Chapter 23- Who Caused Her Death?

Oh, how she missed Philemon...

If he was here none of this would have gone this way. He would definitely look for a way...and he always found a way. Salome sat quietly in the waiting room for what?


She didn't have enough money neither did she even have a lawyer to bail her daughter out...

Who could she run to? Pamela won't listen...Oh God! Salome broke down in tears. People going in and out just glanced at her briefly...some with lack of sympathy while others just ignored her.

Salome had no one to call, her parents disowned her when she got married to a black american and worst of all she gave birth to a brown skinned girl.


Salome jumped when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Her eyes reddened the more when she saw who it was, she hugged him tightly and wept out loud while he carefully patted her on the surprised him.

Ray was moved, he pitied the woman so much. He glanced at Lincoln who entered the room with a lawyer beside him.