Chapter 11

Marie knew it was getting dark so did Drew only as they both looked out at the view she questioned everything. " I thought we were still at the huge building mansion, how? " This was making no sense and even when Drew said it he turned around as if he wanted to go back. " Such a baby." Marie noticed he gave her a dirty look as they both kept going. It didn't at all feel like before she felt free only that feeling felt odd. She even questioned where exatly where they were as she stared at the river infront of them as it connected to the ocean that was way out there to the right side. Towards the other side across from them. " lets just get this over with." Marie didn't know if this was all a trick or not but she dived into the water before Drew as she swam towards the other side.

Even as they kept going Marie didn't feel safe suddenly and what made it worse was she knew something was up as she not once noticed something poising Drew. Achylis knew just what to do as she put that just infront of where he walked watching everything as he breathed it in. Everything in his mind only enhanced before trying to see clearly before seeing the target as he didn't have to hear anything as his mind went crazy with energy. " The hell." He didn't even sound like himself as Marie was to far ahead to hear him, and not once did she turn around until she saw the waterfall and was estatic with the way it fell onto the other pond underneath it as it created another waterfall. " Drew look, it's gorgeous. " She smiled up at it as Drew showed no emotion until she looked at him as he stared right at her before pushing her half way into the water as he held her under without even understanding what he was doing.

She fought and tried to grabbed out but what happened when he forced her whole body into the warm water as he was half way in there he didn't even blink. " Stop moving." He didn't yell but she didn't have to be told what was happening before thinking of how Aizora her best friend was. Thats when she acted dead only Drew didn't know as she forced her body to go numb as Drew didn't feel any type of remorse. Drew didn't even fight with Achylis he didn't even know what she was doing as he didn't do anything before not realizing Marie as she attacked him hard. Marie barley had the energy but she still fought with everything in her. Not only did Drew have her on the ground as he laid spread out on top of her but she couldn't really breathe as his hand closed around her throat as several tears streamed down her face as she tried to move, but he wouldn't let her.

Even trying to speak to say his name she couldn't do, but she still tried even though she couldn't. She touched his arm with her hand as it seemed to do something as he was suddenly blasted away from her. Not understanding but at the moment not caring she coughed for air. " I don't get it. I dont get it. How? What was that?" She got up fast after doing that looking at herself closely before looking back to Drew as she became worried and frightened all at once, and she didn't blame herself she was confused. Drew wasn't at all happy as if anything he was confused as he tried to clear his eyes as well as he grabbed at his head in pain. " The fuck just happened?" Thinking AChylis was there with them he looked around at his surroundings before seeing how upset Marie was as she stalked at him with her hands in fists. " You tried to drown me. You can't fight her like the rest of us, really?" After she said it thats when he understood, but at the same time he had no control on whether she took over or just tried to do something through him, and in that split second he didn't realize she had taken over again. " Just die, it's simple. You just don't like being controlled. Ha, you're weak." Marie understood while she couldn't even fathom what the hell she was even thinking. " Then control me bitch. You would be terrified because i'm done being controlled, pushed around, You wouldn't last a day in me!" Marie meant every word and after she even spoke the way she did she honestly felt like a bad ass, and the way she felt made her think she could take her. Marie had the energy as she wanted to so bad punch Drew in his face and hard.

" The hell. Marie i'm sorry I really am. " Not even another word was spoken as she slapped him hard across his face. " Ahh!" The only thing that ran through his mind was revenge like the old days but he tried to push that back as he wanted to so bad do something terrible, thats when he mumbled to himself as he was still hunched as he mainly spoke at AChylis. " Fine i'll give you something to look at." he then flung himself at Marie as shock was written on her face as she thought of the worse only he grabbed her face with both hands as he kissed her hard. " I'd rather you control me." He didn't realize what he had said as the last thing Marie remembered was the loving sex before she slept on the hard ground before waking up that next morning at the almost low fire. She stared hard at her surounding as she worried for her safety. Where was Drew? " Drew!" She yelled several times as she got up from the ground not caring about the fire as she climbed the side of the mounds of earth as she saw him in the distance. " Drew!" She knew he heard her but he obviously didn't want to, what was his problem? She jumped from where she was terrified of what was even going on through her mind, she watched every step as she also watched Drew. He didn't seem fazed at all,not once turned around. Did he not care?

