Chapter 17

Ina returned to the kitchen and hummed a song. She’s in a good mood after what she had seen earlier. Maxime, who was cooking the porridge for Austin, looked at her suspiciously. ‘What’s the matter with this girl? She seems happy.’

“Hey,” Maxime greeted.

“Oh, hi there. What are you doing?” Ina greeted her back, then inspected the pot in front of Maxime.

“I’m cooking porridge for Boss Austin. What about you? You seem… happy.” She asked.

Ina shrugged and grinned at her. ‘Maybe I should ask Maxime. She was with Alexa earlier, and she knows what had happened between them.’

“Hmm… By the way, do you have an idea why Master seems… cold to Alexa?” Maxime’s eyes widened in shock.

“Why? Did you see them together? What happened?” Maxime asked. Worry appeared on her face, and Ina noticed it. ‘So she has an idea about what happened?’ She thought.

“Nothing. I am just wondering.” Not saying say what she witnessed earlier.