Chapter 2

I shook my head hard as Drew walked along side me. I knew he was watching me as I turned my head so that way he couldn't tell what I was thinking. I didn't want to trust him, but every bone in my body just wanted more of him. God my hormones where jacked up. I didn't realize where were going as I was just following Z. When we finally stopped I noticed we were long gone from town. Z didn't look to relaxed but she definatly didn't look to thrilled as she looked towards 2 different directions.  "Which way?" Drew asked as he looked with her. " That way would be faster, but this way would lead us to the cave, and that's where we need to go." She pointed to the right as she also pointed to the left as the compass pointed right.

I made the choice as I walked around them into the barely made trail towards the left. " Marie. " Drew walked behind Z as they both walked behind me.

" What?" I asked as Z tried to walk beside me before we both made it towards a bigger trail as it became a dead end. "Um." I suddenly knew why it was pointing towards the right as Z pulled a long pointed sword as she started wacking at the weeds and tall grass. " Woah!" Drew said looking at me as we both watched. " I hope she don't ever use that on me. "

" If you don't piss her off she won't."  I said as he looked towards her as he looked back at me with a terrified look running to catch up with Aizora.

"Ah the fuck!" Z pushed back a tree limb as it slammed against my face as we came onto another trail. " Great. " This isn't on the map." Z grabbed the map from her pocket along with the compass as Drew walked into into the other sideof the trail.

Aizora knew something bad was going to happen she felt it as the fear crept on her. She looked at the map as Marie looked towards Drew. She noticed she'd kept an eye on him for some unknown reason as she felt something odd about them too. When Marie had came back that's when she heard the noises and voices. She would wake up at night afraid because she thought something would happen to her. She looked to the left of the trail as it curved to the right as she walked towards a cave. Marie knew Drew had seen something but she didn't care to much because she knew they were at another Town.  I could hear a little of the conversation as Drew spoke to Marie acting like they were old buddies. It made me laugh because I knew she couldn't stand him or his friends.

After a while as it became dark Marie had gotten firewood as Drew and Aiaor set up camp. Before Aiozra knew it I grabbed her along with some of the firewood and started the fire inside. " The hell." Drew was in shock as Marie was speechless as she went back outside as she walked back in doing a double take. " Ok, Imma need one of these."

She looked around before coming back to sit by the fire as she seemed fascinated. " Where the fuck did you get this? Where could I get one?"

She was still looking around as Drew looked at the book in Z's hands as she opened it and read from it before quickly looked up at Marie. " Dad."

Drew seemed in the dark as Marie went suddenly silent moving closer to her friend. " I went through his things a little over a year ago trying to find anything related to what or where he went? The last thing he said to me was that he'd be back. " She said softly as Drew looked at her in realization. Marie grabbed her and held her hand to comfort her.

" Ok. Um. What's the book for?"  Drew asked afraid to say the wrong thing as Marie seemed glad for a diffrent conversation.

" It was found when I found this tent in the the back room that's filled with boxes of other books and weird odjects.  " Oh. Thats why you trashed your own house? To make it look like somone had already had been there? That's actually smart. "   

Z looked at her as she knew she'd catch up one day as Z laughed "Yeah."

" What exactly is that for and what was that whole thing with that "thing."

Drew laughed as he grabbed his shoulder. " That thing was an invisible force that pushed me."

Marie wasn't in the mood anymore as Z had closed her eyes hard and opened the book without looking as Marie noticed it was the same coin that she had.

" Z. You ok?"

Aizora opened her eyes after the voices stopped as she just looked down at the book. She was confused before she grabbed the coin out of her pocket. Aizora and Marie both looked at the words they couldn't pronounce as Drew got closer to look at the words. " That's Spanish. " He pointed at the second page as Z  turned the coin over as Drew read the words. " Power, Death, Control, and one who could transport."

Marie looked at Aizora with a look as Aizora looked calm as he read the words.

Aizora didn't know what this book really contained as she looked at the symbols on the back of it. She started to know more than really what she wanted. " Wait. one who could transport as in transportation?" She looked at the coin as she flipped it back over. Aizora saw the spider form as Marie noticed it didn't have the spider legs but crab legs. Weird. Drew looked over at another paragraph as he read outloud.  Don't turn your back on it. Will get under and control the one who uses.

