young man a glare

"Hey! What does that have to do with me calling you Mr. rich boy?!" he scowled. Sean just ignored him while Anacia chuckled and excused herself

After they got interrogated, the authorities released them right away. They can really choose not to participate but considering their identity, they need to cooperate like a normal citizen should. Seeing that it's already late, Anacia invited the boy to just come with them since the hotel they are staying is just near. Sean protested the idea but Hanlon happily accepted the offer and came with them, completely ignoring the sulking grumpy old man.

Hanlon prepared himself and climb on to his motor. He was about to start when Sean approached him, eyeing straight to the motor he gave to the young man

"You're not thinking of riding this, this time, right? Don't make your fiance drives the car and feels lonely" Hanlon teased. Sean gives him a death glare and hit him on the shoulder while gritting his teeth

"First, Anacia won't drives the car because she brought a driver with her and she won't be lonely since she has her men. Okay? And there's no freaking way I'll choose to ride with you over my fiance!" Sean left the young man in awe and entered the car where his fiance is waiting for him. After regaining his composure, Hanlon chuckled to himself and started his motor.

When Anacia left them in Sean's room, they were covered with silence. Neither of the two talk and just stayed quiet while their eyes keep on looking around. The silence is not awkward though but it's not also comfortable.

Sean keep thinking them being enemy, while Hanlon just let his brain fly wherever it will go. Not so long after Anacia left, she returned right away bringing three cups of chamomile tea and distributed it to the two gentlemen. Both Sean and Hanlon accepted wholeheartedly. While holding his own tea, Hanlon watches the lady went to the vacant chair sit on it. Anacia is wearing a white polo, paired with a black pencil, and black doll shoes for her feets. She looks simple yet elegant, capturing every man's heart. Sean noticed how Hanlon stares at his fiance, so he grabbed a pillow near him and threw it on the young man's face. Hanlon grinned and glared at Sean. The man just smirk sarcastically to the kid as he sip to his tea. Hanlon pouted his lips whole frowning, he then look at his own tea and decides to drink it in one go. Anacia saw how Hanlon empty the cup, she called Hanlon's attention

"Dear, do you want me to make you another one?" Anacia asked in sweet voice--- her voice is naturally sweet though. Hanlon's face lit up in happiness when he heard the lady's offers. He nodded like a kid and handed the cup to her. But before the lady could get it, someone already took the cup away

"Hey! I'm not handing it to you, you know?" Hanlon complained. He tried to snatch the cup from Sean's hand but the latter quickly averted it from his grasp. Hanlon pouted and turned to Anacia for a help

"That's enough, Sean. Do you want me to make a tea for you too?" Anacia stand up from her seat and approached the man. Sean smiled at her while Hanlon still pouting and frowning at the man

"Ana, you don't have to do that. It's already late. You should get a rest now, well take care of ourselve" Sean walks behind to the lady and gave her a back hug. Anacia smiled in satisfaction. The two continue to lovey-dovey to each other that they forgot there's a third person inside the room

"You'll just gonna bully him, won't you,  Sean?" Anacia gave a warning tone to her fiance, as if telling her husband to be a responsible dad to their son. Sean was about to answer but Hanlon interrupting him

"Yes! Yes! Yes! He's a bully! He always bully me!!! Please scold him, sister" Hanlon made a puppy face while pointing at Sean. The man sent him a death glare that Hanlon just ignored. Listening the two bicker, Anacia couldn't help but to feel happy. She's happy because this is the first time that Sean showed this side of him. Sean being completely different from his usual self, and it's because of the young man they are currently with

"Alright. If you don't want to have another tea, then I'll leave you two now. I can't hold my sleepiness anymore" Anacia covered her mouth as she yawns. After yawning, Sean turned the lady to face him and gave her  a kiss on the he forehead. Smiling as a response, Anacia drags herself out to Sean's room

Before the lady could leave the room, Hanlon stopped her and said that he wants to go with her. Sean got taken aback hearing the young man's words, but after Hanlon added his sentence, he calmed down

"I'll walk with you, lady Ana. I have to go back in my hotel too" Hanlon said making the woman frowned

"It's already late, darling. Just sleep with Sean for now and go back when the sun rises" Ana proposed but the kid declined

Sean crossed his arms while listening to the kid's words. He arch his eyebrow and rolls his eyes. Changing his postures and reactions from time to time

"If I'll sleep here right now, I might not be able to see the sun rise, lady Ana" Hanlon pouted "Besides, I'm not that tired yet, so I can just drive back to my place without any problems" He added with a reassurance. Sean choose to stay silent while Anacia stared at the kid for awhile. Seeing that Hanlon is not showing any hint of defeat, hence the lady sighed and nodded.

Hanlon jumped his way to approach Anacia while Sean just watches the two of them. The two bid their farewell to Sean before they close the door and leave. After staring at the door for ten seconds, Sean's shoulder fell down as he sit on his bed. The man grabbed his bag and took out a folder. Inside the folder is the information of their diseased business partner, Leonardo Greco. Feeling stress, he closed his eyes and massages the bridge of his nose.

