Chapter 7

Aizora wasn't just grabbed they had put something over her head as she yelled and screamed that she'd do something horrible to them. She didn't seem to hear the voice for a while as she knew she still had the coin but the map she wasn't sure about. All their things they had grabbed and taken with them where ever they were taking her. She wasn't excited and yet she didn't feel like she should be scared. They had dragged her for several hours before taking her into a town that nobody knew about, at least thats how she felt. They wanted to keep it that way. She finally got to met the woman from before as they quickly got to the point.

Not only was Aizora not able to rest she couldn't stand anything that was thrown at her. She wasn't used to the smell of death but she should have known something else was going to happen. The only thing that kept her there was the familiar woman and her goons that acted only as body guards when clearly one of the them was in love with her. It was kind of obvious and she wasn't afraid of her.

She didn't know why but she felt like she could trust her. " I'm not sure if you knew about what your father was capable of but his stupidity got the best of him. Thinking was the last thing he did." Aizora couldn't understand how she knew her father. " I'm not understanding. You knew my dad?" It felt stupid as she clearly didn't get it. Nothing was making sense to her and they were the ones staring at her creeping her out. " I only knew him because I helped him escape the mission in berlin. I guess you could say I was a old friend. " She was sad it was obvious and Aizora didn't know what to say.

" Do you think just because you knew my dad I'd trust you?" She sat wondering what was next before thinking why she wasn't tied up but yet they put a bag over her head. One of her men had a bag before handing it to her. She sat across from her and not once did she say anything about her friends even though she was deathly afraid of what was about to happen. She figured they'd force her to do anything but she wasn't sure of what to do than sit there quietly. The woman had way to many men and she wasn't about to do anything stupid. She figured the voice would've tried to do something or take over her like always but for once she felt at peace and that said a lot. " You have a point. Names Marion Ravenwood. I have way to much time on my hands and i have been watching you. I don't know what you did but my men are trying to find your friends."

Marie and Drew studied the map as they surprisingly got along after their fight. Marie felt sick about the way she had yelled at him and she did have feelings but it wasn't going to change the fact that they needed to find Aizora. She and Drew needed so badly to get cleaned up before doing anything else as they saw a weird lit up town that seemed to gloomy for them, but they didn't care. Drew had grabbed them a motel and some things before Marie had gotten other clothes from across the street. They stayed in that motel for the night as Marie wondered what it felt like to be Aizora. She didn't like it to much as Drew finally got into the shower.

She didn't have a compass and she didn't know where Aziroa was and she wasn't sure if she should be afraid for her or them. " You ok?" She jumped not realizing he was behind her. She turned as she looked back at the map that laid on the desk infront of them then at Drew. Thankfully he had his clothes on. She wasn't sure whether or not he would wear what she had gotten him, but the grey plain shirt fit him well and so did the black pants. She knew she had stared as she diverted her eyes quickly before responding.

" Do you think we are in more trouble than Aizora or is it my imagination?" She questioned why she even asked him that before looking at the one bed in the room. " Probably your imagination. " She didn't bother with much until she watched him go back into the bathroom. When he lifted his shirt her eyes went wide. He had bite marks everywhere. She didn't know what to do any more than Aizora would and that said a lot to her. " The spiders did that." She had marks to but it wasn't that bad. She didn't know when he had taken his shirt off but he came towards her as he grabbed her arm. " Can I see?" She didn't know how to respond as she barley lifted her hands before he had the shirt over her head.

She didn't have to turn and look into the mirror she already knew. He traced his cold hand against her arm and down her chest as he didn't like that she had any of these on her. It made him suffer through every memory from the past as he tried to not think at all. Her face showed remorse as she wanted so badly to kiss him and vise versa, but they needed to think about what to do and not like that. She grabbed her shirt from the counter as she barley let out a breath of air. He hadn't cared much but only to kiss her to feel her against him, but she had moved away as she put his shirt against his chest. " You'll be ok." She ran off as everything about him made her go nuts.

Breathing rapidly she pulled her shirt over her head. She grabbed the map and her phone as her phone went off several times with her moms messages. She didn't know if she should respond or not. She knew her mom worried for her before reading the messages. She didn't feel like looking over at the map after reading the messages. She got under the covers before Drew grabbed the pillow from the bed. She missed her mom and dad. She didn't know when they would see each other and it saddened her that they didn't already have everything almost done or so she thought.

