Chapter 8- He Cheated!

Treasure's entire world stopped...did she hear Pamela right or was her brain playing games with her. She slowly faced the bewildered Ray who stared at Pamela whom was shedding tears in anger and hurt.

"Pamela what the f*ck are you tryi..."

"Don't act all innocent Ray....behind my back you went ahead and agreed to Treasure's request....I have evidence to show how lovey dovey you guys were...don't you feel any regret said you loved me..."


Ray yelled at the top of his voice in fury, surprising everyone who took videos and pictures of the three of them.

"Stop this right now, we were never dating neither were we even close...what else are you planning Pamela? Is this the only plan you could come up this how much you hate Treasure?"

"How dare you say that Ray...I never hated Treasure at all...but what she did last night with you is beyond forgiveness."

Treasure's eyes turned red and a tear slid down her right eye. She didn't understand what was happening anymore, she just kept staring at Pamela with so much hurt.

How could Pamela say that without asking her if anything happened last night...worst of all Pamela didn't even say a word about dating Ray to her, even Ray didn't say anything...

Ray was lost on how to reply Pamela. She kept twisting the whole story making onlookers (students) pity her.

"Treasure...remember what I told you can see what she's capable of this who you call friend?" Ray held Treasure by the shoulders and asked her.

"What's going on here?"

A male and female teacher came into the big scene the three of them created. The crowd made way for the teachers.

The hall was noisy and crowded with students narrating the whole incident to late comers and some giving their opinions. Pamela faced the teachers looking completely hurt and defeated.

"I've decided to expose Ray after what he's done to me...he cheated!!!" Pamela yelled so everyone could hear her every word. She had tears coming out of her eyes, attracting a lot of sympathizers.

"...Ray cheated his way into eleventh grade...I have all the evidence you need to tell you how truthful I am."

Ray's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets as he froze in fear and doom. Everyone gasped and screamed in surprise.

Treasure's mind went blank and she shifted her gaze from Ray to Pamela. Everything began to fit in perfectly...this was a perfect plan...a well planned one to expose someone.

"The three of the principal's office NOW!."

The male teacher's voice boomed strictly. Everyone knew how dire it was for someone to be caught or pulled out for cheating in an exam. The school had strict rules and consequences, one major one was to 'Expel cheating students immediately!'

Treasure was shivering with fear for Ray and from the cold she got from the spilled liquid on her. Pamela followed the teachers leaving Treasure and Ray staring at her.

Ray slowly twisted his neck sideways to face Treasure. Some students stared at them with disgust while many pitied Ray, the bell rang for classes.

"The principal can need to get out of that shirt Tress or you'll catch a cold." Treasure moved her whole body, turning to face him fully.

"I'll clean should go to the principal's office, I'll be there shortly..." Ray shook his head in refusal.

"If I leave you, something bad might happen to you and I don't want that." Tears gathered in Treasure's eyes and fell out in drops.

"Why did she do that to me!...what did I do guys aren't dating right?" Ray placed both hands on Treasure's shoulder and shook her slightly, gripping her tight.

"Listen Tress...can you hear yourself right now? Have you forgotten that Pamela's focus is only on that businessman! Are you sure you even know your friend? She doesn't like people making jokes about that young rich man so why would she suddenly be interested in me? Reason it Tress, at least you saw her other side today."

Ray scoffed dully and took his hands off her shoulders and pulled her out of the noisy hall. Away from people's glare.


The door slowly opened, Ray stepped in first and Treasure followed. She was wearing a blue big T-shirt. Pamela watched them enter the principal's office silently with a neutral expression.

"And why are you both coming now?!" The principal calmly but strictly asked them.

"I had to change...someone mistakenly spilled cold smoothie on my shirt." Treasure explained herself when she noticed Ray's lips parted, ready to defend her. The principal's hard gaze trapped Treasure a little longer before shifting it to Ray.

"And you?"

"She needed something to put on so I insisted on looking for one, for her." The matured man nodded his head slowly and gestured for them to sit down.

"Firstly, let me start by reminding you all that bullying someone is not allowed in this is a great offense to us for a student to bully another. We do not permit you get the point am making Ray?"

Ray froze, at first he wondered why the principal would bring up such topic when nothing of sort happened.

"Sir?" Ray questioned back and the stern principal lifted an eyebrow at him.

"Are you trying to act ignorant with me Ray?" Ray frowned and shifted his gaze to Pamela who was seating on his right.

"STOP THAT! RAY!....I thought you were better than this. Bullying a girl rather than a boy all just to cover up your sinful act." Treasure's eyelids widened, she was astounded. What did they miss now?

"I never bullied anyone sir! Rather Pamela here bullied me..." Ray raised his voice at the principal out of anger and defense.

"Such audacity you got there need to learn how to control your emotions." The principal calmly replied, looking unfazed.

Ray gritted his teeth and his eyes burned in anger as he looked away from the principal's piercing gaze.

"I would have let you go...but for bullying the innocent young Pamela and tampering with the school's control room system to get the evidence deleted I have no other choice but to expel you from ROYAL HIGH...for good!"

Ray's brain stopped's finished! Everything his parents worked hard for. What he tried so hard to avoid finally hit him in the face. Treasure quickly shifted her attention to the principal, mystified and shocked.

"But....but sir if he deleted it...ho-how then did you find it?" Treasure stuttered, she wanted to be sure. The principal intertwined his fingers together and rested them on his wide table before answering.

"Why do you think Ray bullied Pamela?...because she held evidence against him."

Treasure frowned, she wasn't foolish, she had a smart way of thinking so she was able to form another story in her mind. There was a question that bothered her and she really wanted to know.

'What did Pamela ask Ray to do which landed him in this mess for refusing?'