Chapter 3

After talking more about the book so she would understand she went to take a shower and go to bed. Marie wanted so bad to understand and get to know Aizora but everytime she thought she tried it was as if Aizora just didn't want her to get lost. She knew the old her was in there somewhere as she just pushed down the feeling that she'd never see her again. After her meaningful shower she pulled back the covers as a knock came from her door as she thought of her friend. When she opened the door it was just Drew. " Can I come in?"

He asked as she moved as he came in. She looked at his curly brown almost dried locks as she could tell he had taken a shower as well. " Everything ok?"

She asked not knowing what he was going to say or if she was even in the mood for this. " I guess. Today was weird and I think I might have nightmares. " She knew what he was refering to as she didn't need to think about what had happened before she was going to go bed. " How are you holding up?" She was in thought as she turned her attention back to him as she just shrugged.

" You don't know? " He asked as he seemed worried for some reason. He sat on the couch as she just didn't know if she should as she did. " How's your breathing?" She was surprised he'd ask as she didn't see it coming. " So far so good. I guess as long as I don't think to much on it i guess I'll be ok."

She realized for once they were getting along. She was surprised as he made her laugh. Never did she think of him as someone who cared enough for her or even wanted to make sure she was ok. Sometimes she couldn't count on her parents, and sometimes she found herself not trusting herself to say anything to Aizora. She knew she had to tell her at some point, but she didn't know how or how she would react. What should she do? She found herself leading him to the door as they said goodnight as he had leaned in and kissed her on the forehead as he looked down at her before disappearing to his room. She was surprised as she also didn't see that coming.

That next mornig when she awoke she didn't know if she was even ready for the day even though she had already gotten dressed. She didn't understand the weight on her as she made cereal for herself as see noticed for once Aizora wasn't up yet. Should she check on her? She didn't want to distrub her because she knew yesterday was tough on her. She still didn't understand the way she had yelled at her as she shook it from her mind as she ate her cinnomin cereal. She wasn't to worried as she knew she had it under control.

" Aizora didn't know what was up with herself. First the weird dream and now she had that weird nagging feeling again as she tried to get ready as she wanted to physically go crazy. She could tell she wasn't going to like today. When she did get ready she didn't bother leaving her room she stayed where she was as if she wasn't herself. she didn't understand as she thought of the looks she noticed Drew giving Marie and the weird looks too. It didn't effect her but she had this feeling about it that had been haunting her for the past 2 days. Hopefully she was going to have a better day.

" Morning." Drew said as he noticed Marie washing her dish. " Morning. " He could tell something was bothering her as he asked if she was ok?

She turned around as she spoke to him about Aizora. " She just doesn't seem like herself. I feel like she's hiding something but I don't know what and she won't tell me." He could tell this was bothering her as Aizora had walked out of her room as if on cue. He looked back at Marie as she had went back to hiding herself from her as he noticed her blush. Aizora hadn't spoke to them as she just grabbed a water and granola bar and walked out of the tent. " See?" She asked as he knew what she had meant. She must've had a bad night.

Aizora's mind went another direction as she felt like something had taken over her. She felt stuck as she knew it wasn't herself that was controling it, it was something else. The fuck was going on? she yelled as a voice rang out. Don't mind me. She was terrified if not freaking out as she could tell her friend and Drew didn't look to excited either. Did they know? She hoped not as her body moved as Marie had walked up beside her as she spoke to her. She felt like she could hear her but it was as if her voice was echoing. what she was had passed over the coin to Marie as she didn't understand as they continued to walk as she watched her try to fiddle with it. When she rubbed the coin it was as if she was expecting something and it confused me. What was she trying to do? We hadn't been walking to long as a distance scream was heard. I didn't understand as I looked in the direction it had came from as Drew ran towards the scream. " Woah. The fuck. " I didn't understand what happened as I had sudden control over my body as Marie yelled for Drew to stop as She had ran after him or maybe with him I couldn't tell as I had ran too.

