Chapter 10- Challenge Yourself

She walked up to Pamela with her head held high. Pamela was too preoccupied with her phone to even see Treasure coming in her direction.

She opened the lid to her own strawberry flavored smoothie and splashed the whole content at Pamela's face. Treasure's face was expressionless, she felt no regret.

Pamela let out a shrill scream in surprise, she stood up all wet at her face and upper blouse. Her phone also suffered too.

Everyone 'WOWED' and began to shout 'fight'.

"You little bitch, how d-"

Treasure landed a hot slap at Pamela's left cheek heavily, causing her face to turn to the other side....

"Treasure! Hello?"

Someone waved a hand in front of Treasure's blank face. Treasure snapped out of her silly thought, she shifted her gaze from Pamela who was chatting happily with the other girls.

"Oh...hi, Hilary." Hilary sighed as she placed a hand on her chest in relief.

"I thought you left this looked so lifeless." Hilary joked and laughed, Treasure simply focused her attention on her snacks in anger. She couldn't do a thing, she really was a coward who couldn't even defend herself. This made Treasure chuckle and Hilary thought she actually made her laugh.

Hilary sat opposite her, placing her tray on the same table. Treasure didn't mind at all because Hilary had a pure heart and she was friendly.

"Sorry am being nosy....but last night when I called, were you with Ray?" Treasure nodded and Hilary's eyes slightly widened.

"Don't get me wrong but we didn't do anything...he and Pamela were never a couple to begin with. We're just friends nothing more." Hilary nodded slowly, she brought out her phone from her jean pocket and did some random search before offering the phone to Treasure.

"Check out all the pictures...Pamela posted it on her facebook page." Treasure scrunched her eyebrows together and collected the phone from her. It was a photo of she and Ray, her arms were hooked round his neck. It was a perfect shot.

Treasure nodded slowly when she recalled what actually happened. Someone hit her by mistake and she nearly fell but instinctively wrapped her arms round Ray's neck which landed in both of them falling to the ground.

The photo made her look like a seductress, Treasure's eyes narrowed angrily when she realized what they did....they edited everything, making it look like she was trying to seduce Ray into touching her.

She slide on to the next photo and this time Ray was on top of her and her back was against the ground....she was...


Treasure lifted her eyes from the phone with mixed feelings as she glared hard at Pamela.

'What is your aim in all these Pamela?' Treasure thought inwardly, her entire body felt weakened.

Treasure slide the screen again and the next picture showed how she held Ray's arm, stopping him from going. She was also smiling in this photo, an evil smile....the stalker really knew how to take shots and the editor did a great job in tricking people.

Treasure reminisced what happened, she wanted to know what he did wrong so she held him back.

Treasure dropped the phone on the table and covered her face. She tried to control her emotions because if she let it out she might do what her mind suggested earlier.

"Is everything alright? Treasure?" Hilary showed genuine concern toward Treasure. Treasure stood up and left the cafeteria annoyed and near tears, she lost her appetite.


Hilary called after her but Treasure didn't bother answering. When Treasure found her way out of the cafeteria she ran, people whispered when she passed them, saying bad things about her.

She found a quiet room amd quickly entered, shutting the door behind her with so much force.


Treasure screamed out Pamela's name with so much pain in her heart. Pamela really knew her well, she knew her weakest point.

Treasure staggered. How much will she keep on shedding tears? She had to face Pamela rather than run away....

"Such a coward!"

A deep sweet tenor voice reached her ears, forcing her to cease crying. Treasure covered her face in embarrassment, away from whoever was in the room with her. She used the blue shirt given to her by Ray and wiped the tears off her eyes and face.

When she raised her head she stumbled away, shocked to see the person in front of her.

"You look sick but with that you're still pretty." His cool voice complimented her. Treasure blinked at him, it was her senior, the hot and most wanted senior by girls. The half cast with his smooth shiny black hair tied In a ponytail usual.

"L-Lincoln! Wh-what are you doing here?" It surprised Treasure that she was still able to talk well after that embarrassing outburst.

"I should ask you same." Treasure blinked rapidly, this was the second time they spoke to each other.

"Don't spoil that pretty face of yours Tress, if I were Pamela I'd rejoice." Lincoln had a dull sexy look, his eyes gazed deep into hers. Treasure couldn't even form a line.

'Was he on her side?'

"D-do you believe..."

"Of course....everything didn't make sense to the way I want you to challenge're too weak and fragile for my liking...if you walk out this door, get out there and show Pamela who she shouldn't mess around with...then I assure you that you'll be on my number one lucky list of friends."

Treasure subconsciously looked away, never in her wildest imagination would she have expected Lincoln to advice her....moreso believe her.

"Don't waste your time crying...its shameful. I'll be waiting for a good show." Lincoln didn't wait for her reply, he walked past her and opened the door ready to leave.

"Were you expecting me?" Treasure blurted out what she wanted to know. Lincoln froze, his back was facing her.

"I wasn't, but I noticed you locked yourself in this room since morning and decided to check it out...and you later barged in to my advantage, a lovely coincidence right?"

When he was done explaining he left the room, closing the door gently behind him. Treasure stood rooted at the same spot trying to digest everything that happened so far.


Pamela stood up from her seat and left the cafeteria along with three other girls tailing her, she had her eyes on her phone from time to time checking recent posts.

She walked out of the cafeteria and was about to take a u-turn when cold light pink liquid splashed right in her face.

This amazed everyone when they heard her scream in anger and disgust. The strawberry smoothie also touched her phone screen too and her white blouse.

"If you can do this to your best friend then what else are you capable of doing?" A voice calmly but painfully spoke with so much hurt. Pamela froze when she realized who had the audacity to do this to her...