Hanlon and Anacia keep silent while they are walking through the corridors. Making sure that they are already far away from Sean's room, Hanlon closed the gap between him and the lady

"Lady Ana" he whispered. The lady turned to him confused and responded with a "Hmm?"

"Aren't you and Mr. Rich boy sharing a room? Where are you going?" he asked curiously. Ana gave him a smile and reach out the boy's hair to mess it. Hanlon doesn't really mind what his hair looks like, so he just let the lady to mess with it

"You're such a nosy kid" Anacia commented

"Hehehe. I'm just wondering" Hanlon gave a cheeky smile to Ana. Couldn't bear the cuteness of the other, the lady end up telling him the answers to his questions

"We haven't get married yet, so we can't sleep together . You know a lot of things can be happen when  a girl and a boy are alone together inside a room. And those thing can only be done by a marriage couple, thus we discipline ourselves" Anacia explained "Actually, my room is just across to Sean's room. But since I want to walk you to the parking lot, I came with you" She added. Hanlon who's staring at the lady while listening, he suddenly felt a pang in his chest. In just a shot period of time, them being together, he already have the familiar and warmth feelings towards the girl. Her gentleness, and sweetness remind him of her diseased mother.

Gulping down his saliva, Hanlon looks at the exit for a while before he turned to Anacia. Without any warning, the young man hugged the lady. Anacia got taken aback that she failed to response right away. When she realized the situation, it was too late for her to hug the young man back. Hanlon left without turning his head again. While Anacia watches the lonely back of the kid... She felt it, Hanlon's warm tears fell unto her shoulder. Those hug is the hug of longing for someone...

A sound of walking heels, wiggling chains and tune of whistle can be heard in the dark hallway. Turning the knob of the door, a man wearing a leather coat and gloves entered a room where there is topless man, full of bruises, covered with his own blood and is on the verge of death. He is being surrounded by a big guys with matching tattoos, a lamp above his head, and being blindfolded. The man in leather coat approached him and stared at his face. Even though their hostage couldn't see him, the man's face is covered with a smiley white mask. He examined their hostage for awhile and noticed a fresh wound on his shoulder. Grabbing a pliers near him, the man plucked a flesh on the hostage's fresh wound. The hostage hold his breath to prevent from screaming. He panted heavily and tears streaming down to his face. Seeing the hostage's pathetic situation, the man in smiley white mask laughs maniacally. He laughs for twenty seconds and wiped his tears that came out from laughing too much

"That was great" he commented. Despite his craziness, the people around him didn't budge and stayed silent. They never dare to look at the man nor glance at him

Staring the plucked flesh, the man in white smiley mask came near to one of his men. Smiling creepily, he placed the flesh near to his men's mouth

"Eat it" he demanded. The men just obliged right away and opened his mouth to let their boss feed him. After placing the flesh inside his mouth, the man watches his men chew the flesh and swallows it. Being satisfied to his men behavior, he tapped his face a couple of times "Very good" he praised. The rest of the men inside the room, secretly gulp on what they have just witnessed

"Ahh... What a day. You guys never fails me. As my gift, you can do whatever you want to do with that person. When he's dead, you know what to do" The man giggled like a kid and left the room while leaping...

Hanlon lazily watches the scenery from his window. He is resting his chin with his two palms while listening to his favorite music. It's been two days since the first mission was given to him, and until now, Charlie hasn't called him. He was ordered to wait for their instructions, so as of the moment, he can't help but just to laze around.

He wants to dance to sweat but he is feeling too lazy to do that. He wants to ride on his motor to have a chill ride, but doesn't have a motivation to do so. He even hasn't taken a bath yet. And his mind has already memories the details of the view from his window.

Getting tired on just sitting in front of his window, Hanlon glances to his phone for a nth of times, he pouted and beetle-browed. Jessica been planning to call Charlie to ask  for an another task but remembering how he failed the first one, stops him from executing his plan

"If only I have someone who have fun with" he groaned and pushed himself on the bed. After a seconds of laying down, he instantly sit straight up and snatched his phone. Brows in his contacts, Hanlon happily dialed a number from his phone

"What?" the voice from the other line irritatingly asked

"Mr. Rich boy!" Hanlon beamed. Hearing the kid's voice made Sean rolls his eyes. The two decided to exchange their contact information during the night of the incidents. It's a good thing that Hanlon brought it up, because if ever, Sean would never ask for the young man's contact number

"Damn! I shouldn't have answered him" Sean scolded himself, regretting his decision in life

"What do you want" Sean impatiently asked

"I'm bored, Mr. Rich boy. Let's hangout! There's a coffee shop I wanna try, let's meet up there!" Hanlon excitedly invited the man

Scoffing from the other's boldness he furiously said "The h*ck? You're not my responsibility. I'm not going!" after that, he didn't let Hanlon response and just ended the call

Shrugging his shoulders, Hanlon stared the screen of his phone for awhile, he then jumped out from his bed...

Watching the people walk the street, Hanlon comfortably sit on a chair outside the shop. It has a table at the corner and a chair on the opposite side He is also being shielded by a big umbrella  making him doesn't have a problem with the heat of the sun. Hanlon is wearing a white long sleeve paired with a dirty white pants and a converse shoes.

