Chapter 8

Nathan Drake and Lara Croft hadn't even gotten over the mountain before Nathan had to take a break than again a water break was in order. " I need a minute." Lara thought of him as a great guy only a little bit of a wimp. " Oh come on. You'll be fine." She tried to limit herself to her water supply hoping he had his own.

They still kept going after their almost 7 minute break. Lara still tried to wrap her brain around the whole thing with the Warriors. They could've easily killed them, but it seemed to easy to get rid of them. The only thing she could think of was Magic but wasn't just that.

Aizora wasn't in the mood for any of this and it was all starting to make sense. "What Death spell?" Marion knew about the Death Curse for as long as she had known Indiana Jones. The Death spell was taken to eliminate the target but could have a defined path to destroy it. Marion knew how to break it but she didn't know Aizora well enough to trust that she'd go along with it. Marion knew it was inside of her waiting for distruction. " How do we undo a curse?" Aizora was getting curious before feeling antsy having a terrible feeling this wasn't going to be easy for her or what was inside of her. She had to get used to it eventually but everything wasn't sitting right with her and she could tell that 'it' wasn't in a good mood. Marion could tell when it took back over her but she just sat there staring back at her as she felt very uncomfortable. Gun shots were fired as she took her gaze off of Aizora and towards the doors that were barricaded as her men formed their circle around them. They didn't have a back entrance and if they did Marion would've already had ran but instead she waited as that was the only thing she could do.

She had a gun but she wasn't going to use it unless she really needed too. The last thing she needed was to find the missing object that was connected to the evil inside of Aizora. She hoped everything would go well for them if they could break the curse. The doors gave way before a swarm of guys with guns kept shooting at them thankfully the men around her had their weapons but most of them had already been shot as black smoke rose from Aizora before it went straight towards the men. Marion watched hoping it wouldn't turn on her before the smoke cleared only to leave behind streaks of black were 'Aizora' walked all the while Lara led Nathan to a tomb out of reach from the others or so she thought as whispers were heard. Nathan wasn't really that terrified of things it was the way she told her story of her adventures that led him to believe he was being led into a dungeon of everything she had ever faced. He didn't watch really where he was going and he bumped into her. " Oh sorry. I didn't mea-" She put her hand over his mouth before he realized there were more than a handful of bad guys all down below them. Any of them could look up and start shooting but half them didn't really seem to care as the other half seemed bored and would shoot at anything.

" What are they doing?" He whispered only to have her look across at the mounds of dirt planted. They could easily jump and not cause a scene. " Follow me and be quiet." He observed as she barley even had to run to jump. He did the same as he watched their surrounding as a few looked almost in their direction. She jumped towards the left onto the other mound of dirt before realizing it was further than the first one. " The hell." He wanted to be sneaky and not die and when he watched before jumping his other foot slipped causing him to lean backwards as dirt fell onto the ground. Lara grabbed him and jerked him towards her before she let go and ran onto the other one. He realized one thing about her and he was in awe. He ran after her trying to not get caught. She used her insticts and jumped without question onto the wall of rock before he used his grappling hook and easily caught up with her. He definately was used to a gorgeous sight looking past the trees at the sun high in the air as the mountains loomed in the distance.

She wasn't shy and he could tell but she didn't speak much and when she did it was a warning to get down. " I saw something over there on the roof." She muttered curses before grabbing her shotgun getting ready to shoot anyone as he did the same. " Don't get shot. " She loooked towards the hurrizone and then down below from the other side. " Wait no we can jump. " She looked back at him as his gun was in his hand before he snapped his head towards her. " Wait what?" He was hoping he heard wrong but he obviously didn't before she turned a shot out from behind him. " Lets go." She yelled before jumping. " She's going to kill me." He didn't have to look before he shot from his shoulder twice moving his gun hearing the screamed crys for them before running towards the edge. He didn't even have to jump he just fell. He rolled doing a front flip as he didn't see yet before slipping and sliding down towards a cliff. Lara had climbed several feet up onto a rock that was big enough for them both but he wasn't anywhere near to hold on to it. He could barley get ahold of his footing as he kept slidding getting closer to the edge. " Shit. Lara!" He never thought of someone saving him from a fall like this and he diefinately didn't want to die, not like this.

