Chapter 1

Indiana Jones thought he had set out to find the lost curse. He didn't know where he had went wrong. Let's recap. That morning he had told his only daughter Aizora Imellia Jones that he'd be gone for a week's time. He never thought it would take him this long as he didn't know what to do other than keep going. He had given his coin that he had found on his last treasure hunt to his daughter. He didn't know if he had regretted it or not.

Aizora sat around the table eating her cut up fruit as she looked over at her dad who had walked into the room. " Dad you look like you haven't slept?" She was right he hadn't slept much.  He tried to smile down at her as he thought she knew him to well as he barely knew his own daughter. After her mom had passed away he didn't have the heart to tell her as he told her that she had packed up her things and left. He didn't understand the life she had for both of them.

" I have to go back to search." He could see the sadness in her eyes at only 16. " Only for a week. I'll be back." He promised as he rubbed the coin in between his fingers afraid to do the wrong thing. " Here I want you to have this." He said pressing it in her palm as he looked everywhere else instead of her. She didn't say anything as he told her to behave as Mrs. Burkes will be dropping by later to check on her. Aizora was never a bad teen she behaved well enough to a point where she could stay home by herself.  After packing up the rest of his things he kissed Aizora goodbye as he left leaving her in her thoughts once more. She felt like she knew Mrs. Burkes better than her own father.

A couple days had went by as Mrs. Burkes came to check up on her as she felt useless. She knew she could've done anything else but she got a job as a maid helping the hotel as it grew in business. She helped the hungry as she noticed it had been 2 weeks. Should she worry? She knew how her father was and he had promised, but if he knew he would've sent a note. School was hectic as she knew her bestfriend was lying to her about something but she couldn't tell what. Everyday it was like the same thing. She'd feel sick to the point where she'd go home or she'd come to class holding her stomach. I didn't know what was wrong and everytime I asked she wouldn't tell me or she'd say " Feeling sick."

Andrew Anderson wasn't that great of a person, and it's like he knew that. He wanted people to fear him. When he got in a fight with some of the football players I thought for sure they'd send him home and never to return but his dad paid a huge amount to the school so they couldn't do anything. He got away with almost everything. I could tell everytime he looked at Marie and me something felt off and I knew she wasn't telling me everything.  " Ok spill. Now!"

" Spill what."

I wanted to pull my hair. " For starters the way he just looked at you and second everytime any of his "friends" are near us it's like you're this tense shy girl. Where's my bestfriend?"  She just gave me a look and shrugged as I just wasn't having it as I just let it go.

Indiana's pov:

Indiana climbed the big hill as he over looked the valley below. Why did he have to go this way? It didn't make no sense to him. He was getting more confused and if that wasn't enough he hadn't slept in over a week now. Stressed he pulled out a ham and cheese sandwhich Aizora made for him as he kept walking as he also drunk his tea. He thought about his daughters well being and of course the road ahead.  He was supposed to go North but his compass kept pointing west, maybe he got it wrong? After noticing it was getting dark he set up camp in a little clearing. What he did was set up a little tent as he made the fire close to it as he found a good sterdy tree a little ways off as he tied himself to the tree but not before getting the important stuff.

Maybe you'll get some shut eye." He wanted to laugh. He should've told Gearett where he was going but he had only told one person where he was going as that was the only person he could trust. Thinking back to that one night stand He didn't understand what had happened and how she died.  She was perfectly healthy almost 16 years ago was the day the doctor told him that she would need a name. He named her after his mother and somone close to him.  He didn't know much about how to raise a baby but he made sure to start her in school early.  She was smart and he felt bad as he pondered on why he everlied to her about her mother. He knew he better get some shut eye before he making it to the cave of secrets.

He heard distance rustling as the whispers suddenly stopped as he strained his ears as he pressed himself into the tree.  He was never aware some people were following him. Great now he couldn't study the map. He could hear his father now. " So stupid you didn't even know you were being followed, Pathetic. " 

He mentally rolled his eyes cause he could hear that in his mind. He knew his dad loved him he just had a weird way of showing it. He saw a glimpes of a mans shaggy face before the man threw a bottle at the tent. He sat up straighter trying to not make a sound as he waited for it to go off. Confused he looked towards the group as he looked back at camp. Was it supposed to go off? That's when he heard a woman's voice. Why did she sound so familair? It couldn't be?  He noticed they were leaving as he drifted off.

