Chapter 12

Achylis grabbed at her body as she felt the deepest part of hell's fire caving inside of her, she hated it and if she had to deal with it she wanted everyone else to burn along with her. She heard the slithering from her pet as she regained her body as the darkness didn't just form around her but inside of her, evaperating into her body. She still felt like she was burning alive but at the same time she felt the numbing pain. She laughed softly to herself before thinking of the worse as she lit the area with fire as she watched in glorious as it became chaos. Suspended the air around herself she went to meet her pet. " Spit at them with the burning fire of hell, I say bring me their heads; I meant kill them whole , devour them, hear them scream." Achylis showed sass but behind that she was furious. " Should've killed That boy, use your talons Citus." Even the spiders should've done the work but no Achylis was growing into a mad woman with powers all because she could barley control anything and everything as she had to much to control. SMiling gleafully hurting Aizora was wonderful. She didn't have to physically see AIzora to know she couldn't even think straight. e AIzora didn't remembering being touched and moved inside of a tent, she didn't have to do anything other than let Marie pull her with her towards the loft. Aizora wouldn't let anyone else touch her only Marie made her feel like she didn't loose. Marie made her eat as well as bandaged her when she tried to kill herself inside of her mind while she was trapped. " I jumped through an open hole that maybe had like 100 feet from the ground. I saved Drew. The girl is Lara and that dude, Nathan. " Aizora only stared as they only seemed to sit crisscross on the floor as they also ate. What was Aizora supposed to say and if she said anything would she break and cry. Aizora cleared her throat before trying to speak only she didn't want to. She hurt them but she hurt Marie her best friend worse. " I hurt you, I know that, but I'd rather not regret it, but you should hate me. Out of everyone here, you're the one who cares." Marie felt it,only she felt diffrent with the way the voice was silent. It was only listening to everything that was said through out Aziora's mind. She didn't want to see it like that she wanted her best friend to talk to her, to know how she was feeling. to feel the presence of each other even though they both would eventually leave at somepoint, but not now. Marie understood that pain that she went through as she didn't want to cry. She looked skinner than the last time she saw her as MArie did the one thing she knew to hopefully calm her. SHe pulled her into a hug knowing she would need more time to breathe in the fresh air. " I do regret not telling you. I just wanted it on my shoulders loss is bigger than Love and I didn't want to loose the only thing I have. I wanted it so that way you wouldn't go through the same thing over and over again. I keep seeing it, everything she tried to do and say, the nightmares." Marie didn't even need an apology anymore, she wanted to make sure Aizora was feeling better.

" Do you want to be alone or would you like me to stay?" Aizora wasn't sure what she wanted but at the same time she wasn't expecting Marie to stay for so long. " I think i'm okay. I'll be okay. I think." Marie still didn't want ot leave her with how she was feeling. " If you need me just call me. if you want you could have your own room."

Achylis wanted to laugh as she made they all think she really would do such a thing as let Aizoria out. Everything she made them see, hear, witness when it wasn't even happening. Achylis could easily see Aizora in her mind she still looked worse as she thought everything wasn't just happening but Aizora thought she was dead, she felt dead. It was like she could see them, her friend and her friends the atmosphere was diffrent but at the same time she knew she wasn't away from Achylis. She wanted to think on her own yet Achylis wanted feel like someone cared for her and that said a lot she'd rather not show mercy and kill everyone. Marie had only left Aizora for just those few minutes as she felt like her mind was trying to break to snap back. Marie grabbed her head as the pain intensified as the pain ran through the body before she collapsed on the floor as she saw things she didn't want to see.

Achylis screamed at Aizora as Marie saw the pain she was in all the while she heard Achylis's exact thought. Worse than Death. It wasn't what she wanted to hear before thinking to herself as she saw Aizora, she felt like she was dead. That's when everything changed before Achylis saw straight at her staring into her soul as she had suddenly felt the weight of something else as the darkness hit her over and over. Averia didn't respond, nothing was inside of her, and she felt that strongly. " You're just pathetic, you'll never be anything, you can't save her. If I go she dies too." Achylis pushed the darkness before Marie felt the wind as she stared out below her as the only thing that came out was a shriek, she couldnt scream as she wanted too. Marie fell 5,000 feet only she didn't get it at all how she even got there, what Achylis really wanted. She continued to fall as she only told herself it wasn't real, only when she got closer to the ground she didn't believe it as she closed her eyes tightly. Opening her eyes again she was chained to a chair with something over her nose and mouth, she couldn't move and she couldn't scream. Tears ran down her face as she felt the overwhelming pain over and over again. She felt useless as she couldn't breathe. everything around her never changed as she stayed there for to long.

