Martha back home from Kenyatta hospital

Family and friends were happy to welcome Martha back home from Kenyatta hospital, they organized a grand farewell to welcome her home many people expected her to come home with a child since she was pregnant since she left home, Henry organized how she will take her for a routine checkup at Kericho hospital.

Ramogi secondary school gave Martha a sick leave of one year for her to recover fully.

"I wonder what happened to my pregnancy I have a bad feeling about it," Martha said

"Me too something somewhere might be wrong Kericho hospital did not give us any report concerning your admission and your referral to Kenyatta hospital, nonetheless don't worry provided that you are safe let's follow what they said that you miscarried," Henry said

"Remember to go for your checkup on time " henry reminded her.

"Yes I will do that am recovering very first thanks to the hospital treatment," Martha said.

As the days goes by Martha became stronger and stronger after a year she recovered fully and was allowed to resume duty at Ramogi secondary school while Robin and David moved from one class to another as the years progressed.

Martha became pregnant again after five years she went to Kericho hospital for antenatal care, Maggy and sandy were from Kericho school with Robin and David reaching the gate of the hospital Robin and David looked at Martha they ran and embraced her Martha embraced them too.

Maggy recognized her she held Sandy's hand and pulled her.

"Her biological mother let's hurry" Maggy whispered

They rushed to where Martha was and took the boys quickly.

"Hallow how are you" Martha greeted them

Maggy without responding hurriedly went away with the boys while Sandy looked at Martha in surprise.

"Let's go!" Maggy bellowed at Sandy.

Sandy walked quickly and followed them to the house Maggy was very agitated

"That was the biological mother of the boys! " Maggy said emotionally

Robin and David heard Maggy saying that the boys went to their room to change clothes

"Robin what is the meaning of biological mother," Robin asked

"Me too I heard that by the way why did my mother didn't want us to talk with that woman I liked her," David said

"Me too I loved that woman very much I felt good when I was closer to her" Robin said

At the age of eight years, Robin and David were bright boys at school science teacher was in the class teaching he raised his hand.

" I have a question, what is the biological mother?"

Robin asked

The teacher laughed.

"Where did you hear that from?" Teacher asked

"My mother" Robin responded

"Real mother or a mother you are related in blood" the teacher answered

"That topic you will be thought in your secondary school don't worry" the teacher reiterated

At the end of the classes, Robin and David met as they go home.

"I asked the question the science teacher he said biological mother is a mother whom you ate related in blood or your real mother" Robin explained

"Which means that woman was our biological mother since your mother?" said their biological mother," David asked

"Don't worry when we reach secondary school we are going to learn about that as the teacher said we are going to be taught in biology that topic" Robin said

"Remember we have only three years to be in high school," David said

"Wow!" I am yearning to be in high school to learn more about biology, biology is associated with medical " Robin said.

"What do want to be in the future? " David said.

" Doctor, l want to be a doctor for me to know diseases and help people to treat them," Robin said.

The bell rang the break time was over Robin and David didn't want to be separated anymore David ran and brought his desk to Robin's class.

"What are you doing," Robin asked

"I don't want to be separated from you anymore," David said.

The math teacher came into class

"Robin what are doing in this class go to your class," the teacher said

"I am not going anywhere," David said

"He is not going anywhere" Robin demanded.

The teacher was shocked she thought about what to do. She went to the headteacher's office.

"Yes miss Gladys I have two identical boys in class the other one is in class six north he came to join the other one in class six east," Gladys said.

"Bring them to here," the headteacher said.

Madam Gladys came with the boys to the office.

"Boys, can you tell me what is the problem you can't be separated?" Headteacher said

"We can't be separated from my friend we are going to be in the same class," Robin said

The headteacher observed them closely he realized that both are identical.

"Let them go to class," the headteacher said.

The boys run back to class happily while Gladys remained in the office.

"Are these boys from the same parents?" Headteacher asked

"No, their birth certificates read different mothers" Gladys responded

"I read mischief here can you get their birth certificates from the secretase by," the headteacher said.

Gladys brought the certificates they realized that they were born on the same day eight years ago.

"I told you there must a mischief here I need to know their parents inform them to come to my office tomorrow here is the letter"

The headteacher said

Gladys left with the class letters.

"Robin and David!" Madam Gladys called.

"Yes, madam" Both boys responded.

"Come and pick your latter's Gladys said

They both came and took their letters for both patents, the day ended they took the letters to their Forster parents.

Robin and David were playing outside the house after coming from school they saw their both parents approaching they went out and removed the letters each of them gave their mother.

"The headteacher requires us in his office tomorrow is the letter reading the same" Maggy asked

"Yes, sandy" replied.

"Robin all the children were given these letters?"

Maggy asked David

"No, only me and Robin" responded

"Go into the house and do your homework," Sandy told the boys.

They entered the house for them to do their homework but they were strategically positioned where they could hear their mother's conversations.

"I think they are suspicious about the boy's parental status," Maggy said

"Me too," Sandy said

"What are we going to do now?" Sandy said

"Relax don't worry we will inform them that my sister died of a terminal disease during delivery we decided to take full custody of the children," Maggy suggested.

"That is the best idea ever," Sandy said.

The boys heard the whole conversation Robin rushed back to their seat pretending to be doing something, they looked at one another in surprise.

"Does that means both our parents are not are not our real mothers?" David asked Robin

"According to their talk, it seems we are adopted," Robin said.

David and Robin were quiet for the whole night they didn't talk to their Forster mothers.

The following day Robin and David woke up at dawn already their mother had prepared breakfast they went straight to the dining table they both took breakfast without uttering any word to each other the boys looked at the eyes of each other David smiled optimistically Robin smiled back.

"Boys, what's going on you are not talking today what is going on?" Maggy said

The twin boys did not utter anything sandy came to the dining.

"Boys here is your sandwich," Sandy said

The boys didn't respond as usual Robin held his bag and rushed out to school David followed him.

"What is wrong with the boys they behave strangely nowadays," Sandy said

"It seems they are suspecting something"/Maggy replied.

"Maybe there is a mistake they did in school" Sandy suggested

"You are right that is the reason the headteacher invited us to the school," Maggy said.

It was almost eight o'clock they prepared to go to school at exactly eight-thirty they went to the school since it was a walking distance the headteacher already in the office they both entered the office.

"You are the parents of Robin and David?" Headteacher asked

"Yes, how comes they are identical and you're different mothers I thought identical twins are from one mother?" Headteacher asked.

Maggy looked at sandy in shock in panic Sandy composed herself

"The boys belong to my sister she passed on on the day of delivery we decided with my friend to take custody of the boys and to educate the also provide them with basic needs" Sandy explained

That is true if not so the children could have been in the orphanage " Maggy added.

"I am sorry for the loss of your sister am sorry I wanted to know if they were biological twins thank you very much for your information" Headteacher.

"Thank you Sir" Maggy responded

"That means they should not be separated they should be in the same class," the headteacher said

"That's true let them be in the same class since they are twin" Sandy reiterated.

Maggy and Sandy left the office back to the hospital to resume work, Robin and David were allowed to be in the same class surprisingly they both took position one with the same marks it was very difficult for them to be differentiated teachers were confused when one of them made a mistake they mistakenly punish the wrong one.