" What's wrong?" He asked as she didn't say anything other than handing him the phone. He read some as he understood before he sat down next to her. " Please don't say anything cringy. " She said as she wanted to be wrapped up into the covers with him. " I think you're going to miss your family one way or the other. " Drew looked before giving the phone back to her as she wanted nothing more than to be better than what she was.

Drew didn't like this side of Marie she was strecken with fear but she held her ground. She was hurting and he wanted nothing more than to comfort her in any way possible. The dream he had that night he didn't like and laying on the floor hearing faint crying got him wide awake. " Marie hey. " He knew he didn't have a shirt on and no pants but he still got into the bed as he softly grabbed her around the waist to hold her. " It's okay." He didn't understand if it was because of Aizora or where they were or maybe a nightmare she had. He wasn't sure but he was still there for her.  She was crying just like he heard only she turned in his arms trying to calm herself. she barley had to look up for him to feel like someone ripped out his heart. " Was it a dream? You can talk to me. You're okay. I'm here."

She felt defeated even though she wasn't really doing anything. She wanted everything to stop and go back when everything was quiet and peaceful. She wanted a distraction she needed a distraction but she didn't want to mess with him and his feelings.  " I don't want to lead you on, I don't want Aizora to die she's my best friend, I miss my parents, I miss my childhood. " He understood now why she was crying and he didn't judge when everything could change and he didn't want anything more than to die on an death trapping shit hole.   He held her head up as she closed her eyes tightly before opening them again as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

She leaned on him before seeing his face mer centermeters from her face. They made out for what seemed a while he wanted to do more and she knew what he wanted but she still wasn't sure. She jerked him on top of her kissing before she moaned into his mouth. He wasn't sure but she pulled him closer. She needed a distraction and she let him. That morning they barely had gotten any sleep but they had felt more energized and peaceful.  Marie and Drew

left but they barley had to look at the map as The General and his men were on the move. 

It was either going great for him or everything seemed to be falling apart. " Boss. We haven't been able to locate them, but there seems to have been some sort of fight break out at their camp. There's a lot of foot prints and we found out that woman took them only it appears, well we don't know. I have some men tracking where they went."   The General seemed happy about the news but he didn't get his hopes up yet. " We still got digging to do. Find the body before I go insane. You know what happens when I go insane."  His right man knew and he wasn't going to get on his bad side. It wouldn't work with him if he died he had a family he wanted to get back to in one piece.

He looked over at the men drinking their water sitting. He knew they needed their rest but he wasn't sure weither or not that it was a good thing about forcing them to work when there wasn't that many men left. " Get back to work." He had his sanity not saying his boss wasn't okay but everything to him didn't seem right. HIs boss wanted the body resurrected and he wasn't sure if that was a great idea. He was starting to think he was on the bad side of all of this. " He sighed before doing his part as he kept thinking about the dark spooky tomb and why it felt like everything was messed with but the stone wasn't taken. It confused him greatly.

They had quickly bug out a liitle bit before hearing his boss yell for him and when he got back in his courters he was very confused. " There seems to be a tomb sighting on the other side of the river. I want the truth did any of my men go near there?"  He didn't know of any other tombs that the ones they had bug up and he would've remembered if they went across the river. " Not that I'm aware of no." He answered honestly before The General asked him to take some men and search it out. Nothing else was said as he did what was asked of him.  He took several men as they walked more than what was nessasary before they got there. He didn't get why it looked the way it did. Tombs of dirt piled in the way as a pathway lead to a door that was opened.

He didn't like this at all expesally when a shudder went down his spin. He tried to hide it but it was to late thankfully he didn't think any of the men saw. It confused him at first until he found the hallway. The only thing that he thought about that kept going on his in his mind was the curse as they all went down the hallway. He didn't realize it untill he heard the humming that he was taking them towards it. He didn't want to go first but he definately didn't want his men to think of him as a jackass like The General. He didn't realize when it had gotten darker around them but they kept going until they went into a gloomy room with scrolls everywhere thankfully when he barley turned his body around the men were still there.

The humming did get louder and it was coming from the Tomb that was opened. They weren't excited about it as He went closer and closer but slowly. He didn't want anything to happen and that said a lot by the time he got near the tomb his brain had shut off and he had a migraine already forming. He barley looked into the tomb as a woman's body laid there one hand on her stomache as the other laid on the soft sheet. The humming stopped and it creeped him out even more. Wasn't this were they had found the stone? He couldn't remember as he called his men over. What should he do? Grab it and bring it with us.  It wasn't his proudest moment of being selfish but he wasn't about to carry the casket out of the tomb. " SIr we can't lift this by ourselves. " Another man put his input in as he understood and agreed before they left empty handed. He still had the humming in his ears repeating and he wasn't sure he it was a good thing as the finally went into the warm sun over looking the River and the forest beside him.