" I'm coming!" He didn't understand what she could possibly do to keep him from dying as he thought of his grappling hook. Lara climbed down from the huge rock seeing him trying to get his bearings before he grabbed his grappling hook. ' Did he have two of them.' She saw the draw bridge as she quickly ran towards the other side before he threw it across as it tore off from the rock he had threw it. " Shit, Nathan!"

She used her smart thinking as her grappling hook easily connected together. How she did it that fast was definately a new record. " Nathan!" She heard him groaning before she started pulling him up from the cliff. " He was bleeding from his head and it didn't look to good thankfully she knew some herbs and if she did it right he would be up before the morning. She couldn't lift him but she dragged him across the grass and dirt towards a good enough shelter as she grabbed wood and what she needed before setting it all up. He was out cold dreaming of what she didn't know, but she hoped this would work as she had never had to do it for someone else but for herself.

When Nathan hit the hard side on the other side it hurt like shit. He didn't even get to curse. He was proud even he was slipping down the mud slide he had put the rope around his body, If he hadn't he would've been dead for sure. He didn't realize he had been out cold as he dreamed of being back in that god forsaken town looking over at the ocean ontop of the roof. " Come on kid." Sully wasn't that old but he needed to rest. He tried to reassure him that he could do it on his own but he just wanted to be apart of something grand then he woke up. He groaned before sitting up surprised that there wasn't any pain or headaches as he grabbed his head. He didn't really have to ask but he wondered what the fuck had happened. He looked at the blazing fire as she seemed to be cooking some squirrell's. " Hope you made sure there weren't anything living in here." She smiled at him before he sat beside her. She could definately handle herself and he liked that about her.

" Whats on the agenda?" She grabbed the sticks handing him one before biting into hers. She showed him on the map where they were and where they had to go. " SOunds like more of a journey. Do you think we should get started or rest?" She wasn't sure and she was pretty tired. Her muscles were already aching. " I think we should rest. " He just went with it before finishing up with his dinner before throwing out the bones and the stick. " I'll take first watch. You rest." Nathan was very sure as he'd rather listen to the owls and nature. He was more aware when it came to the dark. " Wake me when you get tired." She barely had to try to sleep before falling fast. She didn't like what she dreamed while Nathan made sure to watch like a hawk. He did notice her turning her body asleep. Was she alright?

5 hours in and he was starting to get tired but then he heard whistling from afar. He left the cave but didn't go towards it instead he climbed just a little bit before looking across where the hurrizon met and then towards the trees in his gaze. Nothing, strange. Should he wake her? Seemed to be the smart way. He turned his body in the other direction and listened. Nothing. " The hell kinda crap is this?" He said it more to himself as the wind blew. Where'd that come from? He went back into the tent waking her he told her he was tired when really he wasn't. He thought maybe he was tired thats why he heard the noises; boy was he wrong. " Nathan wake up." He felt like he had slept for hours before hearing yelling, that got him up immediately. He hurriedly grabbed his pack and thankfully he never really took anything out. He helped stuff lara's things into her pack before the yelling got closer. " Skunk! So help me I'll pull his trigger!" Nathan wasn't surprised but hearing skunk was kind of funny.

lara grabbed him pulling him deeper into the cave. They didn't really think they'd have to run far but they were at a cross roads as the only thing they saw was no way out. If they used their flashlights it would be a dead give away. " Climb." That was all he heard from her as they tried to get out of view from prying eyes. Several men had dead bodies in their arms throwing them against the wall. They watched as one guy limped accidentally bumping into another man. " Skunk. I'm not even that close anymore." He stated giving out another meaningful warning. They both looked at each other before looking down at the scene as Lara did a double take on the bodies. The men left leaving nothing behind other than a warning that wasn't very haunting. Lara climbed down as Nathan followed suite landing on the ground she inspected the body. What the body had worn was very familiar and she ended up getting her camera taking the picture before looking into the pockets usually there was stuff inside, they must've cleaned him out.

