Chapter 11: Trust

"Take a rest now, Sevilla. You just got discharged from the hospital" Yang reminded him. Jake smiled at his friend before he nodded as a response

"I'll just finish this one and I'll go to sleep" he swear. Yang stared at him for awhile before he decided to left. After making sure that the officer is far from his area, Jake hurriedly opens the secret files in his laptop and browse in it

There are more than one hundred confidential case in his secret file, and all of them has the label and some details. Spotting the name "Gwenu" Jake double clicked the mouse and the files revealed a lot of contents. There are picture of Sean during his engagement party, Gwenu family, the people connected to Gwenus and their businesses. A separated file with a name "untitled" pique his interest since the day he investigated the family. Inside the folder is the information of the family that hasn't confirmed yet. It is said that the Gwenus aren't just a mere business people but are also making money in black market. Although there are some pictures of Sean's father and Sean being spotted in illegal places, it's not enough to be use as an evidence that this family are criminals. Authorities have been planning to visit the place but the security in there is tighter than the banks. They tried to place an undercover, but they failed to approached the area. Even the Secret Service forces didn't dare to interfere.

Jake doesn't really mind the Gwenus, especially the fact that in this world, there are also other criminals lurking around. What concerns him is Hanlon.

Staring at the photo of his Junior and Sean being together in Italy's coffee shop--- Hanlon uploaded it--- Jake got worried even more.

"You're stronger than me, I'm aware of that, Shizi. But you're not aware of what kind of person you're putting your trust on. That's one of your weakness" Jake stated in his mind as he took a sip of his coffee and closed all of his tabs. After shutting down his laptop, Jake pulled out the flash drive and put it around on his neck, making it his necklace.

Yawning and stretching himself, Jake checked the time from his phone and sleepily walk his way out of the office. When Jake exited the station, he saw Yang sitting on his motor while browsing through his phone. Yang turned his gaze to the newly arrived man and gave him a poker face. Putting the phone inside his pocket, Yang toasts a helmet to the detective, Jake caught it smoothly

"Free ride, eh" Jake teased. The officer just scoff at him and prepared his motor. After the detective got on, Yang flew his motor without any warning. Got surprised by the sudden speed, the detective hold unto the motor tightly, praying to spare his life

"D*mn you, Linn!!!"

After Sean's successful proposal, he and his future wife had their moment together. They cuddle each other while sitting on the bench. Sean was humming a song making the lady get sleepy. Checking his wrist watch, it's already late, the man gently called the name of the lady

"Hmm?" Anacia responded while still hugging Sean

"Should we go back? I know you're tired" Sean said, caressing the lady's head. Anacia broke away from the hug and looked into her fiance's eyes. Sean stared back.

"Sure" Anacia answered and gave Sean a kiss on cheek. The man's face turned into red as he didn't expect it to happen. The lady stand up from her seat and waited for Sean to follow. Regaining back his composure, Sean guided his fiance to her people and handed her to them

"Please accompany your lady. Take care of her. And you, sleep already. Don't wait for me. Okay?" Sean gave a kiss to the lady's forehead and checked her for awhile

"Take care of yourself too" she responded sleepily and started to walk with her people. When Sean saw the car left safely, he immediately runs back to the venue and searched for someone. The people in there are starting to clean up, but he couldn't find the person he's looking

When a waiter passes him by, he inquired the boy "Did you see a young man? He... The person who escorted my fiance here" his voice sounds urgent. The waiter shook his head and excused himself. Sean's back fell in disappointment but then, a waitress approached him. She gently tapped Sean's back

"Are you looking for that young man who has a motor?" Sean's eyes lit up in anticipation. He holds the shoulders of the girl and stared at her directly to the eyes

"Tell me, where is he?"