It changed as she only saw the darkness around her and beneath her seeing something  swimming in the darkness until she saw the shear sharp teeth as it devoured her whole. anyone could be in her shoes but it was her, this is how Aizora felt only 100% worse, now she understood everything that was happening as she still heard Achylis exact words and the way she had said it was like a cat scratching against the chalk board . " You won't save her, you'll die trying. " She still cried as she suddenly physically couldn't see her best friend, AChylis still didn't get it even when she tried to be good it wasn't her intention and thats when she thought of the spiders before more than a handful ran at her as she screamed. She hated spiders she hated the life that was becoming. she was scared if she was even going to live and she didn't want to feel like that before she heard the screams calling for her as she looked back at Achylis before she only looked back at Marie with a smirk plastered on her face. " Could've shown you more."

Marie! Hey. " Marie still on the hard floor jerked up fast staring and looking around her surrounding she held herself jerking at the air around her self as she still felt the spiders on her. " Get it off, get it off. " Marie could'nt take it anymore as she cried as the tears just fell as she moved backwards away from her friends. Was this real or fake? She couldn't tell and that's what bugged her. " Hey you're okay." Nathan Drake tried to reach out to her including Drew who was also trying to not feel scared at the moment. " Don't touch me, don't touch me." More tears streamed down her face as she counldn't even think. Marie felt like she couldn't even breathe as Lara did the only thing nessesary. " Look at me. I'm real, I don't know what that was or what she showed you. I know it hurts but face it. We'll get her, kill her whatever we have to do." Marie only shook her head. " We can't kill her if we do Aiozra dies, I can't loose her, not even with what she has done, I can't, I can't." Marie's body shook as Nathan drake only pulled Marie towards him holding her as he tried to comfort her to calming her. " We'll figure this out. We always do. Don't worry about it." Nathan pulled back looking at her face before drying her tears as Drew only watched as he wished it was him helping her not Nathan. Marie looked at them as she looked straight at Lara asking if Aizora was really there, the look on her face was enough for her as she just wanted to cry again.