The next morning he didn't want to wake but his neck was seriously nagging him. " Ugh." The sun was right in his face as he just wanted to go back to sleep but he knew he couldn't

It was a good thing he felt more energized and refreshed as he thought back to last night. He grabbed his pack off his shoulders as he packed up everything as he ate one of his gronola bars and drank some water as he saw a bottle to the side from where the man had thrown it. He didn't hesitate as he smashed it and out popped a note.  'Come to town, we'll met you there."

Confused and slightly creeped out he made the mistake that will haunt him as he went into the nearest town as they immediatly took him by surprise.  They thought he knew where it was. He didn't know what they were talking about as they forced him to help them as it took another week's time travel. He pondered what they were looking for as he just wanted to find more coins as they became curious as they thought he was lying.  He didn't know what was going on but he quickly just went with it as he'd soon regret it. He ended up leading them to a hallow rock that was split open by a little bit as he looked at his compass as it kept pointing another way. The General wasn't having it as Indy asked to see their map as they gave it to him very upset. Hoping it was different he studied it well before letting them know they were going the wrong way as some people came to the General telling them they found it as they had shovels and axe's. Gaurds followed them forcing them back to work as The general seemed somewhat happy as he yelled for him to move.  Knowing he might not make it he prayed his only daughter one day not end up like him.

They followed him as he stopped so much because his compass was pointing another way. Should he confess? No they would kill him on the spot. What were they trying to find. Was it the cave of secrets? A few days past as he noticed he was leading them in circles wiping the sweat off his face he hoped they didn't notice. They took a break after some Gaurds spoke to the General as he chugged his water and he wiped more sweat off his face. The General screamed at a few of his men as he could tell they were scared. " Go now, before its to late. Go!" Should he be scared too? What was he talking about? What did he mean?  While they were to busy ordering people and gaurds around he easily drew another copy of the map before stuffing it in between the rocks so no one could see it.

That night he awoke hearing voices as he suddenly felt alert as he grabbed his boots from the ground and put them on as he followed. He noticed he was going the same way his compass was trying to lead him to as he continued on as a few gaurds stood watch over the General as he didn't realize somone else had followed him. When he finally made it around them to keep following that's when he knew he was being followed, but why? He kept going as if he didn't know as the other men looked around before disappearing in a cave. He didn't know that was there as someone from behind him grabbed him as another appeared to the side of him peircing his side as the General and and a few gaurds suddenly walked around the large rocks as the guy behind him squeezed hard so he couldn't move. When he tried to yell thats when the guy with the knife plunged it in his stomache as he twisted it and jerked it back out as they let his body crumble to the ground in a heap. With his last breath he prayed for his daughter.

2 Years later:

Aizora had been selling pretty much anything to keep money as she slept in a tent that no one knew about. She knew her father would get caught up in his work one day as her best friend Ruth Marie Scatten had lost something valuable. Marie headed to Aizora's house but not finding her she went to her house packing a few things including her charger as she had her flip phone in her pocket. Before she headed out she told her mother that she was staying with Z for the week. As she left she didn't realize that would be the last time seeing her mother for a long time as she went to her friends shop.

She didn't like how her family packed up and made her leave as they moved closer to family because her mothers mom had died. She understood but it didn't give her time to just tell her best friend. Thankfully they had moved back. Drew showed up at Aizora's shop as a few friends were with him as they made a mess of things. Drew didn't look happy with his friends as he just glared before they started acting their age. " What? You don't remember those good old days?" The other friend snickered before telling him that He was the one who started the whole thing.

Aizora watched as Marie walked through the door as the boys just stared at her.

" That's one of them. That's funny." He clapped Drew on his back staring after her as she walked over to her best friend as they talked.

His other friend was to happy with the thought of her back as he simply told him to do it. Drew rolled his eyes as he just walked out the store before they made another scene.  Marie stayed with her as Drew apparently had came back an hour later. " If you're here to goof off please just leave."  Aizora said not in the mood as Marie walked back to the front. " I still haven't found it. Is it ok if I look in here?" She asked as she made eye contact with Drew as he stared back. " Sure, Make sure not to mess anything up. I already had to clean up after a few." She stated looking back at Drew as she gave him a mean look.