Lara huffed hoping she'd find something before looking deeper at the quality as her fingers brushed over it seeing an image of a man she once knew she breathed out harshly through her teeth. There were bruises on his face along with dried blood around his abdomen. "No." She said it a little to loudly as the men that weren't even out of the cave heard her. " You hear that?" Lara knocked two arrow's at both of them at the same time before thinking clearly. Indy was no more. Why? Saddened she looked back at his dead body as Nathan knew. They ran after that out of the cave and shot more than a handeful and Lara was upset Nathan could tell he was someone dear to her. Somehow that made him upset seeing her shoot out in fury only thats what he saw. She didn't know him that well they had only met once and she remembered it clearly.

He had saved himself before rescueing her from the man that tried to kill her. Indy didn't mean to kill him but he ended up taking her back to town where there were people that knew her. She wasn't much of an adult but she saw herself as someone who strived to help others no matter the consequences. That was the last time she had seen him alive. Lara ran without telling Nathan anything through the collums onto the other side she didn't see the other bad guys before a gernade was thrown before she yelled as she wasn't thrown off until Nathan slammed into her knocking them both on the ground. The bomb wasn't near them as it went off. " Get off. hurry. " She knocked another arrow at the several of the guys as another had a bomb before it exploded before they hid away from their eyes before grabbing their guns and reloading. " Get them!" Nathan looked at Lara pointing his gun towards the right as he pointed to himself before pointing to the left.

Aizora wasn't just stuck in the back of her mind she couldn't feel anything but the cold ruthless shade of the curse. She wasn't stupid but she didn't understand why Marion would lie to her or at least try to keep away the curse's spell. She could easily undo it but she would need the object, Aizora, and the body of the thing that was inside the tomb with the stone. Aizora could feel the evil before her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She wasn't watching anymore getting up slamming the darkness against the men that thought they'd succeed she didn't know who she was. Every step felt like she was walking on air all the while the darkness left streaked cracks behind. Achylis Lilith took full control of Aizora Jones no one could stop her at least not until she got what she wanted, but even if they tried she could still take over anybody. It would always be like on repeat trying to get her body taking over the world unleashing everything she had. Darkness was on her agenda and she didn't want anyone to stop her. She fled before Marion could think twice calling after what was Aizora even though she was long gone.

Achylis knew even if they could find the spell and free her from Aizora there were to many death spells and to many common material to a black magic death curse. They'd need the Enchanter and Initiator, it wouldn't kill Aizora if they did the spell right but Achylis knew she was the host. Darkness had consumed Aizora the day she knew her dad was gone and Achylis Lilith loved every moment. " Everything goes to Chaos, Glorious Chaos." Achylis had to much to do and she didn't know where to start before going into the direction of the tomb where the body laid, hoping to find that no one found what was hers.

" Just stop. " Marie was finally out of her comfort zone and having to deal with everything she didn't know exactly what to do other than to try her best. " UM please tell me thats just my mind playing tricks?" She thought he wanted the attention looking over at him she didn't get to really look at him instead she saw complete darkness only it felt like to her it looked like what gas would be but it drowned everything in its path. Marie wanted to so bad find an answer but everything in her including her mind froze all the while Drew yelled " Run, Run!" They didn't really know where they were headed but it got them running somewhere instead of feeling like an ass for standing there looking like they were lost. Drew watched everything around him even the trees seemed swallowed whole like someone eating the earth and everything on it.

Marie yelled towards Drew hoping they wouldn't be swallowed along with everything around them but if anything it was as if 'it' was leading them towards an underground stairway leading somewhere that was obviously not untouched. Someone had been there it that definately terrified her but Drew kept his cool until they saw the bodies hanging from the ceiling or what seemed to be bodies. They weren't human and they could tell getting a whole lot closer to them. A stream of water ran along going into another part of what seemed to be a cave only to her she seemed to want to throw up. She didn't know how she kept it down but Drew didn't as just hearing it she wanted to gag and throw up.

