chapter 19 Mom, I love you

Carsyn POV

For some seconds there was no conversation between us. I was busy crying my ash out and my mom. I don't know why she is not talking all of sudden may be she want me to speak and is letting me to take my time.

I had conversation with my mom, She asked me not to be careless again, there are many people who were worried.

After that I take with my father, brother and leo and again I got good scolding from all of them. And I got to listen for almost thousand times like how could I be careless.

I wish I could tell them J wasn't careless or anything but was kidnapped. There reaction will be completely different but I don't want them to worry and another reason why I am not telling anyone is that Mr. Duality asked me not to openup this to anyone and we are going to have talk about this tomorrow.

It's already the day I am going to meet Mr. Duality. I am playing really strong from yesterday but the fact is that I am very much afraid of whatever happened yesterday and I am still afraid to meet him today but I want to know what reason will he give for yesterday's action and what is he going to do today. But I don't want to take risk this time so I have prepare knife and pepper spray incase if I will feel something suspicious .

I am ready to go to class now. And after class I will meet Mr. Duality.

Days was so boring, I didn't had any fun maybe one reason is there was no Mr. Finley in university.

And it's barely Saturday and I am already waiting for next Thursday.

You guys might be thinking how shameless I am to still waiting for Thursday to see Mr. Finley after what happened yesterday to me was releated to Mr. Finley.

But guys please understand my heart. Although I am afraid and at some point I am disappointed that may be because I want to listen from him that " Yes he loves me " when Rose asked why do he care. Ok let's say that he loves me is really big deal but he could still have said he care about me.

Again you guys might have been thinking what an unreasonable girl I am. But I am lime this, my heart wants to listen that.

But at the same time I am happy that he came to came help me. It's shows he care about me right.

Ok ok even if he doesn't care I can still imagine something for a while that makes my heart happy.

One thing now I am sure is what I have for Mr. Finley is more than just crush.

The word crush cannot justify my feeling for Mr. Finley.

You might be thinking what a bitch I am but guys I am but guys I am not saying I will develop any relation with him neither I will approach him again.

I will never ever approach him again. My crush on him or whatever it is will always be kept safe only with me.

Now it's already 1 pm and I am heading toward canteen with leo walking beside me who is sulking at me since yesterday and even when I tried to reconile with him he is just sulking at me.

I ordered coffee, juice and burger.

I am not coffee person so, I order burger juice for myself and coffee for Leo since he said he don't want to eat anything.

Actually thing is here that Leo is still sulking because he belive I didn't went on shoping yesterday with anyone.

And he said he asked my all the the friend yesterday when I waa out of reach and none of them said they knew where I am or I am with them.

Andreas POV

It's already 3 pm. I send my assistant Adam to pick up Miss David and I just came out after meeting with other members.

I had already made informed Adam to clear the cafe euphoria at 3 pm since I have meeting with david.

As soon as I reach " Euphoria " I saw every staff waiting in a line with there head down. And manager came to open the door. I stoped him from doing so and opened my door.

I stoped him from doing so and opened my door and asked him if Miss. David is already here and he said that she hadn't arrived yet.

I nodded my head and went inside the cafe and sat on the sofa.

You guys might be wondering why do I have to clear whole cafe just for meeting with Miss. David while I didn't have any kimd of relation with her, neither I want to impress her then why do I have to show off like this.

Then answer is that I just don't want any people to know about it not even by mistake and I can't take any chance. What if she reacted by speaking loudly. And I always prefer to complete my work smothly.

It's already fifteen minute since I arrived and this is my first time waiting for someone. And belive me this is very much irritating. I already had a cup of coffee too.

I called Adam to ask why they are being latr and he said that Miss. David said the she will go hostel first, freshup and then she will come.

Actually I had not any expectation from her cause I can remember her being late for class, not paying attention on lecture and gwaking at me like I am her prey, pretending to fall and play with the boy one of her friend on wheel chair.