chapter 2

Hour's later, Sofia woke up from her deep slumber. Her body felt rejuvenated and strong again. She guessed sleeping beside that man had a hand in this because having him scooping her tightly to bed,she felt very calm and Serene.

Thinking about their intimate position as they slept, Sofia face turned red. She in the human world was a reserved woman and though she had a boyfriend they had nothing more than holding hands but she guessed the reason he was never interested in her was maybe because he was entangled to both her and her step sister.

Before her accident,she had caught the two of them cheating on her but who knew that was all a plot to mess with her car's brakes

Thinking about it she felt anger rise in her body. She had treated her step sister Anita very well. She did not loathe her even though she was born from an affair between her father and a mistress. To her,the hate from the past generation should not extended to the next but who could have thought the two people she loved would stab her in the back just to get hold of the Williams jewelry.

"What are you thinking about my love." she was drawn from her thoughts by his sweet husky and enchanting voice

Raphael had been watching her since she woke up and he could sense her fleeting emotions from the mating bond between them.

The mating bond allowed mates to have a connection between the two. When one was in pain, fear, anguish or sad, the other mate would sense them. They could also communicate in their minds without uttering a single word. That was how great the mating bond was.

Since their mating bond was not complete since he had not marked her through uniting their bodies as one,he could only sense her emotions and nothing More.

" it's nothing." she said and turned to face him offering him a smile.

Raphael knew that his mate was beautiful but she appeared more beautiful when she smiled.

Her smile was something that seemed to lighten up his rather dark world. Being the devil himself,he existed for as long as the world existed. He was punished by God and thrown to hell and was cursed to suffer from lack of love. It was prophesied that his mate would be the downfall of him and will lead to his destruction. To him that was the most cruelest punishment the heavens could have bestowed upon him.

Even though he was rebellious suffering from loneliness was something no one appreciated.

To prove that he would go against his punishment of loneliness,he embarked on a mission to gather as many followers to his kingdom.

He would tempt them with their desires since he was granted the power to identify what one wished for.

Throughout the years,he had millions of followers ranging from demons, vampires, witches and humans but still he was lonely.

He would indulge himself in pleasurable activities but that could not get rid of the lonely that filled every bone of his being

That was until his mate, Sophia came to be.

It was ironical that his mate came from a half angel and half Human. of all races,he just had to be mated to a half ling and that too a half angel .

He hated the angels most for secluding themselves from him after his punishment,and those humans, he loathed how weak they were.

Not to mention their short life span,they possessed no magic nor supernatural powers.

He had been reluctant to acknowledge her until she was betrothed to a human Duke of the kingdom of icelandic.

He had gone wild and kidnapped the girl together with her betrothed and brought them to his kingdom. He had used the life of that man to threaten her into marrying him.

Thinking about it now,he knew he could never accept another man being together with his mate.

He knew she lied to him but he won't probe her further

" come,I'll give you a tour to our kingdom." Raphael offered her his hands.

Taking his hand in her's she offered him a simple thank you .

Raphael couldn't be any happier. The current Sophia was very different from the one From ten Years ago like for example,she allowed him to have hold her but the old Sophia loathed his touch the most.

The current Sophia was taking the initiative to hold him something that the old one never did.

He took her loss of memory as a blessing in disguise .

He swiftly pulled her closer to him and encircled his hands around her waist. He smiled feeling her soft body in his hands.

Sophia observed that they were in a castle. The people around her were dressed in long dresses while the men tied robes on their Lower body leaving the upper one bare. Expensive jewels were dangling on their necks, wrists and ankles. she was mesmerized.

The place was not well lit, instead it was covered with luminous lights flashing giving the place an ethereal appearance.

They passed via a Hall and Raphael stood to show her.

" That's the hall of judgement."

"And what exactly is that?" Sophia asked .

" The place for offering punishment to those who break the law."

Inside, Sophia could spot a man seating in a seat that was placed slightly lower than a golden one. There were other ones kneeling down

"That's lord cairus,he is in charge of passing judgement when am not around." he explained

" Come, let's go." he said leading her away.

They came across another hall that was noisy. One could hear loud music alongside murmurs as people chatted and laughed. The heavy smell if wine lingered In the air.

Women dressed in almost nothing could be seen going in and out of the hall.

"The hall of pleasure. The only place I would never expect to find you." Raphael said gripping Sophia's hand tightly.

"Why not? it's in your kingdom afterall." she retorted.

Raphael clenched and unclenched his fists.

"what do you mean why not? are you planning to come here? Let me tell you,you are mine, only mine and if a single soul tries to even lay their eyes on you,I won't even think twice before killing him." he said in a calm voice but Sophia could read in between his word's. It was a blatant threat. But she didn't hate it one bit, instead, she loved the sound of it. Call her crazy or something but she was in love with the man's possessiveness.

she tiptoed and gave him a Peck on his lips. she didn't need to talk,her actions said everything.

Raphael was instantly overjoyed. He hugged her tightly and buried his face on the crook of her neck. His hot breath caressing and giving her a tingling sensation

"you can only belong to me. you are my mate,the devil's mate."

She smiled. who could have thought that she Sophia Williams will be entangled with the devil someday.

The mention of devil in her world was something that brought fear to everyone.

They were told stories about devil by their parents.

according to their stories,the devil was a giant like thing with six hands,three eyes and ugly looking horns but the man besides her was very beautiful with all right features .To say it all ,he was an art of perfection.

They continued walking and Raphael took her through various halls. They passed through the chamber of commerce and Raphael told her that it was used to host auctions in his kingdom. They also passed through the hall of torture where the wrongdoers were punished by being burned in the crimson hell fire .

She could hear cries if pain and anguish.

They also passed through the river of unforgetfulness where souls of unnatural death resided. it was said that those souls would roam around like ghosts and we're never allowed to be reincarnated or move to the next world.

"Get ready,we are flying." Raphael informed her and immediately,dark wings emerged from his back and they flew high to the sky.

Sophia closed her eyes due to the fear. She was afraid of heights but soon enough,she relaxed.

It was a new experience flying high and watching everything below you. The place was covered by all beautiful plants, flowers and other features

They finally landed and before her was a water lagoon

"it's a hit spring, let's soak here." with that he pulled her and they landed in with a swoosh.

The water was lukewarm. Raphael pulled her towards a stone and sat down pulling her to sit on his laps.

Their bodies were halfway submerged in the water. Sophia adjusted and found a comfortable position to sit.

"Tell me, what is disturbing your mind?" He could feel her emotional instability through their mating bond

"What if I am not who you think I am?"