" Anything else?"  Aizora asked as she seemed surprised at the sudden control part. "From that no." Drew said quickly as he looked at the other page as Aizora grabbed her journal before Marie got up from the ground and went to the fridge. Drew couldn't see what she was making but he was hungry and thirsty.

Aizora kept going through the pages as she also went through the journal.

Marie had made some food as she had also grabbed some drinks and handed them out as she sat back down beside Aizora. "Anything else we need to know?" Marie asked as Drew looked back at the pages. " It talks about glowing, glints, colors. That doesn't sound like anything important."

Marie didn't know what to say, maybe it just seemed to be what a toy would do, glow. After a few minutes Marie got up and grabbed all the plates as Drew had also gotten up and grabbed his backpack. " Is there a certain room for each one of us or can I go and explore." Aizora looked up before explaining that there were plenty of rooms but hers was the last one on the right side. Marie seemed fine with that information as she just put the plates away after drying them and grabbed her things and went down the hall as Drew followed. " She seems off."

Marie opened one door to a room as she threw her backpack onto the couch before she turned back around. She didn't want to say he was right but she did seem off. That was her best friend and everything screamed at her when they had to leave town. " Look I know you don't know us real well, but don't act like we'll just be all buddy buddy. " She  went into her room as he didn't seem shocked but felt bad. " Marie. Do you hate me?"

She wasn't expecting that as she froze. " Hate is a strong word, but you can't expect me to like you  just because we're in the same tent or whatever all this is. " She had grabbed her charger out of her backpack before she plugging it in vefore throwing it on the bed.

" I know what they did to you was wrong. It was my fault. I did spread rumors but in honesty I didn't want them to hurt you more than I did. "

That bit had pissed her off as she turned around. "What?"  He seemed worried before he looked a little scared. " I wanted them to think that you were taken and used. I didn't mean to have it get outta hand." The truth was spilled as she really wanted to kill him. Her body shook as she didn't know how to process the infromation as he tried to step forward and she didn't want any part of what he was going to do next. She didn't need another flashback and she could tell she was hyperventilating as she tried to breathe. " Marie. Please I didn't mean to. I'm sorry I really am."

She couldn't take it as her body trembled in fear as he kept walking towards her before she ran into her bathroom that was connected to her room before  running after her. She locked the door as he just called after her trying to explain himself  he knew it didn't do any good as he felt even worse. " Marie. Please let me in. "  Marie had fell to the floor as another Flashback had taken over her.

Everything around her was blurry as she tried to get up from the floor but she barley made it as Jack dawson kicked her yet again.  She cried as Warren just laughed at her as he grabbed her and sat her up as she yelled out from the pain. It wasn't a joke. She was on her period and being kicked in the stomache made it worse as she held out her hands to block whatever from happening. She knew someone by now should've came to see why it was taking her so long. She knew her friend wouldn't want to miss her big test, and she also knew that she had told her earlier that she had started and Aizora knew she was in pain.

Warren jerked her up from the ground as Jack jerked her by the hair.

" Ow. The fucking shit."   They both didn't look to happy as warren just punched her hard. " I don't care if you're a girl so help me I'll rip out your throat." Jack seemed impressed as he butted in. " Don't fucking cuss at us you piece of shit." The last thing she remembered was him punching her in the face before she hit the hard ground as a yell was heard before everything went dark.

When she came too Drew was right next to me as I felt weak and useless. I didn't notice I was in his arms till he tried to pull me more against him as he cradled me. It felt weird but it also made me feel more insecure about myself. " Marie I'm sorry. I only did what I did because I knew they'd try to do it to you and I knew they wouldn't choose mercy. " When I looked up at him I noticed he had cried.  I never thought I'd see Andrew Myske Anderson crying. I sat up in his arms as he tried to hold me closer as I moved away from him. " I'm sorry, I will say it over and over again. I will prove that I'm not that same guy. The crush got the best of me and I didn't realize it blinded me from what was happening. I'm deeply sorry for everything." A few more tears fell down his cheek as he looked helpless.