She didn't really feel like being down there and everything wasn't exactly going the way she wanted. She didn't want to know any of the demonic things and definately didn't like where she was, even when she hadn't even looked at the map, this wasn't going to get any better. He felt better after throwing up even though lunch wasn't going to come anytime soon he looked around him torches on the wall with the cave walls it felt like everything wasn't exactly closing in on him. Trying to get her bearing Marie and Drew both heared it clearly as something clanked against the wall as bricks feel out of there place. She wasn't sure if she was seeing right beofre thinking and hoping she was still dreaming. Marie and Drew didn't know what to think other than Evil. Drew backed up towards Marie even though he was afraid of what was going to happen they watched in total disbelief as the two people came into the room guns in their hands ready to shoot. " Whoa. You are?" Heart pounding mind mobilized Marie put her hands in the air. " Marie, this is Drew. "

Marie wasn't sure with what was going on even though it was playing out like a scene. She didn't want to die by the hands of two people that looked equiped for anything while she looked like utter trash compared to them. They looked at each other before putting their guns away walking towards them in question holding onto the fact that they knew they'd run into others at some point. " Okay? Who are you?" Marie was confused and very aware of their surrounding as they told them their names looking up at what wasn't human. Marie didn't bother with trying to look back up she knew if she did she'd puke. " Exactly what are we looking for?" Nathan asked talking more to Lara as Nathan observed Drew before following after Lara to the stream of water leading to another dead end or what was supposed to be a dead end. " It can look like a spider or a snake, it can trandform into either or."

Lara touched the water before thinking about what it could be instead, It turned out to be salt water. " My guess we go where the water is going." Lara got back up from holding onto her knees looking at the unprepared Marie and Drew wondering how the hell they had even made it this far without dying, If only she knew what they had gone through. Lara broke the wall with two strokes using the muscle she knew she was getting tired and it felt like they had already started their day. Walking into what seemed to be a hallway Drew walked ahead as did Lara but Drew noticed more glares from the walls before seeing something else from the floor as well as the far side to the left of the ceiling Lara stept onto the stone pathway before not hearing anything as fire came from the walls. Instead of thinking Lara didn't notice it before Drew get in front of her holding onto Nathan grappling hookthrowing it like a laso towards the hanger from the door way as it hit it harder than he thought. The walls the fire had came from burst as they jump backwards before Nathan grabbed Drew as he screamed in fear as he was jerked back spinning into him and looking at Marie who stared grabbing ahold of his shaking arm.

Drew made sure to stay behind Lara and Nathan as he tried to give Nathan's grappling hook back. " You might need it." Nathan meant it before following closely behind her hoping to not get burned alive. Lara looked more at the walls and she didn't understand what Drew had seen. She just saw the normal patting as he clearly saw something else. The water on the side from where they were walking ran through before engravings and carvings were seen on the walls. " This is what I'm used to even though I don't understand why theres so many diffrent things playing out. " Nathan had a point as he pointing towards what seemed to be a witch. only something was around her like something was over throwing her. Marie looked at everything before seeing him point towards a Sorcceress. Something felt off as she felt like she was being drained only she made it seem like she was okay before looking away towards a black vast roomm. She couldn't see inside to room or tell if it was a door but as she reached out it was as if something had grabbed ahold of her jerking her inside. Screaming something grabbed at her head holding her before hearing yelling she crumbled to the floor in a heap.


Seeing Aizora she didn't know what to believe other than hoping it wasn't real. She could tell by just really looking it wasn't even Aizora. Darkness didn't really have to come from out of her but it consumed as she saw inside of 'Aziora's ' mind. Marie heard screaming crying and knew that was Aizora. Marie wanted to cry hearing what was her bestffriend even though she couldn't see anything. Everything led her to realize it was Achylis Lily and she didn't care at all what she was doing to Aizora or anyone around her. She still had AIzora's body obviously but what she was wearing screamed death as everything on her was pitch black, she really couldn't tell if she was even wearing a black big dress it seemed to be moving like a big vast of black clouds swarming her. Marie couldn't say anything and that said a lot she didn't have to try to know.

