Chapter 4- New Friend

Ray pulled out a chair and Treasure sat on it with a grateful smile. Pamela also sat with them, taking her smoothie from the tray of packed food she sucked the juice from the straw.

"So, Mrs Clement happened to give a surprise afraid we'll have to meet her to set one for us." Ray announced and Treasure's eyes circled in surprise.

"Oh my goodness! Am so sorry for causing you both to..."

"Its no biggy Treasure, afterall luck is on our side, I have time to read far and wide." Ray grinned mischievously and winked at Treasure causing her to giggle.

Pamela just ate silently and scrolled through her phone when all of a sudden she choked on her meal. Treasure worriedly asked Pamela if she was alright but Pamela shook her head harshly.

"No no no no no...look!"

Pamela gave Treasure her phone to see what frustrated her. Treasure took the phone and an eyebrow arched upward in surprise. At the top was latest trend and the headline boldly stated; MOST FAMOUS WEALTHY BUSINESS MAN, THEOPHILUS HAMILTON FINALLY FOUND A WOMAN OF HIS DREAMS'.

And worst of all a photo was attached to the headline, a gorgeous lady wearing a black strapless shiny gown was being held at the waist by Theophilus, she had on an enchanting smile and wore a very expensive diamond necklace. Looking intently at the picture Treasure couldn't deny the fact that they were a perfect match.

"Phew!" Ray whistled and Pamela glared hard at him.

"Don't dwell on it Pam, news like this can be fake...what if the lady insisted on him taking a photo with her? Or what if she's his business partner...think about it, people just want to create rumors." Pamela who had a hard time breathing finally calmed down at Treasure's encouraging words.

"But everything they said are very convincing...she's his business partner and also his fiancee." Treasure blinked, it seemed she guessed right.

"Just calm down, tomorrow there'll be another news...check his Instagram page. That's how to know if its true or not."

"Oh Tress, you're good at thinking you know." Pamela took back her phone and quickly logged in to her Instagram account.

Treasure ate silently and let her eyes roam the noisy cafeteria until they fell on a guy at a corner with his friends, he was staring at her intently. He winked at her and she quickly averted her eyes, he was a senior and a twelfth grade. Most wanted by all girls, he had long smooth shiny hair and always tied it in a ponytail style making him look more alluring and tempting. To top it all he was a half cast.

Treasure tried to focus on her meal, she didn't like the attention he was giving her. It made her wish Neil was here.

"Praise recent post, nothing mentioning the lady. Phew! What a relief, I better hurry before someone snatches him away." Pamela reported her findings excitedly.

"Told ya! Don't just jump into conclusions like that." Pamela smiled in a silly manner resulting in Ray laughing at her.

"Stop that will look like a mashed pumpkin." Pamela puffed her cheeks and punched Ray at the shoulder harshly.

"Ouch!" He lamented and Treasure smiled widely.


After school, Pamela was pulled away by some spoilt girls. Treasure didn't have much friends so she went on her own to wait for Pamela by her car.

She leaned on the car, took out her phone and browsed through the internet just to while away time. She logged in to her Instagram account and found out that her followers increased rapidly, she always posted her songs and lyrics everytime but ever since Neil passed away she never bothered herself to check.

Some artists she tagged in most of her songs followed AMAZING!

Comments and likes just kept coming but she didn't fell like answering them, she just wanted to be on her own for some time....Neil's death wasn't something she could overlook, he was her MAN, he was someone she knew she would end up with. The plans they made for their future were completely shattered...

"Heylo?" Treasure blinked back the tears and faced the person.

"Oh am sorry for dist..."

"'re not disturbing me..."

The girl who wore big lenses which made her look adorable and innocent smiled shyly and tried giving Treasure eye contact but couldn't.

"Your hair is pretty and you look fabulous...i-i couldn't take my eyes off you."

Treasure smiled a warm smile, she knew the girl, her name was Hilary. Everyone liked her and she had a lot of fun friends, they were even classmates.

"Thanks Hilary, I're way way prettier than I...I envy your cuteness." Hilary chuckled cutely and adjusted her glasses.

"I get that a lot, I wonder if its because of my glasses."

Treasure nodded and smiled, she wasn't used to communicating with people. Sometimes she would mask a smile to make them think she liked them, but she wondered why her smile was genuine this time. Hilary was just too sweet and cute.

"I really admire you Treasure...I was wondering if I could get your number...sorry if am going too fast." Hilary quickly added the last statement.

"No need to apologize Hil, you can have it." Treasure took out a jotter along with a pen from her bag and quickly scribbled down her number on the paper, she tore it and handed it over to Hilary.

Hilary adjusted her glasses again as she read the number. Staring back at Treasure she grinned, a pink hue rested on her cheeks showing how excited she was.

"Thank you sooo much Treasure...I'll call you."

Hilary used her hand as a telephone, emphasizing her point. Treasure just nodded and Hilary took off but every second she would turn back to catch a glimpse of Treasure, this made Treasure chuckle.


Treasure spotted Ray in the crowd waving at her, he quickly found his way out and came to meet her.

" are you?"

Ray didn't realize what he said, Treasure arched an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"Don't get me wrong but you've been quiet and now you're sitting all by yourself....are you alright?" Concern was genuinely written all over his face.

"Oh....yea am fine, just wanna be on my own that's all." Ray looked around as if in search of someone before facing Treasure.

"Before I say what I want to say I would like you to please take my advice...its not good to be on your own after what happened Tress...I would like you to spend more time with people around you, it would be best if you try to heal rather than keep hurting....Pamela is always here for you and so am I....whoever you wanna spend time with is your choice....don't go home and lock yourself....please."

Treasure's eyes blurred slightly and she quickly blinked, what Ray said was really true...even if she didn't want to she had to...

"I'll be going to the cinema this night to watch a very interesting movie and I hope you could join me...I got two tickets." Ray spoke hastily not sure what her response would be. Treasure's lips parted in surprise, she looked round and let out a breezy sigh.

"Wow...i-i don't know what to say...I..."

"Take your time not in a can think about it when you get home, give me a phone call when you're decided."

"Alright fine...that's great, I'll think about it Ray, thanks for caring for me." Ray nodded and handed her a piece of paper.

" number's in it."

Treasure slowly took it from his hand, it felt weird getting close to another guy other than Neil.


"Please call me." He pleaded and smiled a one side smile before walking away still staring at her.

"I will...don't worry."

Treasure assured him and he smiled widely and turned. Treasure quietly watched him walk away, he had always been this persistent.

She sighed and searched for Pamela's number through her phone contacts, she quickly dailed her number when she found it.