Lara Croft dug her way into a short cut after hearing things about a tomb and the Lost Curse, she had to see this for herself. The many adventures she has been on she finally let her friend stay back. She felt like she could handle this one on her own. It said a lot she still had nightmares from the Shadows that haunted her every night. The first night being alone didn't terrify her as bad until she woke up hearing strange noises. She didn't have to know what was going on the feel the presence of a lot of evil around her. She didn't know what to call them as they pratically ignored her like they were under some spell then again thats how everything worked with her. She understood every assignment she had ever faced and that said a lot because they barely wore anything.  She didn't say anything even though her fire was still going. They still walked like in a daze towards the northeast. She was still tired but instead of trying to sleep she got up and packed up her things before hiking following after the warriors.

She didn't have to follow long before she realized they had went around mounds of rocks before walking into the river where she saw several men. She hid watching as the men looked very frightened and ran. " Not much of men these days."  She huffed before seeing them walk around the earth and into the forest. She didn't understand why they didn't just go into the tomb where the men had clearly had came from. She looked at the opened door and the mounds of dirt around the graves under the earth before following after them. She knew where she was going but she wasn't expecting to be lead somewhere that wasn't planned that was on the map. She didn't even know her father owned every little treasury book out there until her friend had found it laying in some boxes in the attic.  The men had suddenly disappeared and that was new to her. She was expecting them to break into a tomb or worse but if anything it was as if they had helped her, or so she thought. She looked around at the entrance of what seemed to be an old place that used to be a library.

She watched her footing before the floor cracked in more than several places as more cracks appeared. She breathed deeply before making across the room. Everything seemed to be in shattered choas as she didn't notice a door on the left side of the room before walking towards it. " Weird." She made it across the floor and to the door afraid of what was on the other side of it. Opening it as it creaked she didn't know if she should be scared or not. She was used to things jumping out at her and she never got over it either. Just because she's killed a lot of things in the past didn't mean she wasn't scared of what was in the future.

She saw a room but when she stepped into the room it was diffrent. Half the walls weren't there like she saw before looking back at it. This was getting weirder by the minute and she questioned everything that was going on as she held onto what was left of the wall before trying to make it across the room.

Every step she took lead her to believe it was magic and every other step she saw something else. " Focus Lara."  She saw the wall before she stepped onto the stone as she looked across at the huge building in ruins. " Woah."  She couldv'e sworn she saw movement but when she looked again she hadn't realized she had put her weight against the broken balcony as she yelled out. " Ahhh!" She wished her friend was there and that made her upset that he wasn't.  Be safe Lara."   She heard the words clear in her mind before getting closer to the ground yelling again. A force from a body slammed against hers before she could have another thought. Her body hit the hard ground as she could barley breathe coughing up for air. " What the hell!" She was never unprepared but seeing a man on top of her coughing up with his arm around her body and his other arm around his mouth was something else. " The hell are you?" She didn't mean to be rude but she didn't know him and she wasn't sure if he was one of the Warriors or not. " That's not nice. I just saved you from a 45 foot drop."

She didn't understand what had really happened as she looked past him and towards where she had fallen. He was right it was a 45 foot drop, This wasn't just a mansion it was a museum or what used to be. " Are you alright?" He asked helping her up as dots formed in the corner of her eyes. Even if she lied she didn't want to be caught at the wrong end of things, at least not yet.  " Peachy." She didn't know really why she had an attitude. " Who are you?" She asked not really sure where to go with this. " Nathan Drake. You?"  She watched him as they got to know a little about each other as she followed her insinct and surveyed the area. "  Do you own this land with this building? "He asked curious as he grabbed something from the desk top they had past.

" No. I'm an Archaeologist, I love the Adventure. "  She didn't know where to start before looking out across hoping that the warriors were there. She wasn't expecting anyone else to be there and she wasn't trying to be a heartless human being. " You do this for a living i'm guessing?" He wasn't sure but he knew the she was obviously one of the good ones.  He wondered where she had mainly came from as he hadn't seen her on any Archaeologist adventure, at least not that he was aware of. Nathan wasn't sure what to believe as he mainly followed after her. " Is there a certain thing we've got to find?" He watched her before hearing a commotion from behind them. He looked but he didn't see anything other than the building groaning before the collums that were holding up the building crumple before he didn't have to watch to know as he ran. Lara thought it would be the Warriors but sadly it wasn't.