Marie's heart longed for him before she moved back as I let him hold me close. My mind was a whirlpool as it kept going back to the fact that he had a crush on me. The fuck. It didn't feel like that at all. Everything that happened over a year ago didn't feel anything but like harrasment. I sat up beside him as I wiped my face. It seemed sureal that I was on this weird trip with him as I thought I knew my best friend. I had noticed before she seemed off as I felt weird thinking it. " I am sorry. "

My mind was going nuts as I was trying to think as I just looked over at him. " I know. I just don't know if I can let go of what happened. I can't just forgive you and act like we're friends when clearly you could easily hurt me again." His body atmosphere didn't change as I spoke to him. Drew knew he couldn't just be forgiven as he just sat there wondering if he would ever be forgiven, but he was going to try.   "  Marie felt useless and broken. She was very tired as she just wanted to lay there and just sleep on the ground, but what got her up was the fact that she had a comfortable bed and she needed a shower. She knew before she even jumped on the bed that night that it was soft.

Drew eventually left as she had a nagging feeling but she forced it down as she slept. She didn't bother with trying to dry her hair as it awoke her several times in the night. The next morning Aizora had barley slept as she had cheesy eggs already made for all of them as orange juice was also on the small table.  While up she had learned a little more about this "trip" They were taking. The words still haunted her as she didn't understand the meaning behind the curse or what any of the symbols really meant. The voice still spoke to her daily as she tried to sometimes ignore. Everytime she tried it was as if it got louder. The night before wasn't all great she might've gotten 3 hours of sleep thankfully she memorized where they had to go next.

The only problem Aizora had was she knew where it was on the map but it wasn't where the hurrizon met. Drew had gotten up sortly after Aizora as Marie just wanted to stay in bed. She knew If she didn't get up she knew that her friend would probably force her up by jumped on her. She sadly wished as they had grown up the past several years and even though they constantly hung out it still seemed different. When she finally got ready she grabbed her flip phone and put in her back pocket along with her pack as she went towards what smelled amazing. " Oh woah the smell. " She breathed it in as she sat by a hungry Drew as he wanted seconds. " I'd rather you make it as I haven't eaten yet. " She asked nicley which didn't seem like her at all as she sat down in front of me and stared at her plater for a good second before digging in.

After we had gotten our things and ate. Drew had asked Aizora something as Marie was to busy as she had that weird nagging feeling again as she noticed the coin in her hand only this time she wasn't rubbing it as it seemed a yellowish shade as she thought she heard something from the front of the tent. " Z."

"Z." She whispered yelled as she almost bumped into the table as she tried to grab her only she grabbed Drew as he looked in between her and what was heard. " What is that a pet name?" He asked amused as yelling came from outside the tent. " Fucking great. " Aizora muttered as she didn't feel like meeting up with bad guys just yet. " What do we do?"

Marie didn't understand what to do as Drew just said he was to young to die as Z just stared at him like he was an idiot. " Hey! I've got tracks!" Someone yelled as Marie's mind and heart wanted to just stop all together while Drew looked impalled. Aizora didn't look to thrilled as she felt like this was going to happen as she just wanted to scream but she tried with everything to hold it in. " I got tracks going into forest from here, but I also see tracks leading towards the south. " " Just go find them and stop wasting my time skunk. "

Marie leaned over at Drew as He didn't seem fine at all. " Now that's a pet name." She said as she tried to hold in in the laughter as he just gave her a stupid look. " What do I do if I see them?" Skunk replied as Marie, Drew and Aizora looked at each other as we hoped for nothing. " You don't worry about that skunk or so help me if you don't find them I'll have to kill you myself. Do you want me to do that now?  It could be arranged." 

We didn't hear a reply as we heard a long distance yell as it seemed like a stampede was heard from outside as we all backed up fast. " Run! Back to base!"

We heard a few yelling as One screamed in terror as it suddenly died out. I looked over at Drew and Aizora as I noticed she now looked terrified as Drew looked like he just wanted to wake up from the nightmare that just started. To Marie it seemed like this day wasn't going to be a good one as we made Drew looked outside to give an all clear. Marie could tell he didn't want to but he was a " Man " And he needed to be one.

Now she knew why Aizora had let him come. It still didn't make her feel safe as they could've gotten caught. What she didn't understand was why didn't they just come into the tent.  " Z. Why didn't they try to come inside? That didn't make any sense at all." She asked as Drew walked along side her and Z.