AIzora felt the pain before it even started before Achylis screamed inside of her mind as it echoed. She only had imagined as her hair fell more in front of her as she only wished it were real. Aizora only wanted to really see if she was okay, but what she saw made her think it was really her who needed the help. It didn't make her feel any better it made her feel hopeless like she would never be saved, that she would always be controlled. Aizora only thought of how she kept Marie away from her how Drew and her got along just because of her and everything that happened in between. " Leave me alone. " She heard the voices before she heard something else that wasn't her at all. She felt the burning sensation before pulling out the coin from the pocket in her other pocket inside her other pocket. She wasn't dazed with how she still had it but she grabbed it as she hoped its power still was there. " Please work." She didn't care how or what happened she just wanted to get out and for good, she was going to try to fight back and she didn't care at the moment what happened. Achylis had already done her worse right? She didn't want to think like that before seeing the coin glowing a deep orange as her eyes rolled into the back of her eyes as she immediatly saw light fight darkness before everything went completly dark. k AIzora only understood one thing she flet something else as she knew something before she saw vividly of the so called Warriors as she only thought of the shear torture of what she could do she thought they were odd. The way they walked, she noticed they couldn't talk and when they did they spoke in utter tongues as not even she could understand them. THey were coming after her only she redone the spell that was on them as they headed straight for Averia and marie and her so called friends. She wasn't even mad as she just laughed as she went back inside of herself looking at the fearful girl hunched in the corner as her hair seemed to define the state she was in. " You don't have power over me. God you just don't get it. You just sent your friends to hell." AIzora didn't want to believe it as Achylis let her see of her works and what AChylis would accomplish before Aizora tried to attack her only Achylis barely had to do anything as Aizora barley had the energy. If AChylis could create darkness out their in the world what could she possibly do in her mind. She glowed darkness around them as only everything became in chaos for Aizora. What she didn't want to see ever before everything about her only made her wish she were dead instead. j Marie still wasn't sure she was okay as everything made her jump at the simple noise even though they were in the tent she could still hear things and see the spiders that weren't even there. She knew even though they weren't real she was still shrieking as Nathan only tried to calm her as Drew tried to do the same. Lara only made some tea to try to calm her nerves. She wasn't just the only one to drink it but it barley did anything for her as she heard the booming voices in her head. " Warriors are coming to destroy those to send to hell. " They stared at Marie as she seemed to only freeze but only for so long. " We need to go, now!" She got up and ran back towards her room thinking of other things she really wanted to do like take a nap. Marie knew the look on Drew's face was hardened by Nathan and his kindness but Drew didn't seem to like the fact that Marie only let him calm her. He kept it to himself as they only listened to Marie's exact words and what Averia was telling her. If only she could keep them all safe but she couldn't do that and think of herself's safety. Maybe they could do the next part without her. " I'll hold them off you guys go and i'll meet up with you. Lara take this. i trust you to know what to look for. Nathan watch her back and fight along side Drew if you must have to, hopefully you won't need luck. " She thought to herself as Drew and Nathan didn't know what AChylis was cappable of but they knew something bad was obviously going to happen. " They didn't really have to exchange words after as they all grabbed what was only needed before thinking back to what it was like before. Some made it seem like it was just a horror movie with nothing but subtitles as a lot of it screamed death and nothing could be done. Averia didn't have to say anything after they brought back the knifes as Drew still had his from the fight of the warriors. " You might want this. It might help considering it thier's to begin with. It's how Aizora controlled me when I um did the thing. " Drew looked at it before handing it to her. " I might not need it considering the thing inside of me." " It would end their fued in the war." She stared blankly at Drew as she heard it loud and clear. " I'll just um take this. " She walked away briefly before she was pulled back into a hug. " Kill her if you have to. " It was the last thing he said as he didn't look back as she only wondered if he meant AChylis or Aizora. She only hoped he meant Achylis.  Marie wished this could just go faster as she wished this was just a figment of her imagination only she knew it was real that she would have to do anything as she became furious with what she saw through averia. Achylis stood over Aizora walking around her body as Marie noticed the smallest of detail as she didn't seem to be alive. Marie couldn't tell she was breathing as she became shook with worry. Marie saw Achylis's hand as her hand became like a knife only formed from the darkness as she suddenly looked over her shoulder barely having to know who was there. " Seems like Marie would rather die instead. Maybe I can watch both your souls be ripped apart in front of me. I'll teach you what to do  or maybe you're already dead. " Marie wasn't just pissed she became angry as she tried to control herself only it didn't seem to work as AChylis came from nothing as if as of air itself. " Why do you always bother me, I mean if you'd like to die now You could watch your friend die before I kill you as well. " Marie felt Averai as she didn't give in to the pressure as before as what seemed to be a tidal wave of emotion ran right at AChylis as she showed literal fear before it struck her as she didn't seem like herself at all. "Tied to the chair, MUm said she would come back to let me out. Only if I would give in and give her what it was. Marie watched as Achylis shook her head hard trying to get rid of the message or the secret. Mum no don't, please let me out. Please mum. I tried to do everytihng she made me this. She tried to kill it but she didn't do that instead she wanted me dead. Marie watched as the emotion flipped as she became angry instead of sad. " I watched them burn. I died because of what; I wasn't good enough, well guess what mum can't stop me now! Marie watched as AChylis didn't even fight her but instead Achylis became stricken with fear then it seemed to be freedom before she mearly lifted her hands to show her worth throughout the darkness that surrounded her. " What's that you want me to kill more, so be it, I'll watch them all burn with the fire of hell. Marie was shook as she tried to understand everything that was happening. What just happened. " I helped." Averia stated so calmly before Marie became more aware of the situation at hand. " She thinks nothing can stop her only you and Aizora can prove her wrong. You're looking for a your welcome. "