" Imma kill him!" It didn't anger her she was just fed up with everything. She wished it would be easier on her if anything she felt like couldn't do anything right even if she did get to do anything. She knew Achylis had taken over him again because he wasn't even answering her, she was even surprised when Achylis wasn't trying to answer her, Maybe she was disgusted with what she witnessed. She didn't even understand where he was even going as she watched as he lifted his hand to the air as something like a force field showed. " What the Fridge." She was confused with what she had said but she definatley didn't care as she got closer as she jumped from where she was as she slammed hard agianst him and onto a weird bridge from where his hand touched the air. " The fuck Andrew, YOu were leaving me!" She laid beside him as he only groaned grabbing his head again in not even 12 hours. " What?"

She groaned out again before pushing against his chest. " You scared me, I thought something bad happened, but you left me." Marie wasn't mad she just wanted for once to breathe without having to catch her breathe. " I didn't know. Why is she taking over me?" He asked himself that question even though she already knew why. " She knows." It was the only thing Marie could say and she wasn't sure what to believe as she stared at the huge Palace that overlooked the Bridge. " The hell happened? We heard yelling. Are you guys alright?" Marie looked at Nathan Drake and Lara Croft at the only two people that could probably handle everything that was going on. " Fine, I guess." Lara helped Marie up as she still felt like shit.

Lara watched as before they caught up with MDrew and Marie Nathan smeared mud across his face. "What the hell- I don't even want to know." He looked at her as he just got up from it. " You said Curse." Lara wanted nothing more than to leave him behind, but she could only do so much by herself. " It's not that type of curse, its a dangerious thing." that's when her head cocked to the screams. " the Fuck. " She didn't even look behind her to see if Nathan was following, but she knew who had screamed. Lara ran faster as they both saw the huge palace as a Bridge ran across just from it. " Woah, maybe I'll stay. Ha." She heard Nathan but she was more worried about their friends. Nathan watched as Marie just felt off as Drew laid there contimplating something. " She took over me." " What? How? She's not even here." Nathan said as he grabbed his hair as he looked back at the view as it seemed to calm him down while Lara understood completly. " We can't excape her, it's obvious. What did you expect?" Drew couldn't deal with himself and he noticed the two people his friends just stared at him. " I'm confused if Achylis doesn't want us to succeed why did she help with finding this. " Marie heard her sweet friends voice and she smiled. " Aziora. It was Aizora. " THey looked at her in question as Drew finally got up from the bridge. " I'm still here. She thinks I'm not. " It was the only thing she heard from her friend. How she even heard her in her own head was surprising to her It was a new level of talking. Marie thought it was cool. h " How do you know it was Aizora ?" Lara asked before Nathan walked infront of Drew looking at the view as he look several steps to the side and then backwards again. " I heard her, in my head." Marie questioned how she even did that but she was questioning more on what Nathan drake was doing, but Drew beat her to it. " What are you even doing?'" " Not sure. Just doesn't look right." Nathan had a point but she honestly wasn't surprised anymore with anything. She took a deep breath before something in her mind seemed to just snap and it was in that moment she wasn't breathing at all before she was suddenly almost blacked out completly. " Fuck Marie. " She heard them cleaarly only it was as if she couldn't do anything not even hold her her own head up. " She's glowing. I don't think thats good." Marie didn't hear any voice as the only thing she kept doing over and over agian was "No. Make it stop. No" Marie got to the point where she screamed it only she felt numb but she felt pain . It was like everything inside her just pulled at her, she didn't even fight because it was to sudden to fast for her. " I don't want this, Don't control me." She had thought she had said it to herself but she had said it outloud. Everything that she had ever went through and this was how she was going to be.