"He left already. In the middle of fireworks display" the girl's answers made Sean feels disappointed again. He released the girl's shoulders and nodded at her. Releasing a deep breath, Sean took out the phone from his pocket and dialed a number

"Hello! Thank you for calling. How can I help you?" the person on the other line naughtily answered. Sean's expression hardened

"You f*cker! Why did you left? Where are you?!!" He yelled making the workers look at him with wide eyes

"Mr. Rich boy!!! My stomach is not in good mood. I've been in the comfort room for 7th times. And now, I think it will become 8th times... No! It's really 8th times now! I have to go---" the call ended. Sean left dumbfounded, looking on the screen of his phone. The man rolled his eyes in annoyance and puts back the phone in his pocket.

Confirming that Hanlon already left, he decided to go back in their hotel.

"That's what you got for being such a brat" he stated to himself while thinking how Hanlon asked him awhile ago to buy a food for him that both of them are not familiar with...

After a long night of having constipation, Halon wakes up with dark circles under his eyes. He stared at the empty space while letting his mind wonder around. He didn't get enough sleep last night because of his stomach, and now his body feels so heavy that he just wants to lay down and do nothing

"I would just sleep if only my hunger is not the boss of myself" he said and decided to climb off from his bed. But because of his clumsiness, instead of climbing off, he fell down straight to the floor with his face being the first one to collide with the cold tiles

"Ouch" he expressed lazily.

Suddenly, his phone rings, indicating that someone is calling him... Forcing himself to stand up, Hanlon drags his tired body to get his phone. Not checking who's the caller, he pressed the answer button

"Hmm?" he simply greeted and yawned

"That sounds different, Mr. Secret Agent" the voice from the other line made Hanlon's system wake up. His mood instantly lit up and his tiredness vanished

"Mr. Rich boy!!!" he yelled, making Sean put away the phone from his ears

"Jeez! That's a quick change" he commented, chuckling slightly

Hanlon throws himself back to the bed while he's holding the phone unto his ears "You called! Missed me?" he teased

Sean scoffed before he replied "Let's meet" the words he said and ended the call

Hanlon looks at his phone confusedly. The man didn't tell where they should meet, but after remembering the only place they've met up yesterday, he hurriedly prepared himself.

Wearing a baggy brown pants paired with oversized black sweater, and black and white sneakers shoes. Hanlon checks himself again on the mirror before he grabbed his fresh milk and left the room.

While driving his motor, Hanlon looks at his wrist watch to check the time. Seeing it's already nine thirty-six AM, he speeds up his motorcycle, wanting to arrives in the place, first.

Hanlon parked his motor not so far from the shop and excitedly hopped off. Leaping happily on his way to the shop, he roamed around his eyes to look for a place where he'll wait for the man. But to his surprised, Sean is already there, waiting for him. The latter waves at him while smirking, Hanlon made an unsatisfied expression and approached the person waiting for him

"You're here first" he complained like a child. Before Hanlon could sit, Sean stand up and fixes his white polo. The kid looks at him confusedly while holding the chair

"I came here early because I didn't bring my car. Let's ride on your motor. I know a good restaurant near here" Sean winks at Hanlon and lead the way. Having the clear idea on what they'll gonna do, the young man excitedly followed Sean, like a child.

"I thought we won't be able to do this again" Hanlon stated while getting ready to start his motor. Sean was just relaxing himself on the back, patiently waiting for Hanlon to drive

"What do you mean?" Sean asked while frowning. But instead of answering him, Hanlon just gave him a smile from the rear view mirror as he drives the motor

"You treated me differently back then. I was scared that we're drifting apart even though I don't know the reason" Hanlon sighed, answering the question inside his head

While the kid is driving, Sean was giving a direction. It didn't take too long before they arrived to their destination.

After parking the motor, they walked their way to a vacant table. It is an open restaurant located near to the ocean. A foreigner man wearing a red apron, greeted them and lead them to a table where the view of the clear sky and blue water can be seen better. While following the foreigner, Hanlon confusedly looked back to their first choice of area.