The sight in front of Marie wasn't what she was expecting as weird looking men in barley any clothes and arrows and bows around their backs with long pointed knives in their hands looked terrifing as Drew hesitated before lunging back into action. " The fuck Drew!" She yelled as she knew he was an idiot. She didn't want to watch him as he dodged a blow as the kid ran as he used that as a distraction from him. I still didn't understand as I knew what was going to happen if Drew didn't stop what he was doing. I had watched Aizora as she looked terrified at the sight in front of her as I grabbed her and the kid. " Z take him. " She was hesitant as I pushed her forward as the kid didn't bother looking back as Aizora looked confused at what to do even though it was pretty simple. " I hate Drew." I muttered before I ran towards a warrior that had almost wacked at Drew with the sword.

It wasn't easy at all seeing the sight in front of me as I knew it probably could get weirder as several warriors had came after me. " Shit. Drew!" I yelled ready for someone to swoop in and save both of us. She still didn't understand the look Aizora had on her face as she thought this was it. " I'm going to die because I was stupid enough to try and save him." The warroirs looked at each other before they looked back at Drew as I took that as an advantage and ran. They noticed as they ran after her as she stopped fast and dropped to the ground as she turned her body and then lunged at their legs as she had thrown herself through one of their legs as she stood straight and kicked him hard from behind as he hunched and grabbed his area as she kicked him in the back as he fell.

The other two didn't seem happy as she could've sworn they growled at her like a dog would. " Excuse you." They didn't understand as again they looked at each other. She didn't know much about fighting as one of them swung his sword at her as she immediatly shrieked as she tried to run only this time the other one had grabbed her and squeezed hard but not before holding her in place as the one in front of her tried to swing at her as she used her elbow to knocked him in his face as she used him as the target as he let her go as the other one was in mid swing as he couldn't stop as he plunged it in his side as it cut through half of his body as Marie knew she was next as she ran.

Drew was having way to much luck as he grabbed their weapons and used them against them. He killed 2 as he could see how Marie was doing and he was proud she could take care of herself. He didn't want to think of why as he threw one of their knifes at one as he didn't aim as the knife landed into the brain as the warrior crumbled to the ground as it seemed to disappear in the air. That was weird.

He heard Marie yell as she was tackles to the ground as her scream was cut short. Drew became worried and furious as he plunged another knife into anothers chest as he ran towards her. He didn't know what was going on as she had blood running down her face as he saw red. He didn't know what had happened as he had saw the sword on the ground as he grabbed it and threw it against his head. The body that was on top of her vanished into the air as the wind picked up. " Marie hey. I'm here." He pulled her against him as he grabbed ahold of the knife as he stuck into his pocket. " Can you stand?" She cried as he helped her up as he knew she wanted to crumble. " Kill. You!" They both heard as several warriors looked very mad. " Can you run?" He asked her as she didn't say anything as she just nodded. He looked past them as they didn't seem to pleased with what went down as they had their swords in their hands.

Aizora's mind wavered as she didn't know what to expect to come out of this adventure death trapping brain washing "trip." When the kid asked where we had came from I just said out of town. He seemed suddenly antsy as he moved more away from me as I could feel something in the back of my mind as something seemed to surge forward as I was watching from the back of my mind. When the kid turned around it's like he knew as his breathing picked up as he turned and ran. He hid as The voice rang out. " Not gonna hurt you. She could hear her laugh as she had the weird sinking feeling as she walked around several trees and spotted him as he tried to run only this time it was as if her body was a jet ski as he ran right into her. She didn't understand how she did that as she grabbed the kid as he struggled. " Let go!"

What she had done next made the girl in the back of her mind scream as she was petrified as she wondered what would happen to her as she wanted to hurl. She hid the body well as she made sure that no one could find it as she went towards where the gang was before the screaming took place.She waited for what felt like forever. She never realized the coin as it had glowed a deep orange color as she thought of what was taking them so long or if they were even ok. When 7 minutes went by thats when she kept walking into the direction of the Cave of Secrets. She thought she heard something as she just looked around as she thought it was the wind. She could've sworn she heard whistling as she kept looking around her as she didn't seem sure to go ahead or wait for them. The whistling got louder as she looked around the rocks as she noticed Drew holding Marie. The hell. She watched as he seemed very worried as he brushed her hair out of her face as Aizora got a better view of Marie. " No." She saw the warriors as they ran in the opposite direction. She dragged herself as she saw Marie holding onto the rock as she stood. Drew looked very worried as his arm went to her back as she grabbed something from the rocks as she stood straighter.

