Chapter 16

"Aaargghhhh!" Max yelled as he continuously shot his Caliber 48 up in the air. He threw his gun out of frustration when it ran out of bullets. His eyes darted to the mask lying on top of the hood of his car, breaking it into pieces as he threw it on the floor and stomped on it.

He only stopped when he ran out of breath. Max took deep breaths and glared at the broken mask.

His brows knitted upon remembering the man who carried Austin. ‘Who is the other man wearing the same mask as Austin’s… Whoever he is… I should never let my guard down. And Austin Morris…’ He kicked the tires and punched the hood of his car, causing it to cave in. But he doesn’t care. He was thinking that it was Austin’s face, he punched to death. ‘I will not let you off the hook. You destroyed my business… I will destroy you and your father. We are not done yet,'’ he thought after glancing at his collapsed building, which aroused his anger. He got in his car and left.