" When you go inside the tent. " She breathed and looked away as she looked back at the trail as she continued. " It becomes invisible."

  " Y'all have to promise not to tell anyone. I mean it too."

Drew felt like she was hiding something as Marie just lifted her hands as she promised as she asked her " best friend" if she was ok?

"I don't know I feel like I'm missing something." IF that didn't scream out at Drew he didn't know what would.

They had made it to another town that definatly seemed off. The people on the other hand seemed nice as they watched as everyone looked and watched their every movement. " I don't see the hill that looks like a mountain. It's just a town. I don't get this?" She looked around as Drew stalked away as he talked to a guy who looked his age.  "Z. Hey Breathe. " She couold tell she wasn't ok when she just tried to know everything on her own. Sometimes it didn't work like that. She knew it to but it's like she had to do everything by herself. "Marie please don't try to calm me down everytime you do it's like I feel like shit everytime. " SHe looked past me as she just watched aggrivated at Drew. " I don't know what he is doing He just went over to him." MArie was telling the truth as Aizora seemed relieved that she didn't just lie to her.  " What's up with him anyways?"

MArie looked over at Drew as she stepped closer to Z as she didn't know what she meant. " Other than the part where he had a crush on me a while back. I dont know. " Before she could say anthing else Aizora looked at her with a look before laughing out loud. " You. Him?" She laughed as she pointed as Drew walked over with the stranger as Z tried to pull herself together.

" He said it was towards the west.  He paused as he turned to his new friend as they got along. " That way? "  His friend nodded as Zora and Marie turned once again only to be met with another part of the Forest. " That was not there when we walked through here." Aizora said as Marie just stared not blinking as everyone suddenly gave us looks over condulences which gave us vibes we didn't want.  Drew  looked terrified as Marie turned around as she didn't want to go in there. It screamed danger as Drew's friend just stood there watching patiently. " Do we have to go in there?" Marie asked as Drew suddenly bold just gulped and stood beside Aizora. " I have to warn you that when you do see the meadow to stay on the path don't go into the meadow. If I were you 3 I would go home because again just warning you. Stay safe and um good luck. " Wait. Marie called out as he turned around as he walked away after giving them the warning. " What do you mean warning? What happens if we go into the meadow?" She turned towards Aizora as she simply stated she felt like the other way with the " bad guys" would been safer.  He turned but he smiled instead of giving an answer as he just turned as the group he had been talking to seemed to be waiting for him to return.  Z grabbed Marie as she looked her arm with hers as Drew just walked ahead of them.

Marie had never been scared of nature then again she had never been in a dark scary forest before and this was a first. Several times when growls came from all sides of where they were they didn't know what to do. Aizora who had linked her arm with Marie had grabbed her long pointed knife from her pack as she swung at the air that the growls had came from as they would come from some place  else. At the rate they were going they might as well had turned back but something didn't seem right as Drew remembered what the stranger said as he tried to find the path. It didn't take long until he realized the growls seemed to be echoing as they all pratically started running from the loud echoes from behind them as they ran out of breath towards the sunny area as they heard birds chirping. " Ok. " Drew hunched over as Marie stared back and towards the hidden darkness as she didn't want to stay in it any longer. " I'm done. I'd rather deal with whatever is in the meadow." MArie said trying to breath as she held her stomach. Aizora wasn't amuzed and they could tell.

" I really don't want to deal with this. " She motioned with her hands as she stepped into the lit meadow as Drew thought she might burn in flames as he tried to grab her, but he was to late. Marie wouldn't have been surprised but nothing happened as she stood there as she just looked at them stupidly.

" What? Don't tell me you're going to complain but you'll listen to a boy?" Marie and Drew didn't know what to say as Marie hesitantly stepped forward as she waited for a second before breathing. " OK unless we're in another dimesion or something how is this a bad thing." She looked around as she noticed the mountain Aizora had talked about earlier. " Is that the bad thing? I would think thats a good thing." She pointed as Aizora seemed thrilled to be on the right track as she seemed happier, which made Marie happy as she followed after her friend. It took Drew a minute to process as he didn't exactly have a choice as he followed suite.