Aizora didn't care to much about what was happening between them. She focused on the area as she come from around the rocks as she didn't see that Marie had put the trash into her pocket. " Fuck Aizora." Drew said as he grabbed his chest as his other hand grabbed his side. Marie didn't look to good as she felt like she was going to pass out. " Maybe we can set up camp?" Drew asked as he looked over at Marie. " The cave isn't even a quarter mile away and you want us to set up camp as These things are around us. "

Drew looked a taken back as he motioned to Marie. " All I see is something that can be easily fixed with bandages and ointment. "

"Aizora the fuck she looks like she might pass out.. How about you go and leave us the tent."

Drew wasn't in the mood as Marie just grabbed his arm as she said she was fine. He looked at the gash on her face as he looked down at her. " Ok. "

" Where to?" He asked as she pointed towards where the platform was. " Lead the way. " Aizora did as what was expected from her as she still couldn't get the screaming kid from out of her mind. " Where's the kid?" She didn't want to turn around as Marie asked. " I don't know. I think he went back to that weird town." She hoped her voice didn't shake as she led them the the cave that was in view.

" Y'all ready. I'm not. " She didn't want to lead them into the cave but when she looked back at them she could tell not one of them were going to as she just walked into the cave not knowing what was around the corner. She remembered in the journal it had something written along the lines that you'll hear what the other is keeping. She knew what that meant but she didn't want to do this as much as they probably wanted too. As they got further into the cave she started hearing voices only she could hear them in her mind. The further she went the louder they became. She tried covering her ears as she wanted to stop only she couldn't as she pressed forward as they came into a large opening as the voices stopped as she heard something ring out in her mind. " The fucking mess. She turned towards Marie as she couldn't believe it.

Marie didn't look to good and that was a good thing. she felt like she'd been controlled way to many times only this felt diffrent. Her bestfriend had kept something from her and she never fucking told her. She thought as she just wanted to slap her. Marie gave Drew a weird look as he stared hard at Aizora.

Nothing was said after her outburst as they all stared at each other. Marie looked like she was going to faint again as she pushed against the wall of the cave. The wall where she pressed herself at crumbled to the ground as she yelped as she moved away from the broken wall. Aizora didn't quit staring until she looked into the dark room as she grabbed her flashlight. " lucky." she thought as she didn't realize she had said it out loud. The whole room looked weird as Marie just pushed away from Drew as He tried to make sure she wasn't going to fall as he walked in after her as he watched the glow from Aizora's light. He noticed bodies laying around as he saw paper scattered around on the tables as the end of the room from where he stood looked off.

He had finally grabbed his light from his pack as he shined it on the wall as there were bodies laying in a heap covering what seemed to be a hole in the wall only not very well. When he shined his light into the hole he noticed there was another room as well a lever on the other side of the wall. " Hey guys I found something." He said as he looked back as he also put his hand into the hole and grabbed the lever. " Might want to hurry. " He heard Aizora say as she sounded scared. He finally pulled the lever hard as he grunted as the hole became bigger as he easily jumped through as he caught Marie and helped Aizora down as she pulled away from him in disgust. Aizora had jerked the lever back as she pushed them away from the hole in the way as more light seemed to go through towards them. " We-" Aizora had put her hand around Drew's mouth as He had Marie laying against him. He looked down at her as she looked up at him as he pressed himself and her towards the other side of the room as Aizora saw something about a coin on several of the papers as she grabbed them as she made some noise. " Found somethings boss." The voice rang out as it echoed. The 3 of them didn't understand what to do as they had turned off their flash light off when they had came into the room. Aizora pointed to a door as Drew held Marie more against him as she seemed to be loosing her strength. He whispered towards Aizora that "she couldn't run with out passing out. "

