Chapter 5- Outing

She got home to find the house empty as usual, her mom was at work. She resumed not long ago in a private hospital, she always came back late in the evening and she worked there as a nurse.

Treasure sat on the couch in the living room, everywhere was quiet, painfully quiet.

The silence soothed her, she closed her eyes and rested her head on the head rest. She had no appetite for food or anything at all, all she wanted to do was blackout for another entire week. Nothing vibed her like before.

But she couldn't just blackout, her mom needed her the most. Opening her eyes with alot of effort Treasure stood up and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for her mom.

Opening the counter Treasure took out three eggs, placing them on the kitchen table she picked a bowl and also placed it on the same table.

She checked for the flour, butter, sugar, milk, baking powder and other necessary ingredients for making pancake.

She hummed as she diligently went about her work. Everything she did brought painful memories, images of she and Neil making pancakes flashed before her eyes and she had to shut them to push back hot tears.

Treasure didn't want the memories to hunt her for her entire life, she had to learn how to control her emotions even though it greived her everytime. matter how much she tried it still didn't work, she ended up crying loudly and her cries echoed round the house.

She sat on the ground with her knees folded and her back to the kitchen wall, her eyes stared lifelessly into blank space.

Her eyes were wet and hot, she couldn't bring herself to accept this. It was the hardest thing she faced in this life, never in her life would she have imagined a day would come like this.

Getting up slowly Treasure walked up to the kitchen table once again and with a lot of effort she made the pancakes with tears in her eyes.


Much later, Treasure laid on her bed staring at her white ceiling.

She had been thinking too much and she realized the more she stayed indoors all alone She'll die with grieve. Ray was right, she needed to go spend time with friends...

....friends she didn't really have apart from Ray and Pamela, at least she and Pamela were best friends, so nothing else mattered to her.

Thinking it through, Treasure finally picked up her phone and dialed Ray's line. It rang two times before his voice boomed through.

"Hello? Tress?"

Treasure hesitated, she didn't know how to reply. The only guy's number she had on her phone was Neil's. So speaking with another guy made her feel uncomfortable.

"Hello, Ray...its Treasure."

"How are you? Hope you're not thinking too much?" Treasure thought for a while before giving an answer.

"Well, I was....that's why I decided to call..."

"You've finally made a decision right?" Treasure nodded absentmindedly and waited for his response.

"Hellow? Treasure, you still there?"

"Oh sorry...yes I am,....I mean I've decided."

"Owk? should I come pick you?"

Treasure hesitated again, this time she was having second thoughts. She felt guilty, forgetting that Neil was already dead.

She began thinking of what to tell Neil when suddenly she recalled that he was dead. She shut her eyes tightly in realization.

"Treasure? Are you sure your alright?" She sniffled and quickly responded before he asked more questions.

"Yeah...I am, you can come pick me when you're ready....what time is it by the way?"

"Ehm...eight...sorry it's that late..."

"It's fine, I'll be ready before then."

After Ray responsed with an 'ok' she ended the call and laid back on her bed heavily.


Treasure lamented in her heart, she prayed to Neil to forgive her, it felt wrong doing this but she had to...she had to heal quickly so people could stop worrying about her.

Later in the evening her mom returned and Treasure quickly informed her of her outing with Ray. Her mom was glad she was finally moving on even though it won't be easy. And she was more surprised at what Treasure made her...

"So many pancakes...Treasure darling you did great." Salome praised Treasure and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks mom."

Salome ate heartily, she was famished. Thanks to her caring daughter Salome would have fainted if there was nothing to eat.

"Gotta go get dressed mom, he'll be here any moment from now." Salome nodded absentmindedly. Treasure kissed her mom on the forehead and left the dinning room to her bedroom.


Salome jumped out of the couch at the noise coming from the front door. She went straight to the door and opened it to find a dashing young man standing on her porch.

His eyes slightly widened at the sight of Treasure's mom.

"Good day ma"

"Good day to you too....I guess you must be Ray." Ray hesitated a bit before nodding.

"Yes I am"

Treasure hurried downstairs and came to meet them with a smile on her face.

" all good to go...." Salome embraced her and dropped a loving peck at her cheek.

"Take good care of her champ." Ray nodded with a wide grin, he admired the love Salome showed Treasure.

Treasure followed Ray all the way to his car. He wanted to open the car door for her but she refused. She stared at him with narrowed eyes.


"Why'd you bring a Tesla...I thought we're going to the movie theater?"

"We are Tress, there's no biggy...just wanted to make you feel comfortable." Treasure's mouth hung open...was he for real?

"Ray...this is too much...huh." She sighed at the end of her statement....was he tryna show off? She knew he was damn rich but that doesn't mean he had to show off.

Ray stared at Treasure in shock, she got in on her own and sat quietly while he had to go round before getting in.

"Ready?" Ray grinned widely at Treasure and she just nodded without facing him.

He started the car engine and they were good to go. Carefully driving onto the road he drove off. Treasure couldn't deny the fact that Ray was hands down attractive but she wasn't attracted to him, she just saw him as a friend and nothing more.

"I booked two seats at the back, hope you don't mind?" Treasure shook her head, she also didn't like front seats.

"Could you reply with a yes or no so I'd know you're still alive, please." Treasure's head whipped at him in surprise.

"Sorry...I just happened to do that a lot..."

"Ok, but for my sake please."

"Alright...noted." Ray smiled in satisfaction as he focused on his driving until they got to the cinema. Treasure carefully got out of the car and stared at the large building in awe, her eyes nearly fell out...this was one of the best movie theater ever...and very expensive...

"Ray!....isn't this too expensive?"

Ray just smirked and winked at her, Treasure just kept staring at the luxurious building designed with bright shiny lights. If Ray was trying to please her then he did it soo well.