End of Flashback:

" Marie!" She heard them but she couldn't see them. Drew's voice sounded strained as Lara's only sounded strong but yet hesitate. What was inside her was just like power but at the same time she felt powerless. She felt heavy and at the same time numb. She didn't have any type of physical pain but she suddenly had blinding light even in the back of her eyes as they rolled up inside of her as her entire body went limp before her body crashed into Nathan Drake as he tried to catch her. For a whole minute Nathan and Drew were worried but Lara knew something that was supposed to happen. Marie didn't understand why the only thing she saw was blinding light and in it a voice that rang out. " Sorry to meet this way, some things got to change." Thats when Marie shot up from Nathan's arms. " Hey. YOu're Okay." She looked at Nathan as the way he said it was more to himself. " What was that?" LAra felt like she already knew but Marie still wasn't sure why it was happening to her. Marie felt embarressed with the way they were looking at her but she honestly wasn't sure what to say other than she was okay. " It wasn't AChylis. It wasn't her." that confused Drew and he hoped that whatever was wrong it wouldn't be bad. Drew watched Marie's reaction and to him he could tell she wasn't just herself, how were they supposed to do anything if they couldn't possibly trust who she was. " I hear something. " Marie stared dead aheadd as she pointed thats when the color from Drew's face drained from him. "What the hell." " Spiders." Lara honestly didn't even have to say it because it was clear as day what they were. " can't go 5 minutes with peace!" Drew yelled as he quickly backed up as he stood ready right next to Nathan.

Marie barley breathing trying to control herself watched in horror as a whole mound of Spiders came towards them , only she didn't understand how she did what she did next. She felt like she had blacked out before she came back too as her hands laid out in front of her as not just light came from her, she couldn't explain it as the spiders seemed dead, not moving. When they got into the building Marie knew they weren't just questioning her but judging. Marie felt amazing, better than before, and having something that wasn't bad inside of her was surprising. Marie only knew it wasn't bad because it wasn't attacking her if anything it was helping her. " Theres way to many rooms. How are we supposed to find this thing?" They looked at everything around them before Marie heard the voice yet again. She didn't like it because what ever it was it was gaurded.

Lara didn't understand how this light was going to officially stop the darkness and more importantly id Marie herself is okay. Lara knew she could hear a voice and more than just that as well, even turning the corner walking into the Palace something felt off the only thing she didn't like was when she looked back at where Marie once was. " Marie!" They all watched nothing happen as Marie was no longer there, the only problem was they didn't know what happened. " Again can't go 5 min-" " Please don't." Lara listened to the two men bicker as the only thing she had done was looked at the scorched floor that wasn't there before. " Achylis!"

Marie heard the voice as she blacked out as the only thing she had remembered was standing near the door of the palace before feeling like she was being burnt alive. Marie didn't see anything as she didn't have to know, she felt like she was being drained she couldn't move as she knew she was being suspended in the air, didn't realize Achylis wouldn't let her see who she was. Achylis hated the fact that she wasn't the one inside of Marie she didn't just become angry, but she seemed constipated with anger. Achylis did the only thing she tried and it was trying to push darkness inside of her as the only thing Marie could do was try to breathe. " I'll kill you and you're forgetting i'm more powerful." Achylis seemed happy with what she had said before getting more upset as the only thing that seemed to happen was Averia inside of Marie. Averia took control easily but only because Marie let her, as she did the only thing that seemed more powerful in the moment was Averia. " you don't even know me, You can't make me do anything." It was easy for her, really, when Marie still didn't see what was right infront of her she wasn't as scared because Averia made her feel a diffrent type of emotion. Averia could do mostly the same things that Achylis could only she tried to be good and not bad.