They walked as Drew walked ahead but turning around a few times to make sure they were still there. Marie had taken out her flip phone and taken picture of the flowers and butterflies as she ended up taking a picture of her friend with the view. When Aizora didn't realize Marie wasn't beside her she stopped walking and turned around to see her bestfriend taking pictures. She knew Marie loved nature and she knew she needed to get out more. Watching Marie made her fill like she had completed at life as she knew this wasn't a hike. Marie snapped a picture as she posed to late as Marie giggled as she showed her. " Delete."

She just shook her head as she turned her phone around and snapped a picture of all 3 of them with the view.  Marie felt great as she  noticed Drew looking at her. " Um, " She pointed as she could've sworn it wasn't there before. " The fuck." Aizora said as she grabbed Marie's phone as Marie stared at her. " Where the hell did that come from? Why does it look haunted?" Drew looked a taken back as he knew it wasn't there a second ago.

" Marie." Aizora showed her from her phone the picture of the 3 of them as she had zoomed in on the house as in the picture it wasn't even half way from out of the ground. " I"m going back to the woods because ain't no fucking hero gonna save us if we're dead. " Drew stated worried and scared as he had backed up behind Marie and Aizora. " My hero." Z  stated looking at him with a look as he said "what" as Marie walked towards the house getting a good look before doing anything as a big bush had came up with it. " cowa- Marie. the hell is wrong with you! " Aizora whispered yelled as she was almost at the the door. " Fucking shit Marie i'm going to kill you. " Drew freaked as he saw something with a weird face disappear from the window as he latched onto Aizora. She wasn't impressed as she so badly wanted to knock him in his face. Everything happened in a blur as Drew yelled as He watched Marie scream as he pulled Aizora to the ground with him as she didn't know what the fuck happened. Marie yelled again as something was thrown by her head as she turned her body as she looked into a demonic lady who slithered like a snake. The strange demonic lady snickered as she tried to the leave the home but couldn't as she threw things as Drew had gotten up and just ran as Marie wasn't that far behind him. Aizora was in shock as her feet didn't want to work properly as she tried to run.

They had ran for a while before coming to the big hill as Drew laid on the ground and didn't care to much about how he looked as he was spread out. Marie panted and wanted to die right there as she forced herself not to fall as she knew if she did she wouldn't get up. Aizora had finally made it as she ganged up on Marie. " The hell was that you could have just killed us. The fuck is wrong with you ?" She kept going as Marie felt like she had been slapped. She didn't do anything the door had just burst open. Was it her fault? Aizora's thought's ran wild as she knew something lured her to be something else. She just didn't know what was happening as she wanted to just go back home. Aizora had fought with her mind a lot that day and seeing that lady made it worse. " I'd rather stay right here." Drew said still on the ground as he only moved his arm. " I outta slap the shit outta you. "

Marie didn't like her tone or why she even wanted to act like that. She saw that as much as her and Drew saw it happening.

"I'd rather get this over with instead of laying here." Marie stated as Aizora did not sound like herself. It was freaking her out that her best friend had changed and not in a good way. She was also worried about her and what was going on with her and even though she didn't understand she thought this was because of her dad she just didn't know that it was far from it. " Ugh. I don't want to get up, to comfortable." He laid there as Aizora just casually kicked him in his side as she demanded him to get up or we'd leave him. He didn't care to much till he noticed that the house was still there. " I'm up. Next time ask nicely. "  He was trying to be funny as she just gave him a look before walking on the path of the hill as Marie ran infront of Drew with Aizora.  It didn't last to long as Marie and Aizora beat him to the top as they waited for him as they gave each other looks. " Still wanna leave him?" Marie asked as she felt like she knew her friend had came back but only for a second as her demeanor changed quickly. Marie's face fell as she looked away saddened as Drew hunched over as he made it finally to the top.

The climb down the steep hill was easier as they got down fast before noticing it was getting dark. Marie had easily grabbed several pieces of wood for the fire even tho she didn't understand why they needed a fire if they had electricity. She didn't question it as she just wanted to get warm. She didn't see the warriors as they didn't know they were there. Aizora had a nagging feeling as she knew something was off but she didn't know what as Drew and her put up the tent. Drew made some pasta for dinner as Marie and Aizora had sat there and talked about the book and the coin. " Does it mean that you can control the coin? " Marie asked as Drew handed them both plates of Pasta.