While checking the time on his wrist watch, someone suddenly sit on the vacant chair in front of him. Hanlon looks at the person and smiled right away when he saw Sean. He is wearing an inner white polo with a maroon tie, a navy blue long sleeve on top paired with a black jeans and a black leather boots. Hanlon noticed the eyeglasses that the man is wearing and snatched it. Sean glared at him while the boy just casually wears the glasses

"I thought you won't come" hanlon stated while handing him the menu he received earlier.

In this coffee shop, customers will be given a menu for them to choose. When they finally decided what to order, they'll just have to go to the counter and state their orders

"I'm craving for a coffee, thus I came" Sean answered and started to choose. Hanlon nodded as a response and took off the glasses

"This thing is hurting me" he complained and handed back the glasses to Sean

"Of course! I'm far sighted" he responded as he wears his glasses back while his eyes are still on the menu. Hanlon blink a couple of times and leaned nearer to Sean. The man looks at him while frowning "The h*ll you're doing?" he cussed

Hanlon ignored the man's words and just keep looking on Sean eyes. Even though the man is wearing glasses, he couldn't help but to feel awkward because of the kid's actions

"So, you can't see me?" Sean's awkwardness was change with confusion. The man put down his menu and sat properly

"What do you mean?"

Hanlon sit back to his chair and tilted his head while his gaze is not leaving Sean's face "Well, you said you're far sighted. That means you can't see things in near place. I'm always near you and you never wore the glasses until today" Hanlon clarified. Sean was at loss of words. He doesn't know how to respond with that, but what Hanlon said is true. It's just that, even though he didn't wear his glasses before, he can clearly see Hanlon's features, whether he is far or near

"I want macchiato" he said. Hanlon didn't mind Sean's ignorance of the topic he brought, he just nodded and stand up to get their order

After Hanlon got their coffees, he smiled at the lady and turned his back to return to Sean. When he was near to their table, Hanlon saw the man staring a ring inside a red box. Grinning mischievously, Hanlon carefully approaches the focused man

"Someone is planning to propose" he whispered in Sean's ear making the latter turned to him with a surprised face

"Shut up" he scowled and grabbed his coffee. Hanlon just chuckled at him and returned to his sit

"I can help you" Hanlon said, stopping Sean from continuing to drink his coffee. The two stared to each for awhile leaving their to cold...

(I'm not a romantic person, so I'm not sure what will be the outcome of this scene)

Sean and Hanlon rented a whole garden with fountain in the Italy. They order the foods that the lady really loves and have her favourite drinks and dessert. They also requested a group of musician to play a music for them in the background.

A table for two near the fountain, aesthetic lights around the area and a soothing sounds of violins. Everything is ready and Hanlon was assigned to escort the lady to the venue. While waiting for their arrival, Sean let out a deep breath and calmed himself. He keeps fixing his tie and clearing his throat while mentally reminding himself now to mess up

He received a text message from Hanlon saying that they are on their way. After letting out a deep breath for the last time, Sean faced the way where Hanlon and Anacia will arrive.

Not so long, the people that the man has been waiting, already emerged. Hanlon is guiding the lady on their way, while Anacia is holding Hanlon's arm. As the two coming closer, Sean's heart couldn't stop beating faster. When they have finally arrived, Hanlon handed Anacia to Sean. Hanlon gave Sean a nod and smile and left the two. Gulping down his nervousness, Sean lead them to their seats. Anacia roamer her eyes around the place whole smiling, she then looks at her fiance

"What's the event, Sean?" she asked. The man gave her a smile and reached her hand to hold it

"I just want to be with you" he responded and signalises the people to deliver their foods.

The waiters and waitress arranged their food on the table and wish them to enjoy their dinner. Anacia's eyes sparkled after she saw all the foods are her favorite. She looks at her fiance and was about to speak when a waiter handed him a red rose

"Sean" was the word the lady uttered. Sean smiled at her wholeheartedly and invited the lady to eat

The dinner went smooth and they continuasly talk to each other like it's a casual date. Sean would crack a joke to makes the lady laugh, while Anacia would response to I'm every words Sean would say

When the background music changed. Sean suddenly stand up from his seat, confusing the lady. The man came closer to her and kneeldown one of his knees. Realizing what's happening, Anacia couldn't help but to get carried away and her suspicion just got confirmed when Sean pulled a small red box and revealed a ring inside of it

"I know I'm not perfect, for you to marry me. But I promise that I'll do my best, to deserve you, and to have your yes as an answer... Ms. Anacia Chen, my lady, my queen. May I have the honor of spending the rest of my life with you?" At this moment, Anacia cried while fanning herself. She didn't expect that despite of them being engaged to each, Sean would still proposed. She was too happy that she nodded in age whole shouting yes.

In a cue, Sean stand up  from kneeling down and opened his arms to catch Anacia who jumped unto him. Sean lifted the lady off the ground and spinned her around. The two hugged each other tightly while crying in each others arms. The fireworks started to light up the dark sky, and the people around them cheer and clap their hands

"In this messed up world, there are still people who knows how to love genuinely. And I'm happy to witnessed one, tonight."