" You don't know anything, you're pathetic, play hard, i'll play with fire." It's exactly what Achylis had done next just in the heat of the moment just to try to get rid of Averia " Fucking Die! " Achylis wasn't just mad but she hoped Aizora couldn't feel the emotion she really had.

Achylis felt weak and pathetic but she hadn't felt at peace with anything for a long time and it was the only thing she really wanted. Averia inside of Marie didn't waver at all as she let Achylis try whatever she wanted. Averia knew it had been to long since she had been out of the Cursed Coin only inside of Marie she felt free. Averia felt more at ease inside of Marie than she did when she was inside of Teria. Averia didn't understand why Achylis was trying to remove the light from her, but she did know how Achylis really felt and it wasn't hard for Averia to see what was happening. Averia knew she was angry but at her no she was angry with herself and what she was doing in the first place. " It's sad watching you fail, just because you're darkness doesn't mean you can stop me. "  Averia was telling the truth and Achylis knew it too.  " I can be just as bad as you only what you need is to fear me instead. "  Averia knew that Achylis was capable of everything   as Achylis also knew Averia was more powerful, she just didn't care because if anything she wanted to put Averia out so she couldn't take her down.

Marie felt casterphobic before she started breathing heavily as tears streamed down her face. the only thing she saw was an image of a dark demon in her mind coming at her the only thing that it said as it didn't have a face was " You wouldn't know of my power."   Marie wasn't sure what she was even seeing even though she had light inside of her Achylis was really trying to hurt her emotionally and physically. It wasn't hard to understand why as she still fought with herself about the past. Only she felt Achylis as The darkness pierced the heart only it felt more like her soul was being dragged out from her body.  Marie felt it going down her spine every emotion every pain as Averia knew she was hurting. She tried to ease the pain as the only thing Achylis tried to do was end Marie for good all the while Averia used what she had deep inside of herself using the light as it blinded Achylis. The one thing Achylis hated was Averia and how she used her powers, what she could do before as the demon stayed locked in her mind as it repeated itself over and over.  Marie let Averia do whatever as she only tried to breathe, Averia could do only so much to calm her as she took them back to where Achylis had taken her, only this time it was after they had gotten the spider form of an orb. The light around Marie became flames  that only helped the physical form of Marie. " Why did it have to be stakes and then poison darts. " Nathan Drake grabbed his knees after they came from out of a door from the wall that wasn't even there. " Marie? IS it really you?"  Marie and what was inside of her was confused by the question as she didn't speak but only nodded. " What happened are you alright?" Lara seemed genually worried as Drew only was mer inches before grabbing her in a hug. It wasn't what Marie needed and she didn't hug him back thats when he knew instantly she wasn't the girl he knew. 

Achylis tried to shut off her emotions to not feel anything as the only thing she had wanted to do was kill the only thing that could kill her instantly. The only problem she had was she seemed stronger than her, then again the only time she had been living was 1400 years before and then maybe 1100 years before when people thought it was just treasure. she was only a dark pitch black figure of clouds that could still do whatever she wanted only she didn't have a host to make everything much worst. Achylis put every thought of destruction through Marie and Aziora. The very thought of running away made her angry at herself from even thinking that as she screamed at the only person she could; Aizora. Aizora didn't like it as the only thing she did was scream and cry as she shook as she past out from hyperventalating. Achylis kept at it and she knew she wasn't a good person but she didn't care until she noticed the warriors that she didn't even see before as she got an even better plan to kill not just Averia. 

