chapter 20 his assistant

Carsyn pov

But again I don't know how to ask him directly. He hadn't started any conversation with me when it's already fifteen minutes and we are in same car. His appearance seems to be approachable but his behavior is just opposite to his appearance.

But guess what I couldn't be at ease if I will not ask.

Author POV

Carsyn was being so much anxious not only because pf curiosity but main reason is she is afraid of whatever happened yesterday might repeat today and she don't know Adam.

So, she decided that it doesn't matter if Adam doesn't starts the conversation but she will ask herself. All this time she is playing with her finger making skin almost red enough to the point that it looks like blood will come out of it any second. She closed her eye. Took a deep breath and then said

Carsyn : Hi Mister, Are you the driver send by Mr. Bastard.

As soon as Mr. Bastard came out of carsyn mouth she immediately regretted it, put her palm infront of mouth and her face become red like a mon butt and her expression is noticeablly so funny And it was traumatic to Adam too that his looks was like he had heard something out of this world But before Adam could reply she speak again.

Carsyn : Shit! Ah no not shit! Fuck Ah! I don't mean to swear I promise all these are slip of tongue.

Adam really wants to laugh out loudly this is the first time someone dared to call Mr. Finley as Mr. Bastard that also the one who is saying is his own student.

He thought carsyn is really something. She has guts. He became excited to see what will happen further between Mr. Finley and Carsyn. Because from what he saw he came to conclusion that Mr. Finley have soft spot for Miss. Carsyn otherwise wouldn't have rushed to save her leaving meeting in the middle.

And he became so aggressive that he send Rose back to her home with her father.

Adam then replied to carsyn saying " I am not driver, I am his special assistant. "

And this is when she knew she fucked up how dare she say Bastard in fornt of his special assistant and she thought no doubt he will tell this to his boss.

Carsyn seems to be embarrassed she smiled awkwardly and saod " I see, I am really sorry for making you wait for so long. "

Adam hummed in reply and didn't say anything more.

Carsyn also didn't continue the conversation But it was not even five minute and she again asked question to adam out of curiosity. " Mister Assistant do you think your boss is again going to kidnap me? "

But as soon as she asked the question she called herself fool, idiot in her mind for asking such a stupid question, she thought " This man is his assistant why would he say anything against his boss. "

Adam hide his laughter and put on very serious professional look and said " Miss david you can address me as Adam and please be at ease you are safe, Boss will not do anything to you. "

Carsyn roll her eyes and then said to herself " How can I be at ease when i am going to meet the man who kidnapped me just yesterday. "

Andreas POV

I am a man who is not very patient and this is the first time someone is making me wait that not only five or Ten minutes but I had been waiting here for one half hour.

I had known that she is not responsible since the day she came late in my lecture but now I came to know she doesn't even have respect for someone else's time.

How can she dare to make her professor wait for such a long time.

Earlier I had finished my work and had been taking a nap when I received text.

When I saw the owner of message it was from the unknown number but from the content of message I knew it's from Rose.

Yesterday, I really lost my clamness and called her old bastard father to take her daughter away. Cause I don't want someone bossing around in my house and interfering with my business.

I had already asked my advocate to prepare all the divorce papers.

Today at office he brought all the paper's to my place during the day time and I already signed it and asked him to take it to Rose's house.

Rose is already taken away from my house by her father.

Her father is very cunning and I know he will do all he can in his power to stop this divorce process. And apart from all this he will never take the reason that his daughter is interfering with my business So, I wanted divorce.

Even if I successfully get divorce he will look for large amount of compensation. But I had my own way and everything is prepared already. Even if he is old slay fox he can't win over me otherwise I will not be worthy of title " Mafia's Leader. "

Today I decided to meet Miss. David in order to make sure that she won't leak any information about me being Mafia. Although there are rumours of me being Ruthless Mafia but it's not confirmed fully yet.

And the detectives are already suspecting about my business although they haven't have any solid proof against me and I am sure they will never get one.