Marie knew her best friend to well to know that was the I will hurt you look. She looked around the store as she still couldn't find what she lost. " What are you looking for?" Drew asked almost scaring her. " None of your business." she said as she turned around as she picked up a container as she opened it only to be upset again as she sat it back down. He had a book in his hands as he tried to be intresting as she just rolled her eyes. " Are you asking for an interview because I don't work here." He just blinked before looking down at the book. " Um look. " Z called from the front as she thanked God. " Have you seen that ancient book ?"

I pointed behind me as Drew walked up behind her as he barely opened the book as a force hit him hard knocking him to the ground as Marie was pushed into the counter as she turned ready to hurt somone. " The hell dude!" Marie yelled as Z ran towards him only to grab the book instead. " No no no. shit, Shit, Shit!"

" The fuck was that? " He looked at himself and at the several objects around him as he looked up at an angry Aizora. "You know what asshole, you might've just killed half the world." She seemed frantic as she grabbed Marie and fast talked about the book. Where she got it and found it.

" I'm sorry. You're telling me that book has something out there that might kill us? " She looked over at Drew as he surprisingly had cleaned up around himself as she growled as she wanted to badly to kill something. " This asshole." She knew her father was Indiana Jones and so did everyone else. They treated her differently but a few talked about her as she was the girl whos dad was never around.Which was true.

Drew finally had everything cleaned up as Marie and Aizora were almost ready to leave as he stopped us. " Hey, I want to help. "

" No you've done enough." Aizora said as Marie could tell she wanted to punch him in his punchable face. 

They walked out of the store as Marie knew it wouldn't be the last time they saw him as we went off to her home.

" I understand why you were rude, but you could've just said no."

"I did. " She stated coldly.

Marie never understood when she had came back why she seemed uptight. She was only gone for a year and it felt like sometimes she didn't know her.

" I don't know how long We're going to be gone. You might want to pack something else." I was confused as she walked into her room as everything seemed gloomy. " How long do you think we'll be gone? Do you think I could just pack some of yours because if I go home my mom will see me probably packing my closet and ask questions. " I knew she was serious when she was telling me before that this wasn't going to be easy. It scared me, and I knew from her dad's experience I was scared for Z.

" I might have some of your clothes here." She paused as she dug through her clothes in her dresser as she threw the clothes at me. " Geez next time just hand them to me."

I didn't watch her pack as I went to her fridge to see only a few things I was curious. " Didn't you go shopping the other day? Where's your food?" I grabbed a few waters as I also grabbed a few more for Z. " Here." She just looked at them as she told me we wouldn't need them. " Z. It's water. We're going to need H2O if we're going to be gone for a while."

" I already have a ton in the tent and a whole lot of food." I was confused again as I questioned what she said as I didn't repeat anything. I didn't want to make her upset already.

She never told me how she knew her father passed. Ever since she knew she had been restless as she knew something I didn't. She seemed to much like her father sometimes. I would watch her reading his journal or books on things he has done. It amazed me how she wanted to be like him as she always seemed different somehow. I watched as she grabbed a few books including her dads journal as she rubbed the coin in her hands. My eyes went back to the coin as I tried to fight with my eyesight. Did it just glow?

Maybe she knew. She didn't seem any different as she stuffed it in her blue jean pocket as she put the pack around her shoulders. We finally left the house that looked like someone had trashed it as we ventured towards the forest that laid ahead. " What's he want?" I looked where she saw Drew with a black backpack as I knew if this boy got on her nerves something bad would happen. " Can I help you?" I asked as he seemed relieved about something. " I want to help. I know it was my fault and I could help with anything plus I won't get it your way."

"  she already said no." I said as I looked at him even though she knew it did seem a little weird that Drew wanted to help with something. Where was the old Drew?   " Let me guess if I say no you're going to follow?" Aizora said as she had a look on her face.

" Yeah." He didn't seem sure with his answer as Aizora walked into the trees as I just ran after her. " You did hear him right?"

"every word."   " Z. What if he tries something on both of us or something happens and he chickens out and leaves us to die?"

She looked back as I followed her gaze at Drew as he stalked after us with his hands around the pack shoulders.   