Marie questioned the voice what had happened, even when Averia put a diffrent emotion through her she still felt haloow and in pain. Marie wondered if this was how Aizora felt defeated and used; only Aizora felt worse than that, even thoughMarie didn't even know half of it; only what she questioned next made her feel lost. What if AChylis was Aizora? Was Marie becoming just like that? " I'm here to help, not to destroy you." Marie  didn't like the way she had said it but she wasn't frightened like she should be. She remembered Averia's exact words " You should fear me instead." Marie wondered why AChylis looked a little fearful over that but it was as if Marie knew even without thinking. Averia was AChylis only AIzora unlocked something that became of AChylis. She couldn't destroy anything without a host which said a lot. She could still put fear into anyone and still create what could be darkness. " What do I do?" She asked Averia as she knew she might regret it later. " Follow me, when you feel weak let me be in control. Let her attack first. I'm more powerful and she knows that but I don't ever use it all at once."  Marie wasn't sure but she tried to keep herself focused even when Lara stared at her it made her feel like she knew and could see past her and at Averia. " What?" Lara knew it was rude and she stopped when she realized she stared as Drew's body language didn't know really what to do or say.  What was Marie supposed to say, everything that happened, or that she was okay; Again. " Why are ya'll staring, we got other things to worry about." It was true and she wasn't thrilled when she heard the strange noises as yelling rang through the Palace. " What the fuck, they're here. We're screwed, dead. Fuck, Go."

Lara ran past Nathan as Drew just stared out at the door they just came from before Nathan pretty much yelled. Marie was confused before she saw the mental image in her head from Averia.  What was half human and seemed to be unmoving from her mind she ran too. " What the hell is that thing?" marie  freaked out understood that it would take more than just a force just to get rid of them. Did Achylis do this too?  the last thing they needed was to die when they all came so far.  Freaked out again as her body wavered she stopped moving. " Avereia. Averia!" Her body turned without her consent. Marie didn't even black out she watched as her own body did the last thing she thought she could do. A  strong force came from out of her as she felt her eyes roll in the back of her head as the last thing that happened that she saw was pure  light flames dancing with the wind that caught them on fire. " Marie! Run. " She heard the voices but she wasn't what she thought of herself to be; powerful; until Achylis showed up everything seemed to be fine. AChylis laughed thinking to herself what else could this Powerful whench do as she threw the darkness from her as it grew around her blocking the view  for Lara, Drew and Nathan. Averia stood back up pushing her left hand as her right hand mixed the light with the air around them as Averia only smiled with a gracious grin shoving  it against her hard. There was nothing more powerful than that a AChylis tried to do the same thing as it was to late.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Achylis felt the burning sensation around her as she was mearly blinded  while her thoughts where drifted away. She pulled herself back inside herself grabbing Aizora as she only shook harder than before as Achylis faded away from out of her and elsewhere away from them and Aizora. Achylis wanted her own body, whether it hurt her or not thats what she did mean, while Aizora frightened with her surroundings laid on her hands and knees, thinking this was defeat before death. She wanted to move as she felt the hands of someone from behind her, " Please don't touch me. Don't touch me, not me. " AIzora went through everything as it blind sighted her again, as the only thing she kept seeing where the images. " Not me. I can't." She shook with not just fear but depression, she was exactly what Achylis had said "worse than death."  Aizora heard more than one voice as the darkness cleared, she didn't want to move, she wanted to die right there instead of even going anywhere. It's not like she even had a home she felt lost nothing felt better deing out in her mind she didn't yet feel free, she still felt casterphobic like she couldn't breathe she hated the feeling of it, not knowing if she would come back and posses her or worse. What she should have done was killed her, AIzora knew to much and she didn't want to know anything. AChylis had shown her what her father was doing and when he had died. He didn't deserve that, he deserved to die in his sleep peacefully. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              AIzora was helped by the friends of her friend, but she didn't understand was why after everything she had done to them. She knew Marie wasn't the same but Marie still was there after achylis did everything to try to stay away from her.  Aizora remembered clearly the way Achylis was with Marie, and it wasn't just being cold, but she didn't realize till now that she didn't want Achylis to take over Marie. She wanted that excuse to feel the darkness when she didn't want it.  AChylis and Aizora could've been the same person but what Achylis wanted more was to take full control over Marie with out question or hesitation. Achyis wanted everyone dead and she didn't care if she hurt herself or everyone else in the process. Achylis wasn't just evil but she definately wasn't a God.