chapter 21 ha ha ha

Andreas POV

So, from all the things I noticed about her that day I am sure she is not the one who can be punctual or care about someone else time.

I really don't understand how can someone be as careless as her as well as who does have any sense of responsibility like others time doesn't matter to her.

So, I asked my driver to bring my laptop from my car. So that I will work till she will come.

Carsyn POV

Ha ha ha! It's already half past three and I am laying down on my bed with the earbud in my ear and listening to my current favourite song ( Under the influence by Chris Brown)

You might be thinkong why the fuck I am laughing if I am laying on the bed and listening to some of my so called favourite song. Guys exactly this is the reason for laughing.

Don't you think it's funny to make Mr. Duality in Blood to wait for me for atleast an hour.

My mind is quite good devilish don't you think Actually thing is here My classes finished at 2:50 amd when I came out of university there I saw a handsome man in a black suit standing beside car. He came toward me.

Oh wow! I was wondering If I had became more and more beautiful nowdaysthat every handsome man is being attracted toward me like metal on magnet. Just kidding guys.

He came and stood infront of me and saod that he was send to pick me up by.....

Before he could complete I cut him off because I don't want to listen Mr. bastard Name. I cut him off and said " Oh I see please give me some minute I want to go hostel first and freshen up. "

And it's so sweet of him he agreed and said " Sure Miss I will be waiting here for you. "

And here I am hehe actually what happened is that the pops up in my mind that I will make Mr. Duality irritate by making him wait for longer period of time.

So, I came hostel and first of all I took bath and now I am laying on the bed. And you know the most funny part is I am not even eating anything cause it's sure he is going to buy me something to eat since he is inviting me for meeting in cafe.

I will go down where car is standing after 30 more minute Till then I will take my sweet nap.

Oh fuck ! I was in my dreamland and now it's already 4:30 pm.

God ! Yes, I wanted to make him wait for one hour and now it's one and half.

Ops ! Driver might be still waiting or could it be that he already left. Shit, it's really cruel for him. But who care's Mr. Duality deserve it although his driver is not at fault but he still works for him.

I am wearing a half sleeve T - shirt and shorts. I Don't think I need to change my dress anyway I am just meeting that Mr. Duality it's not like I am going to meet country president or My never becoming husband or let's say my crush.

But I toom a bag with me in which I had prepared all the stuff for self protection. If things was like meeting Mr. Finley I would have dressed up properly and elegantly. So, for now whatever I were act doesn't matter until I am comfortable.

I am now sitting in the running car. When i arrived here earlier I saw the car still standing here and driver sitting on driver seat very patiently.

When I was coming to see whether the car is still here or not. I had thought of many things like may be car will not be here, this person might be irritated and may be he had left or he might still be waiting for me and will lecture me when I will arrive but believe me guys he did nothing like that.

And what he did made me feel ashamed of my behavior for some minute and then again my shameless mind ran on the speed of Bugati and said " Idiot whatever you did wasn't directly towards this person and moreover the person to whom your action is aimed at deserved it. "

Actually when I came he came out of car and had fake polite smile on his face although it was fake but it was polite at the same time, he greeted me and said after opening the door for me " Miss. David please."

Now, I am wondering ever since I sat inside the car if he really is driver.

First thing his way of behaving is very elegant, polite, well mannered and well trained. And his way of dressing also doesn't seems like driver. But then again Mr. Bastard told me that his driver will pick me up.

For conforming whether I misread his message I again checked his message from earlier and it says " My driver will pick you up tomorrow. "

Ah! So, irritating why the fuck I am running my brain on whether he is driver or someone else. It's not my concern right whoever he is. But here comes my saftey and whatever happened yesterday after that how could I be at ease and even more with someone unknown to me.

But again I don't know how to ask him directly.