After opening the door they had successfully had gotten out from the other side as Aizora grabbed Marie's arm as she pulled it around her as they both had to hurry and get out of there. Thankfully the Gaurds standing watch wasn't paying attention as they fast walked in the direction they weren't as Marie was slowly passing out in their arms. " Grab her." She stated as she hurriedly grabbed the tent from her pack as she set it up quickly as Drew held Marie in his arms. He could hear the Gaurds as she finally got it set up as he had already picked her up and ran into the tent. " She lost a lot of blood. " He said as he took her to her room as he didn't think Aizora didn't care about Marie at all as she walked into the door with the First Aid. He almost grabbed it out of her hand as she just had a look on her face he couldn't place. " Can I please do this? " She asked which seemed weird as he didn't know really want to do as she started with cleaning the wounds as she had put the ointment on her head as she grabbed her hand and did the same.

He saw that she had everything in control as he just left the room as he made sure no one but them where in the tent. He thought it was weird how the tent could just disappear once everyone was inside but he didn't put to much thought as he saw the journal open on the table. He picked it up and read as he didn't seem to understand but he would eventually.  He already knew that she wasn't the same person. The cave had told him that. He reread what was written down again.

I want to tell someone but if I do I know something will happen. To get control of it I have to let it control me. Evil controls me

He had went to his room and grabbed some diffrent clothes along with underwear as he took a shower as he thought of Marie. He hoped she was going to be ok. He had never been so worried over anyone like that. Not even Georgia his ex. He had his fun until he saw Marie and knew he wanted her. Over 2 years from now he had saved her from his friends and tried to take advantage of her. He could tell she enjoyed it as he remembered her body had wanted more. The way he could tell was from her body as he had pulled himself into her as she was pressed against the wall had said it all. Then the stupid bell had to ring. He didn't want to stop and she knew that as she ended up punching him harder than the first time. He still remembered the pain. When he walked around school he had to wear some girls makeup to hide the mark. He loved that about her. Fiesty.

He had eventually ate and then grabbed some water from the fridge as he heard laughing from Marie's room. He didn't want to intrude on them but he wanted to make sure she was ok. He knocked before entering as Aizora had anwsered the door as she walked out. " Don't do anything I wouldn't." She said as she gave him a weird but knowing look as she looked down. She did not, that's when he looked down and noticed his zipper was down as his face went beat red. Thankfully he wasn't in the room as he quickly pulled the zipper up. " Hey. Can I come in?" Even though he had already walked in. He was hoping to see her in bed but instead she was walking around as she faced him. " Sure. "

He didn't know why she was out of bed but she definatly looked better. What happened while he was gone? " How are you feeling?"

" Eh, could be better. I have a headache but I'll be fine."  Drew didn't know if he believed her as he walked up to her as this time she didn't back away. He touched her bandaged head as he barely traced his fingers across her face as she looked up at him. " She said I scared you?"

She softly said as I gulped before grabbbing her chin. Would she let me?

" Yes. Terrified." I leaned in closer as she didn't move as he thought she would. " Can I?"

He had barley spoke as she looked up and leaned in as she came closer as I deepened the kiss. He didn't want to come up for air but he wasn't satisfied as he really wanted her, but he didn't want to rush anything as she grabbed him around the neck as she tried to deepen it even more. Fuck. He thought as this was better than the first and second kiss. It made Marie want to regret it as she didn't want to pull away.  " Wow." He breathed as she just wanted to lay her head onto his chest.  Did he regret what he had done? Did she? She didn't know as everything seemed to have clicked into place as she didn't want to move.


They didn't say much as they didn't need too. He did wonder why she was out of bed but he knew he wasn't anything to her as he wanted to befriend her first. He wanted to tell her to get back in bed as she just walked towards her bathroom. After he had told her goodnight as he left her in her thoughts. Aizora had slept as she had another recurring nightmare only this time it wasn't at all what she had excepted.


