Many moons ago....
"Orchid--Robin...paw, come home," said Strongpaw wagging her tail. Robinpaw shook her head slowly. "I'm afraid I can't." Strongpaw's tail stopped wagging. She had to be joking. Robinpaw rested her nuzzle on Strongpaw's shoulder. "I love you, sister. Be sure to tell mother I miss her."
Current day....
Kilo stared at the beautiful wolf, Moonwing. Kilo was determined that one day, she would be alpha alongside him. Meanwhile, it was Redtail staring at Diamondeyes. Blurfoot noticed this and walked up to Redtail. "Ah, yes. Look at you. She'll never fall in love with you," he teased, "but, if you really want to impress her..." If I hear Robinfur sing a love song, for the love of the ancestors, so help me... "Ahhh! Diamondeyes, hellllp! Helllllp! Redtail is going to eat me and use my fur for his new bed!" Fernspice shook her head. Blurfoot began bouncing, then barked, "Dude, chase me! Bark, growl! Do something bro!" Redtail gave a small smirk, and Blurfoot immediately regretted it, and began running. Redtail chased him around, barking. Diamondeyes watched as the two went in circles, and she, as well as the rest of the pack, began laughing. Blurfoot was getting what he deserved. It wasn't long before Redtail caught up and pinned Blurfoot to the ground. "Enough," Kilo barked. Strongsoul and her hunting patrol came running into the camp with fear. The pack became silent. "Two-paw," Strongsoul panted, "I saw a two-paw near camp." Kilo jumped from the stone. "Did it follow you," he asked. Strongsoul shook her head. I went to find the two-paw. He was holding a myserious thing in it's forepaws. What is it? My sister joined my side. And we watched in curiosity as the two-paw buried it in the ground and began chanting.
[Meanwhile in Fire Pack....]
Robinsoul and Badgerswipe were standing by the border for the morning patrol. Robinsoul twitched her tail. Something didn't feel right. Robinsoul went to the Leaf Pack border to check on her sister. But to her surprise, her sister was running towards her. "ROBINSOUL," she screamed, "ROBIN !" Robinsoul dashed towards her sister. Only to yelp and drift to a stop when her sister hit her head on a mysterious force. A barrier had fallen over Leaf Pack. "No. NO! NOOO," screamed Robinsoul. Soon the pack came to join Strongsoul. Fire Pack joined Robinsoul. And River Pack stood at the side of Fire Pack. Robinsoul leaped around trying to find an exit. "I'll get you out!" "You saw what happened, don't try to get me out! You"ll get hurt!" The wolves of Leaf Pack were trapped. "Maybe we just have to fight our way through," barked Crow. Crow rammed into the barrier, fighting his way through. He was doing it! Until he reached the other side. All wolves, of each pack, stared in horror at the ashes of Crow's body. "Don't worry, Leaf Pack," Irispaw barked, "I'll save you!" Iris paw walked through the barrier surprisingly with ease. "Irispaw dear, come back to your alpha," said Lilith in semi-panic voice. "Okay," Irispaw yipped. Irispaw darted towards the barrier, only to fall back. At that moment, every wolf knew that those who entered Leaf Pack would never come out.
To be continued?