Achylis Lily barely lifted her hands closing her eyes before darkness seemed to flow from out of her or so it seemed Marie couldn't really tell what she was doing as she lifted more darkness from around her and towards where she couldn't see. Marie watched before light seemed to come from the other side of her before the darkness seemed to whither away as like a distraction as it whithered to nothing. She saw Achylis (Aizora) turn her body hissing towards whomever was muttering. She could hear what was said as Marie could tell it was bad and Achylis didn't like it. everything seemed to stop before having a deep sinking feeling before trying to scream as what was Aizora launched herself at Marie unexcpectedly.


When Marie came to they where in a room that had fire burning all across the room filling the void of darkness. " You Okay?" Lara asked before helping Marie up from the floor. Drew saw and came to her aid before Marie put out her hand as he stopped almost right in front of her. " Don't be weird. " Marie definitely didn't like what she saw and everything was starting to make way to much sense. Drew and Nathan talked while Lara and Marie lifted the rock and pushed harder than expected before it rolled into the pond in the other side of the cave. " Drew in the ancient book did it ever talk about objects that emerge together?" Lara faced her before Nathan pointed to the draw bridge above them. " Not that I remember of. Why?" She still wasn't sure but she suddenly had a good feeling about it. " my guess we got to get up there." Nathan Drake and Drew seemed to get along until they both wanted too see which one could do more before they got to the top.

" why must men be like that? Lara watched as they did the heavy lifting dragging the huge crate through obstacles before putting it Infront of the heard to reach area. " if women acted out like that we'd all be dead or worse." Marie smiled at Lara agreeing as they climbed another set higher before walking into the tall grass. Get down." Marie and Drew wasn't aware of their surroundings as more guys across from them stood watching walking around as waiting for something to happen. Wooden boxes laid spread out as she took it all in. "What do we do? " Drew seemed agitated and very hesitant. " Stay hidden. " Lara said as Nathan butted in. " Don't get shot." the way Nathan had said it cut deep for some reason to Drew.

Every bullet that was heard petrified Drew like it was sitting through him into his soul. He covered his ears hoping it wouldn't last long all the while Marie hunched down looking over the wooden barracks watched Lara and Nate as they worked together. They didn't see the men below them, they only saw the men above them. " look out!" Marie couldn't help it as most the men were almost dead as some looked towards her but that only distracted them as Lara shot them down. Feeling the adrenaline in her she wondered how they felt shooting people. Marie looked at Drew before grabbing him by his arm as he jerked fast away before grabbing her arm saying he was sorry. " Are you okay?" He didn't seem to be as he got up and breathed out as Lara yelled it was clear. They caught up with Lara And Nathan before climbing down before Marie saw it nessesary to grab a hand held pistol as she search his pockets for bullets. they had ran ahead of her as she quickly caught up before ticking was heard from behind her. Marie yelled before hearing Drew scream out to run to them but everything in her froze as she rose the pistol at the man who still held it in his hand as she pulled the trigger and sit him in his shoulder. She didn't know what else to do after she was grabbed and pulled away as it went off shattering her brain as the rocks above him gave way blocking the way. Everything crashed down on her as she wondered how it would've played out if he got the chance to throw it at her or them in general, if anything she really didn't want to think of it. She did however think of how Lara and Nathan and how they handled everything so well. " I'm fine geez." Drew had her by her arm as they continued to follow after the experts. " you can let go now." She felt like he was dragging her and she didn't like it. "Drew." she pulled away from him walking away from him and towards were Lara was as she spoke to Nathan. " you think if we find the hidden tomb we'll find the snake figure?" Nathan never thought he'd ever try to find something so easy. everything seemed to go smoothly even the land to him made him wasn't too rude horses as they climbed higher throughout the mountain. " That view." Nathan stared thinking of what could be better than the view itself, probably nothing.