She watched Ruth as she felt off as she studied the ancient book as she thought of her dad, and how he would do it. She knew it was important to her. she just didn't know how she could control something when she barley knew what was going on with the coin. They had been sitting for a while as they had ate tomato soup with grilled cheese. The fire was getting low as Andrew looked over at Ruth as he looked at his knife that he had taken from the fight of the warriors. She noticed the details on the knife as she rubbed the coin as she heard the voice again that day.  "Just get it over with or are you to much of a pussy to do it. "  She had kinda gotten used to the voice but sometimes it scared her. She didn't understand as the voice rang out " Fine. I'll do it myself."  Do what? She thought as she didn't see her coin glow a velvet color as her finger barley brushed over the coin as she watched Andrew as his eyes dilated as he suddenly gripped the knife firmly as he flung himself over the small fire at Ruth. She shrieked as he grunted on top of her as she sat there in total shock not moving a muscle as before he pulled the knife to her throat she kneed him where it hurts as the knife clattered to the floor as he tried to grab his area as she punched him in his nose. She moved fast away from him as Aizora watched as tears fell from Ruth's face as she got away from him and ran to her room. Andrew laid there as he looked over at the knife and then back at where he was supposed to be and then at her as if she had something to do with it. How would she be able to explain it. She knew if she tried they wouldn't listen. Aizora watched as Andrew ran after her yelling her name as he didn't care about the knife.

Aizora sat there for more than a minute trying to grasp what happened. How the fuck did she do that. " Like you could do something. Ha. You can't even speak to your " best friend" Without choking."

Aizora woke up in sweat as she looked around her room as she shook. " It won't happen. It won't happen. She cried as she yelled for it to go away as she grabbed her pillow and cuddled with it as she so badly wanted nothing more than to just be home instead of here. She wondered how Mrs. Burkes was she thought of her as she felt better already. " Miss you." She said hoping it'll reach Mrs. Burkes somehow as she hoped Mrs. Burkes didn't freak as she thought of the fact that she didn't tell her about her junking up the house that was paid off. " Ugh. " She wanted more than this as she sat up and looked at the layout of the room as she wished they could just sit around all day as she didn't feel like doing anything. When she got up she put on some blue jeans as well as a croptop with her hair up in a low bun. A few strand pieces of her hair hung down her face as she left her room with her pack.

Marie had some Gauze and ointment on the table as Drew stood over the counter whipping up some food. Marie seemed to be having trouble as I sat beside her as I grabbed the ointment of her hands and helped. " How's it feeling? " I asked curious as I saw the purple shade around it. I didn't say anything as she probably just now wanted to change it. " I feel ok. "

" Just ok is not ok." I said as I put the Gauze around her head after doing that I saw the headband. " Here. I'll do it for you. " I asked if it felt alright before getting up as Drew had taken two plates of butter flavor oatmeal to the table as I grabbed some orange juice from the fridge as I got 3 cups from the cupboard and took it to the table pouring what was left into the 3 cups.

" It's been almost a week. Do you think my mom and dad know?" Marie asked as Drew and Aizora looked over at each other as they made eye contact as they looked at Marie. " I dont know. If they do notice I'm sure we'll be back soon." She reassured her as she realized they were talking as the voice for once didn't say anything sarcastic about her. Aizora knew she could be a better friend and she wanted to be but what if something happened to her that she couldn't fix or what if the Coin did something terrible to her, she knew she wouldn't care as much if it was towards Drew. Why she could see a picture of something happening to him in her was to funny to her.

Marie got up from the tables as she had eaten little of her food. She was feeling better yesterday as now she felt weary. She knew  something was going to happen and she felt that strongly. Aizora excused herself as she went back towards her room as I tried to get up to throw away the leftover that I knew I would eat later as Drew didn't look to thrilled about me as I felt like he knew I wasn't feeling well. " Are you home sick? You need to eat. There ain't no telling what today is going to bring you need to eat something. " So he didn't know, good I didn't need him to worry so much about me. " I'll take a penut butter gronola bar instead. please." I looked at him as he did just that as Aizora came back from her room. " I found the coin but I can't find the journal. Do you know where it is?" Marie shrugged as she knew she didn't have it.