Marie knew the voice of Averia but why would she do it. " It's just a figmint of your imagination so I did it. What was good could be turned into chaos, What do you think happened. She's not Teria. "  Marie didn't understand as she felt to much in the dark before wanting so badly to punch anything and everything. WHy could only one thing just go smoothly, why could they get a break for once. Averia didn't say anything she didn't get it even though she just wanted to stay quiet and not help. It said a lot she wanted to help, without Averia Marie was only a girl with a lot of pain.                                                      "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lara wanted to for once feel like she was on vacation, like when she became the Shadowhunter. She felt free in the outdoors like she was invinsable, she could do the impossible even when there were objects in the way. She still felt like Nathan could be more mature but when she turned around she saw they got along well. Drew thought of Marie the entire time wondering if she was doing anything as he worried about her safety. He didn't even like the way he had said Kill her if you have too.  " what did you do when you need bullets but you didn't have any?" Drew was fascinated with Lara and Nathan but the stories that barely made him think how the fuck were they still a live made him feel like he was a pure idiot that should've already been dead. " I improvized. Cut them at the roots,beat them up, tore them down." Drew stared as his head jerked at him with the way he had even said it. " Sounds like a monster. " Lara heard every word before She saw the look on Nathan's face. " NO there's a difffrence between being a monster and a deadly weapon. I'm not the monster, never was. "  Lara heard him and the way he said it, it sounded as if he was in pain, like there was apart  of him that maybe didn't seem to know what to say or do.   " Did I say something wrong? " Nathan was already in front of Lara leading the way. " Was it what I said?" Drew asked Lara as the only thing she could do was not get on Nathan's bad side. " Just give him time. We're explorors, we go through so much. I don't want to be rude but how do you think all this is affecting Marie and AIzora? Drew it's not fun and games. "  Drew felt bad,very bad. He wished he didn't open his mouth so much but at the same time he couldn't help it. There always had to be somone to create a better atmosphere. Didn't have to be serious all the time. " Wait up."          It was like everything around him had to turn into chaos. Drew was always worried about Marie, lara seemed to not be frightened of anything, then again she dealt with far worse things than he did. Nathan only thought of his brother Sam. WOuld he love this? If he was still out there Nate would love to tell him every detail. What went wrong when it didn't have to. That he saved the day after everything but he wasn't the only one there. He finally had a team of people even though Drew was a great person he could work on being more serious about the situation. Nathan only understood why he really acted like it and he couldn't get past the part where he wasn't the same way when him and his brother got caught. Drew acted the way he did not because he didn't know how to handle it but because it helped him in the moment. They were going to need more than that just to save this world.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Nathan only could do one thing and that was breathe. " Okay. Is there supposed to be and X of some sort. " Nathan and Lara looked around them grasping like it was supposed to be something else, but it didn't seem likely. " You're joking with me right? What you guys can't see the trail. the Whistling ya'll don't hear that. " He was being serious as they only looked at him then at each other before really looking. THey still couldn't see or hear anything. " X doesn't mark the spot it's the trap. That tree, around it towards that way."  They looked at him with a look before giving each other a diffrent look. DId they seriously not hear it? Drew knew it how it sounded but how was he supposed to say anything for them to understand? He wanted to laugh with that thought as they clearly went through everything else.  Aizora had an Ancient book and Drew remembered everything he had to interpret even though he didn't go over the part with the weird things like the sights that he could see that for some reason no one else did, he seemed to understand a little at a time. He followed the trail like it was already calling for him only he didn't know how to really explain how he knew it seemed to call for him. He didn't understand why the deeper part of him wanted to so badly use them as the shields as he just be behind them instead. " What is it exactly that you're seeing?" Lara wasn't sure if she was even doing the right thing even though it clearly wasn't adding up. The prophacy itself talked about the good as Light and the bad which was Darkness.   Everything seemed to add up in the begining but she quickly learned it was reversed. How was it supposed to end if one had to die. it didn't make sense, did Nathan have knowledge of the prophesy too or was it just her?

Lara didn't just hid the fact from them she figured they already knew but they didn't seem to talk about it at all. She knew how it all would go only everything didn't seem to add up like before. When her and Nathan were shocked to see Drew and Marie before she thought she'd have to kill just teenagers, it turned out better than she thought. The only issue she was having was doubt in Drew until he lead themto a weird location in the middle of nothing. " It stops here."  Lara only knew that they needed to put the whole armor and when you did you'd be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. the light was diffrent. Even the bible spoke on it. God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. While Drew stared hard moving around Marie as Averia who still had control over her followed after Achylis thought she could get away.  " AChylis. Stop."  Averia when Achylis didn't listen didn't want to but she did as the light went around them both before the atmosphere inside the bubble became more dense.  " If i've got to burn in the fire pit of hell, so do you!" Averia laughed pointing at herself before pointing at her wondering why the hell. " Why do you think Marie's inside of me, instead? I mean you already know.The problem is where is the real light? Opposites attract for a reason bitch! you don't own anything and yet you think you do. Ha. Look at yourself you've already lost." She didn't know if she had met every single word but she felt bad for saying any of it.

Marie could see everything as she watched the way Achylis became, more angry. " Really? You want to see lost, you don't know the power I have created just to kill you and those pesky friends. Maybe you'll burn with the darkness as I create a better you." marie didn't like it as her ears screamed from the pain. She watched the way she used her hands firmly as darkness formed into a sharp shaft that ran straight at her as it became more of a tree branch that ran out from it. Averia didn't want to but she twisted her body away as she wanted nothing more to twist AChylis into nothing. Everything in her mind went a diffrent way as she didn't realize the next sedond was all Averia not herself.   Achylis sneared before hissing like a snake turning herself into what her pet was as she was bigger than it. Talons shined out at Averia before she watched as Achylis lunged at her in poisonious fury. Averia disappeared at the last second morphing back into herself as her hands went downward forming something she didn't know was possible.  The wind helped her greatly as it shifted. " Darkness fades when Light appears." She stated to calmly before the light erupted almost to late before Achylis only screamed in fear trying to back up as the darkness she formed came from her couldn't defeat the light that she blindedly couldn't control as it began to form bigger. The darkness whithered away as her darkness died out as the only thing Achylis saw was her life flashing before her very eyes as Aizora couldn't form the words as she saw everything. Aizora understood the message inside the light  as the only thing she saw was nothing compared to it.