"Being with a rich person is really beneficial, huh? You're being taken care" Hanlon teasingly whispered. Sean gave him a smirk and lean closer to the young man's ear

"I booked a table for us, kiddo" he said leaving Hanlon in awe

When they finally settled to their place, the foreigner handed them a menu before taking out his paper and pen to note their orders. Sean casually chooses anything he likes, while Hanlon pouted his lips before putting down the menu. Sean noticed his action. Frowning slightly, he called the attention of the person infront of him

"You done? Tell your order to him" Sean gestured the foreigner who's now smiling at him. The young man smiled back awkwardly before turning back his gaze to Sean

"Their foods are too expensive, even their drinks" he whispered, making Sean looked at him in disbelief

"So what? It's my treat" he answered in a matter of fact tone. The young man rolled his eyes as he exhaustedly heave a sigh

"Mr. Rich boy, I know you're rich, but I'm not shameless, you know?" Hanlon retorted while putting his chin on his palms

"Not asking anything expensive from me doesn't make you less shameless, kiddo" Sean scoffed, rolling his eyes. Hanlon facepalm himself, realizing that he is in a debate, again, with the person who doesn't want to lose

Meanwhile, The foreigner who's waiting for their orders, swallowed his saliva while standing stiffly between them. In four years of working in the said restaurant, the foreigner never had a customer that fighting to each other during order session. He wants to call the attention of the two but he's afraid that he might be pulled in to their little fight.

"I think, we should stop already. We're fighting again" realizing their situation, Hanlon gives up and get the menu again. After sighing once, he told the foreigner his order and returned the menu to him.

Nodding his head, Sean also told his order to the foreigner before excusing him. When the waiter is finally gone, the two glared to each other.

"What?!" Hanlon asked loudly than intended

"Will you please next time, don't ruin the mood?" Sean sarcastically asked and rolled his eyes at him. The young man choose not to answer and just gave him a bored expression.

Not so long of waiting, their orders finally arrived. Hanlon hurriedly stand up and helped the waiter settle their foods and drinks. Seeing his action, Sean stared at the kid in awe and confusion. When the waiter excused himself, Sean wasted no time

"What was that?" Sean leaned on the table

"Huh?" Hanlon stopped midway from sitting after hearing the man's question. Sean signal him to sit first that Hanlon oblige right away

"You helped the waiter, why? Isn't it their job to serve us? They are being paid to do it" Hanlon stared the person in front of him in disbelief before he laughed. The latter frowned while watching the laughing kid

"I didn't expect that you would ask that!" Hanlon exclaimed. Sean hissed at him, demanding an answer right away "Mr. Rich boy, helping someone is not a sin. So what if he's being paid to serve us. That doesn't mean we are not allowed to help. Humanity is free, babe" he winked as he drinks his juice. The man just blinked a couple of times, his mouth left open making Hanlon push his chin up to close Sean's mouth

Sean choose not to reply and just eat his foods silently.

After finishing their meal, the two decided to go for a walk. Walking side by side to each other, the two silently enjoying their moment. The sounds of the waves and seagulls, clear sky, and a fresh air, that's all they want for now

"You said awhile ago that helping is not a sin and humanity is free" Sean broke the silence. The young man turned his head to his companion and hum as a response "In moral, yes, it's a great thing. But in this world, helping has a cost, humanity is give and take. You know what I mean, right?" this time, Sean also turned his head to Hanlon, the latter gives him a smile and nodded. Without noticing, both of them stopped their track

"I'm aware of that, Mr. Rich boy. When you help someone, they won't do the same and might betray you in the end. While humanity in this world can only be achieved if you have something to give. It's already common, yes, but that doesn't mean we should follow what the others do. Changes come from individual being" Hanlon tapped Sean's back as he continued to walk, while the other was left in awe. He was amaze by the kid's kindness. Sean doesn't know the kid's personality but for some reason, he started to trust Hanlon to the point that he wants to take a risk

After roaming around for awhile, they walk back to where they parked the motor. Hanlon toasts the Helmet to Sean that the latter barely caught. The man gave him a death glare

"Where is the next stop?" the kid asked while grinning. Sean raised an eyebrow as he thinks where they should go. It is still too early for him to go back in their hotel and he doesn't have the energy to go back on his work. After thinking, Sean snapped his fingers

"Shall we go to your place?" he asked. Hanlon blinked a couple of times before he excitedly replied "Okay" and drove the motor

Upon reaching to the kid's room, Sean stopped his track from entering. He was too stunned to even move a single part of his body. Roaming his eyes around the place, he couldn't help but cringe "Are you sure you're staying here?" he confirmed. Hanlon looks at his place while scratching the back of his neck. It's not dirty, it's just, his thing are not arranged and his clothes are still scattered all over. It's a good thing that he has a habit of putting his dirty clothes into one place, separating from the clean ones.

