chapter 18

Damien stayed at the shores waiting for the sun to rise. He didn't wait for long before he saw the yellow rays formed when the sun started rising. The sun rays reflected on the water formed the most beautiful scenery Damien had ever seen. He could now understand why his wife kept insisting they watch the sunrise together.

He later left and returned home to continue with his hopeless life.

Meanwhile, Sophia woke up the following day engulfed in the tight embrace of her mate. The way he was hugging her go himself,you could feel the insecurity he had. She smiled happily .

She would have loved to continue snuggling in his embrace but she knew she couldn't. Today was when she was going to accompany her maid, Rizia, to visit the retired general and ask for her help in learning martial arts.

" Good morning Raph,am sorry but I have to leave now." She said and kissed his forehead.

She then carefully got off the bed and donned a purple dress and exited the room.

Raphael was awake all this time. He had just pretended to be asleep so he heard everything she said.

He couldn't help but wonder where she was going early morning but he trusted his mate.

Although Raphael could feel the change on her since yesterday,he knew that she loved him and would always think about him before doing anything.

That was how much the devil trusted his mate. He wouldn't ask her anything,he believed she'll open up when the time comes. He won't even spy on her,that will be disrespectful of him.

Raphael decided to go to the throne hall to handle the matters of his kingdom. He had In mind to delegate afew of his loyal surbodinates to train his new recruited army.

It was always good to have trained soldiers at his disposal Incase they were faced by an attack.

His biggest enemies are the angels but it's been hundred if thousands years and they never attacked his kingdom. He could tell it's because that was an order from the almighty to not interfere in his mission.

Just because the angels haven't attacked doesn't mean he is save, afterall he has committed so many treacherous acts and offended many. The witches or even the demons can decide to attack him.

Raphael created his kingdom with magic so it's not easy for just anybody to intrude but who knows,the recruits in his kingdom may decide to betray him. He doesn't trust anyone with the exception of his mate so he's forever guarded. He has a room where he can access everything happening with the exception of the heaven. He goes there to monitor all the activities of all the other creatures. It's also from there he's able to identify his other target.

Raphael is not known to recruit his people forcefully,no, yiu follow him willingly. He comes to you when you need something desperately. He then offers you his support with the condition that you join his kingdom.

He lures his victims with riches and immense power which ofcourse he grants you but you sell your soul to him.

But after his mate came around,he hasn't been recruiting more people to his kingdom. He prefers spending time with her rather than continuing with his mission to lead people astray.

Dressing in his royal robe,he left their chambers heading to his throne hall.

Sophia walked out of the castle to meet Rizia who was waiting for her as agreed.

Today, Sophia was wearing a plain dress like a commoner. She didn't want to draw too much attention to herself. Not many people knew that she was their queen because Raphael never introduced her to the whole kingdom but thinking about it,it was good that way.

She didn't want to draw unnecessary people to her not to mention the kingdom's enemies.

" My queen." Rizia greeted.

" No need to be formal with me here Rizia." Sophia said.

" Okay, let's go." Rizia said leading the queen away.

They later disappeared and appeared in a small one storey house that was sorrounded by trees.

" My cousin has been living in seclusion after she left the army. she prefers staying alone in the forest, away from all the troubles." Rizia explained.

" she left the kingdom? but why?" Sophia was curious to know.

" She never left the kingdom, her quarters still exist but she says that she prefers the calm and Serene environment in the human world." Rizia explained.

" Okay, let's go meet her." Sophia said and proceeded to walk towards the house.

They knocked and in no time,an elegant lady opened the door. She was covering her head with a veil but one couldn't miss the powerful aura she was emitting.

" Greetings my queen." She greeted.

Sophia turned to look at Rizia and the latter averted her gaze.

She had told her not to inform the lady about her identify but it seems her instructions fell on deaf ears.

" Please do rise." Sophia said holding her hands and prompting her to rise from her bowing position.

Sophia felt that it was weird whenever people bowed to her. she couldn't get accustomed to this. She was afterall just a normal girl so becoming a queen in this world garnering too much respect was not something she could easily fathom

" I want to assume that Rizia informed you the reason of our visit." Sophia went straight to the point after she was ushered inside and provided with a seat.

" Yes my queen. I am honoured that you think this humble servant could be of help to you." The lady replied.

" No need to be so official,you can call me Sophia." Sophia said.

" I dare not my queen." She replied hastily. She was the Queen of the kingdom afterall, so how could she call her so casually as if they are age mates.

Despite being older than the queen,she dared not defy the kingdom's rules and call the queen by her name.