" We'll be fine. Plus we could use some help with a lot of things. " I snickered as she looked at me as I shut my mouth immediatly. " Seriously with what? " I felt stupid as those words came out as she just smiled down at the ground.

" Do you have a map of where we are going. A compass? "

She looked over at me as she smiled at my enthusiastic tone.  " Yeah I do. Do you know how many times I've studied that thing? I know where we are going."

About 3 hours in I was already cramping. I knew I loved nature and the woods but the fuck. Let me rest.   I watched Drew like a Hawk as I observed our surrondings as we came into a clearing that had a creek. I knew there was a waterfall somewhere as I could hear the rushing water somewhere in the distance. I turned my body several times as Drew watched Z and me as he too looked around. " Makes me thirsty ." He said as he licked his dried lips as I just pointed. " Don't get your underwear in a twist. " He had a point as I went over to the water as Z looked at the map and compass as i felt the cold water in between my fingers. "

I must've had an attitude because I knew he had given me a look as it burned the back of my head I got up from the ground shaking my hand as I just wanted so bad to take off my socks and shoes and walk into the water.  " Y'all good?" Z asked as I just huffed out as I tightly grabbed my backpack as I shook my mind from the past.


" Little miss goody two shoes over here. Funny" Warren and Jack was in the bullie gang with Andrew. They never really got along with each other until they tried to hurt those around them and then later talk about it. It ticked me off to see them trying to hurt the kids at school. " Get lost." I said as I got in front of a girl as Warren slammed his hand against the locker as the girl just shrieked and ran. Shit I didn't think as he stalked towards me as Jack seemed happy with his prey. " Look I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted my book from my locker. " I backed up as Jack grabbed my arm as he pushed my body hard against the locker as Warren slapped me hard. " Ow." I cried as I grabbed my face as Jack tried to get near me.  " Excuse me." I heard as Jack and Warren froze as I hoped it was a teacher. " Andrew, my man." Jack said as Warren grabbed my wrist and squeezed making sure I didn't run.

" I got it from here. Get!" For a second I was relieved until I knew It was going to get worse. Jack and Warren gave each other a look before giving him the look as they both walked off looking back as they turned the corner. " You ok?"

I looked over at him kinda surprised as he looked closely at my wrist. " What?"

"Did he hit you. Fuck. " He lifted his hand as I tightly closed my eyes waiting for the blow as it never came.

He had grabbed my arm as he suddenly didn't seem like himself as I felt like we were being watched as I looked at Jack as he came from around the corner as I knew what that meant as Drew pulled her with him into a closet. " Wait. " He didn't give no warning as his hand slapped against her left cheek. " Shh."  I wanted to cry as He jerked me backwards into what seemed to be another room in the closet. " Drew. Wh-."

"Shh. I'd rather not be found."   He said looking back as I suddenly glared as I hit him back but with barley any force as he just grabbed my hands and slammed me against a wall. " What are-."   " God you are annoying."   I tried to push with my body but he wasn't having it as his legs went in between mine as I freaked more as his hand slammed over my mouth. I wanted to cry but everything in me held it in as I breathed loudly onto his hand. We barley had any light in the small room as he pulled both hands away from me as he didn't step back. 

I didn't know how to feel. Just because he was gorgeous didn't really mean anything."  He looked over my body as I knew what he was looking at as My hand found his face. " Bitch!" He didn't like that he shoved me hard as I felt every done in my body say yes.  " Let go of me asshole."

" Not until you calm down." I growled as he squeezed my wrist's with one of his hands as his other snaked around my waist as he was meters from my face. I moved my head fast as his mouth suddenly found my neck. " Hey!" my body didn't want to listen as his assult on my neck deepend.  Please tell me I didn't moan. No I moaned. Fucking great.

He ended up finding my face as his hand grabbed my face harshly before kissing me hard. I moaned again as I suddenly realized what was happening and with who. Before I could process the bell rung as he muttered beneath his breath.  His hand was still on my face as he grabbed my throat, but the way he had grabbed it wasn't hurtful at all. If anything my body wanted to scream. " Fucking lucky.  He breathed as I whimpered as his eyes made contact with mine as I knew he did not want to let go. " Please get off me."

End of Flashback