"Ammmm... Well, I kinda got lazy arranging my things so, as what you can see. Do you still want to come in?" Hanlon awkwardly asked. Chuckling from the kid's behavior, Sean respectfully entered the room and walks around the place. Every clothes that he passed by, he picked it up and tossed it to the bed.

"Fold your clothes" he ordered like an older brother. Hanlon was about to protest but before he could do so, Sean already shot him a threatening look

"Yes boss! I'll fold my clothes right away" after saluting, he wasted no time and started to fold his clothes. While waiting for the younger one to finish. Sean observed the place and noticed a picture frame on the small drawer. In the picture, there is a couple who smiled happily and a boy between them, grinning. Sean smiled unconsciously

"Is this you and your parents? Where are they?" he asked while he is still looking at the frame. Hanlon turned to him for awhile before answering

"They died long time ago" he answered naturally. Sean froze on his foot and swallowed a large amount of his saliva. Silently, he scolded himself

"Sorry about that, I shouldn't have asked" he stated, putting down the picture frame

"Hmm. It's nothing. You didn't know that's why you asked" Hanlon replied as he continued to fold his clothes

Frowning confusedly, he looks at the kid. While watching Hanlon folding his clothes, Sean couldn't stop but to think how adorable, pure, and innocent the young man is

"I wish you'll stay like this" he unconsciously stated.

"Pardon?" Hanlon looked at him. Realizing what he just did, Sean shakes his head and gestured to continue what he's doing.

It's already 3:49 in the afternoon when the two finished cleaning Hanlon's room. Too late for them to eat their lunch, and they are too tired and hungry to find a restaurant. They decided to have their snacks slash lunch, delivered. While waiting for it to arrive, they were just lying on the bed, texting and scrolling their to phone. The room is so quiet that you wouldn't know if the people are sleeping or not around.

Getting bored to their situation, Hanlon sighed heavily as he put down his phone. Sean looked at him while frowning, seeing there's nothing unusual to the kid, he turned back his attention to the phone

"Are you planning to do this for the rest of the time? "Hanlon asked and grabbed the phone from Sean's hand. After being startled by what just happened, he hurriedly got up from the bed and tried to get his phone back from the kid. Hanlon being a naughty creature, he constantly put away the phone from reach of the man, even though Sean is taller than him.

The two were fighting like dog and cat when they heard a knock from the door. Staring on it for awhile, Hanlon got up to receive their orders. The two started eating while talking anything random. Not so long after they finish their foods, both of them clean up their mess.

Hanlon used the bathroom and when he got out, he saw Sean staring unto the picture frame of them again. Knitting his brows, Hanlon smirked in his mischievous plan as he carefully approach the man and snapped his fingers on Sean's face, startling the latter.

"Earth to Mr. Rich boy..." He grinned. Sean gave him a glare and returned his gaze to the picture frame. Hanlon did the same and after a while, Sean finally gathered his courage to ask a question

"Do have a mission in here, Hanlon?" He asked blankly but regretted right away. Unfortunately, it is too late for him take his question back

"Yup! The director gave me an assignment to investigate something in here. Actually, there's only three of us who knows this operation since we keep this a secret from everyone, hence, I'm alone" Hanlon answered without any hesitation. Sean swallowed a large amount of saliva

"That made me being the fourth person to know this secret operation" he commented. Gritting his teeth, Sean grabbed Hanlon, forcing him to face him "Why did you tell me if this is an important secret, Hanlon?!"

"Well, it's not like there's something bad would happen if I tell you, besides I trust you. I can even tell you our plan so that we have something to talk about" the young man innocently replied.

'Trust? You don't even know my real identity'