She'd rather be chased by the warriors than be caught up dead because of a building. She didn't have time to answer before running behind him. They were clearly not going to make it. Everything happened in a blur from running to Nathan pratically stopping in his tracks as before she even bumped into him he stepped back and flung his grappling hook. She wanted to judge but she as was about to yell he saved them both before they crashed through the window and out into the dreezy wind. She shrieked as he just yelled before he was jerked from her and falling. She didn't even know him and yet she felt hallow just watching. She couldn't see where he had went but she could hear the cursing as she immediately felt slightly better. It was her turn to return the favor as she tried to find him. When she went back towards the sight the ground had given way and there was a path she followed hoping he was okay.

She didn't bother trying to call his name, nothing good ever came out of it , and she knew even though there weren't tracks it didn't look good. The dirt around her she was used to and that didn't scare her but feeling like she was being caved in made her feel worse. " Don't black out Lara. You're fine." She said it to herself hoping if there was life down there they didn't hear anything she said. It helped to say things out loud but on the adventures not so much because it made it even creeper for some reason. She didn't have to stay hunched for long before coming into what seemed to be a cave. Her flashlight was on her head band and it was bright, it helped because if she needed both her hands for anything she could still see. If Nathan Drake had been in here she would hopfully had caught up but not yet.  She walked a few feet before seeing a massive hole in the ground floor of the cave. Pointing her flashlight she wondered if he had went straight into the other side of the cave or dropped down into the hole.

Nathan dragged himself from the tree limb that was barley several feet from the ground before thinking of what the fuck had happened. It didn't seem right and it confused him as when he slammed against the earth he yelled cursing before looking back up. " Shit. Fucking great." He didn't call for her, there was no way of knowing where she was or if she had even cared. It left him to wonder if she would even come back if he stayed there. He heard muttering before thinking of that as a no before hunching over into the earth as he tried to get far away as possible. He had his gun but only a number amount of bullets, then again he did have a dagger and a smaller knife. He could fight but there was no telling what was out there and he wasn't about to find out.'Fucking shit. " He should've kept it to himself because he was going blind with not knowing where he was going. He ended up dropping his map when he saved Lara and he didn't think of anything else other than " Kill me." He walked towards the cave before looking around before seeing the hole as he immediately tried to not do something he'd regret before continuing deeper into the cave.  He heard the faint humming before everything seemed to go silent. He wanted to watch everything around him closely but he's instincts and adrenaline kicked in hard.

He turned his body back around before seeing the silhouette of a person as he didn't think as the person turned on a bright flashlight. He still couldn't see as he tried to focus before grabbing the dagger from his boot and trying to hide. The person clearly didn't know what to do before just stepping around the hole and towards where he was before as he shielded himself into the wall from the other side so the person couldn't see him. He watched and waited before slowly and surely tackling the body to the ground. He wasn't expecting anything other than him shoving the knife into the head or neck but instead he got a blow where it clearly hurt as he groaned and lost his grip before he was the one on the cold ground with a knee on his chest with something he figured to be a gun to his head. " Don't, wait." He breathed hoping that it would be fast and quick thinking of his brother and Sully as his only family.

" Nathan? I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you." The light was dimmed before she got up from off him as she looked over at his head. " It's fine. Either way I'm not dead."  He couldn't help but thinking 'at least not yet.'

" lets go before it gets dark out side." He agreed before they both didn't see that the Warriors were on top of their game watching them before making their move that night. Nathan and Lara ended up fighting off every single one of them before thinking it wasn't possible. It's like they weren't dead but they turned into dust. The Warrior had dropped a dagger as Lara grabbed it inspecting the engraving. She's seen the symbols somewhere but she didn't remember where. " Did they look demonic to you or was that just my mind playing tricks?" She ended up telling him about most of her adventures and how they would always play out. She could tell he wasn't expecting anything like it as he just told her about a time when he had to kill people in a costum. " It's always they ones that don't get it and die anyways." 

" It's not evil. I'd rather fight off those guys than the things that aren't even human." She wasn't lying either and it scared her to think that she could've been just hullusinating this entire thing and instead be laying on the ground from the 45 foot drop pratically dead. Thankfully the next morning gave great promise that it wasn't so. The ended up hiking from there towards the hill that semmed to more of a mountain looking down. It made her like of sliding down instead of walk down it.