chapter 3

He clearly was taken aback by her words.

"what do you mean?" he asked his voice somehow shaking.

When she said that,his mind rushed to her behavior, the reason why she poisoned herself, the reason she had slept for ten years. fear gripped his heart. he felt his insides churning. The feeling was so painful,he felt he could die. All his existence,he had not known the meaning of pain until he met her.

Sophia observed his expressions. She could countless emotions flashing in his eyes. was it disappoinment,or pain, anxiety or helplessness. She could not tell but she clearly knew that he had misunderstood her.

" What do you mean my love." He prayed that she didn't mean anything close to what he was thinking about.

" I don't know Raphael,I don't remember anything about our past. I know nothing about your kingdom,I know nothing about this place, I know nobody even, how am I going to survive then?" she spilled all her frustrations.

she was new to this place, nothing was familiar to her, this was a completely different world from the world she was used to.

"it's okay my love,with me here,you don't need to worry about anything. Leave everything to me. you just need to stay by my side and love me forever, okay?" he gently said kissing her long waist long hair.

As long as she did not plan to leave him,she had nothing to worry about. He knew she was a person who preferred peace over chaos,so she could just leave all the dark things to him. he would handle his kingdom well as long as she was by his side. He didn't wish for much, just a life with her by his side.

Sophia decided not to come clean about everything,she had given him hints but he did not fully comprehend. Since she found herself in this completely different world, she would accept her fate. If she was destined to be the devil's mate, then she would stay by side. she had nothing to go back to. Her mother was already dead,her father loved her yes but he barely spend any time with her. He would always be busy with his company. Her stepsister collided with her boyfriend to kill her. All she had were bitter memories of that place. since in this world,there was someone who loved her,she'll just resign to her fate and be with him,love him.

They soaked in the water for a long time before they decided to head back.

Emerging from the water, their clothes were completely wet.

" Are we going back like this." Sophia asked Raphael showing him her wet clothes.

Looking at her,his eyes darkened. Her clothes clung to her body accentuating every curve. Her erected nipples threatened to tear the fabric. she was breathtakingly beautiful. He could feel a certain part of his body standing in attention. Raphael was the devil himself,the Lucifer so he lacked nothing in his life. He had had countless of women in his bed but none of those women would compare to her. Her only body could seduce him.

he wanted her. He wanted her so badly. The way he wanted her was indescribable.

" come here " He pulled her to his embrace.

He hugged her tightly and instantly,he started glowing. His whole body was covered with flames and Sophia felt warm instantly. after he released her,she was completely dry. she was amazed.

" how did you do that?" she asked him. curiosity flashing in her eyes.

Raphael could see the worship in her eyes.

" I can control fire,water, darkness and thunder. The only thing I can't control is light. after being banished from the heavens,my power to control light was seized." he explained.

" wow! that's wonderful." she exclaimed wowed by such intense powers. she never knew he could yield so much powers. But it was expected since he was the devil himself.

" you can also control all those elements including light which I can't." he informed her.

" Really? can I ?" he could see the anticipation in her eyes.

" Yes you can,but for now you can only control light." Raphael informed her.

" Why is that?" she asked pouting.

Her adorable little mouth pouting ignited Raphael's desire to lean and kiss those lips but he controlled himself. They were in the middle of an important conversation.

"Because our mating bond is incomplete." He answered her.

Being the Devil,he was bound to be calculative so the main aim of informing her about her power's was to finally bring her to the mating topic. He was unscrupulous and a sly fox so how could he let go a chance to convince his mate to complete the mating bond with her.

Hearing his words Sophia blushed. Her whole face turned crimson Red.

what a shameless man he was. but she liked it. she was a shy girl and knew nothing much about the affairs between men and women. But with him,she felt the need to be bold and claim this man as her's. He was so beautiful she could lock him up in her room and make love to him over and over again. Her sexual hormones would rise whenever the two of them came close.

But she would take it slow. she was not sure why the past her had not completed the mating bond with him but she will surely take that task with open hands. since it will be her first time,she wanted it to be special. She would make it enjoyable and memorable for the both of them. She wanted their union to come because they were willing but not because of any other ulterior motives.

"oh I get it." she replied.

Raphael was slightly disappointed by her response but thinking she was pure and untainted he decided to leave that topic for now till later.

The pair of mates returned back to the castle with Raphael flying them there. He had told Sophia that she also had wings and all she needed was to activate her powers since her father had suppressed them back at the human world. he promised to help her activate her powers since while operating in this kingdom, she'll be needing them.

Sophia returned to her room to rest while Raphael left to handle the matter's of the kingdom.

Sophia drifted into a deep slumber and had a dream. in her dream she saw a woman dressed in a silk pink robe chatting happily with a silver haired Man. The two of them seemed very close. they would chat and laugh.The man was holding berries which he would occasionally pop into his mouth and feeding the woman by his side from side to time. Sophia wondered who these people were. she tried walking to their side to have a glimpse of their faces but as she almost reached them. They stood up and walked away holding hands and without looking back. she tried calling them go stop but they walked further and further until they disappeared out of sight.

The scene shifted to a big room which appeared go be a Hall. The hall was well decorated and golden lights flashed allover the place. There were also golden chandeliers hanging high giving the place an ethereal and cozy appearance.

A long table lined with seats in each side e

where individuals occupied sat proudly at the corner of the big hall. The people were chatting harmoniously and from the looked of things,I e could tell they were acquainted to each other .

The duke of Windsor kingdom and the duke of icelandic kingdom sat facing each other.

" since we are here brother's,let's discuss the marriage between princess Sophia and duke Marcus." declared a man who seemed like the leader from the kingdom of Windsor. He was the current duke of the kingdom and the father of Marcus.

"Okay,the marriage shall take place at the hall of longevity 12 days from now. we will be traveling to the kingdom of Windsor to offer our bride price.' Replied back the leader from icelandic kingdom. An agreement was made binding the two kingdoms in an arranged marriage.

12 days later in the hall of longevity

The wedding venue was beautifully decorated.All delicacies and cuisines from different countries were prepared to celebrate the marriage.loud charters, music and instruments could be heard from afar. it was afterall a wedding if the century between the icelandic kingdom and the Windsor.

Everyone was happy and was anticipating the arrival of the bride and groom but then a soldier rushed in and reported

" The young master and princess have been abducted." The report came from one of the palace workers.

He looked rather scared of what would become of him knowing the Duke's wrath and protective nature towards the kingdom's Princess.

To my esteemed readers let me take this moment to thank you for your support. it gives me the power to keep writing when I see your views and messages. I hope you can kindly keep supporting my novel and rate it. after reading it kindly leave a review so that I can know how well to improve my writing. we learn through mistakes.