A Growing Fern (Original)

Fernspice looked around. Her pack needed a new alpha fast or the pack would crumble apart. She did find one wolf who could lead. His name was Kilo and he and his brother Darkfang had recently joined. Darkfang was well- dark but Kilo had potential, and she swore on Moonpack to keep an eye on his very ambitious brother. A new litter of pups were on there way, as a wolf named Ivymoon was having pups. Darkfang became more and more ambitious so Fernspice wasn't shocked when he asked for Killer Berries, but she refused to give him any. Later she found out Kilo had killed him after he tried to kill Kilo in a wolf trap. "I hereby appoint Kilo as our new Alpha!" she cheered.

I took over after this chapter so that the story may go on.