chapter 22 cafe euphoria

Carsyn POV

Slowly I started conversation with Adam. He seems to be easy going person but he had been trying to be strict robitc employee of employer.

I can even see that sometimes he can't help and smile but again again as soon as he realizes he immediately makes stony hard face.

I asked Adam if I could ask him one thing and he will not tell that Bastard Boss and He just nodded his head. I really don't know if he would really keep it to him or not but I really wanna ask.

Me : Mr. Adam don't you think your Boss is selfish, self-centered and irresponsible person?

As soon as I asked him this question his face was really funny as if he couldn't believe or dare to think what I was telling. His much was opened for sometime and later he closed it and gulp down.

From his expression I could tell that he is really afraid of that DIB Bastard Now, I could really see that how much inhuman he is that his subordinate is so much afraid of him that he can't even talk freely about him behind his back.

And here again my stupid brain came to oppose me " You stupid girl why do you want his subordinate to talk about him behind his back. Would you like if someone does this to you. " when I was busy debating with myself I heard Adam clearing his throat and said.

Adam : Miss. David I think you must have misunderstood my boss. Although he is Ruthless but for his people he is alway caring.

Huh! What did he say I must have misunderstood that Bastard. He is nothing but shameless, selfish, self-centered.

Me : Mr. Adam I think I am not the one who misunderstood your Boss but you are or may be you are just afraid to say that your boss is shameless, selfish, self-centered, irresponsible person.

He seems to be confused of what I said but the question is why does he looked so confused. And then I saw him laughing and controlling his laugh.

Adam : Miss. David why would you say that?

Me : Why wouldn't I say all these things after everything he did to me yesterday.

Adam : Miss David we are here.

And I looked around and saw that we are in front of " Cafe Euphoria "

Normally this place had so many customers every day. So, I am at little ease that he won't be able to kidnap me today cause there must be many people around so he wouldn't dare to do anything.

When I was busy thinking all these and comforting myself that nothing is going to happen.

The comes Adam and he opened the car door and said " Miss. David please. "

Even if I don't want to admit but the truth here is the I am very much afraid that I am going to pee in my shorts.

I subconsciously hug my bag in which I had prepared my self protecting weapons. There is pepper spray, small knife etc.

I smiled nervously at adam and I don't know but I asked him " I am going to be ok right? He won't kidnap me again right? "

He puts on professional face and said " Muss. David please rest assure you won't be harmed and My boss was never behind your kidnapping. "

I don't know how to believe his words when his boss was the one who kidnapped me for Miss. Rose.

I smiled and said " I request you not to expose our conversation. "

Carsyn POV

After I requested him to not expose our conversation he just smiled at me neither he said that he will say or he will not.

And deep inside me my very active intelligent, beautiful mind is screaming " He will definitely say all those things to him. "

Huh! I am not afraid of that bastard what will he do to me even after knowing what I said.

I came out of the car and tightly grasping my side bay as if my life depends on it and if I let go of my ugly looking beautiful bag I am going to die any second.

Adam guided me to the way and I walked behind him.

Although I don't know adam and had just met him few minutes ago and just had 4,5 sentences of conversation in which almost everything was said by me except some sentences and all he did was either smiled at me or say " yes or no " I don't know even after all these things I believe him more than that Mr. Bastard .

I followed him and when we reached the cafe euphoria he opened the door for me like a gentleman and said " Miss. David please. "

As soon as I entered inside First thing I noticed is a very handsome back facing towards me and perfume scent strike my hypersensitive nose and this is same perfume as that of Mr. Finley and that Bastard's back not very as big as bodybuilder but perfect like someone who goes to gym regularly with perfect amount of muscles not very much at the same time not like a bone Do you guys get. I can't even explain than in one word I would say " absolutely perfect. "

Why does this bastard look much similar to Mr. Finley my never becoming husband Why didn't I noticed this yesterday.

I was so much startled I myself doesn't know when I stoped walking and started starting at him.