Chapter 18

" I think there's nothing I can do to change your mind." Sophia stated.

It was obvious to her that nobody will treat her as an equal in this new world. She is bound to be bowed at and worshipped by the people here. she was afterall their queen.

But this kind of respect and power was something Sophia was not used to.

" You are the queen of the kingdom while I am just but a mere servant. It's treason if I address you so casually my queen." The lady replied.

" Okay I understand,how do I address you?" Sophia asked.

" I am Lady Lilith my queen but you can just call me by my name, Lilith." she replied.

" You have such a lovely name Lilith." Sophia replied. She was loving her already. She was an elegant lady and despite being the kingdom's general Once,she still exuded the air of nobility.

" Thank you my queen." Lilith replied.

" So are you already mated?" Sophia asked. She was curious to know because the lady was wearing a veil covering almost every inch of her small face.

" Not yet my queen,I still haven't met my mate." Lilith replied blushing hard. Even she was wondering why until now she hasn't found her mate.

" How old are you?" Sophia inquired.

" I am nine hundred and twenty years old my queen." She replied honestly.

" You are still young, you'll eventually find your mate,I hope you find him soon."Sophia wished her from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you my queen." Lilith replied.

" Okay, let's talk about why I am here Lilith. I am sure Rizia must have hinted you on why I am here. I want you to become my mentor in Martial arts." Sophia explained. She wasn't the one to keep beating around the bush.

" It's my honour to serve my queen and my kingdom." Lilith replied .

" I should be saying thanks to you Lilith for accepting to my my teacher." Sophia replied, her voice full of gratitude.

" When do you plan on starting the training and may I ask why the queen wants to study martial arts,with the power you have,you don't need to fight." Lilith asked. She was very curious as to why the queen wanted to study martial arts when she was one of the powerful beings in the kingdom.

" You can sense my power?" Sophia asked surprised. Even Raphael wasn't able to detect any strong power from her. That is because she knows that her father sealed her powers when she was little.

Born from an angel and a human,she was bound to possess half of her father's powers. The kingdom of Windsor was habituated by normal beings so to protect her,her father had sealed off all her powers.

" Yes my queen,I can feel that your body is radiating with both pure and dark powers fighting to seek dominance." Lilith explained.

"What do you mean by that?" Sophia asked.

" My queen,if my guess is right, then you are not a mere human girl as everyone knows in this kingdom." Lilith stated with certainty.

" You are right about that Lilith,I am born from a human and an angel." Sophia explained

" No my lady,your roots have both pure and dark powers that means you are a product of an angel and probably a demon." Lilith said leaving Sophia gaping in shock.

Yes, this wasn't her body literally but how can that be possible? she was certain that her dad was an angel but her mother being a demon was something she didn't know about.

" But my father knows that my mother was a mere human girl. How comes he never realized that my mother was a demon? are you certain about your speculations Lilith?" Sophia asked thinking that maybe her ears heard it wrong or perhaps Lilith was pranking her. But then,they weren't so close to prank each other, besides this was an extremely serious discussion.

" It is possible that your mother was a high ranking demon and she was able to conceal her essence completely leaving no leakages of her dark Aura." Lilith explained.

" But what could make her do such a thing? Why hide something as important as that to her family?" Sophia wondered out loud.

" There are only two reasons why a demon can conceal her essence totally. it may be because she was in love with your father or it can be because her life was in danger and she needed to hide herself. so hiding her essence then disguising herself as a human girl was the best way to divert any danger." Lilith said.

" But why would she be in danger?" Sophia asked.

" I once heard a story that there was Once a very powerful female demon. It was said that her essence was able to control the five main elements. Demons started coveting her essence just for the power. She was forced to go hiding to escape her enemies." Lilith explained.

That story was told allover the kingdoms. The truth about it is what Lilith didn't know.

" So what happened to her?" Sophia was curious to know more about this powerful demon.

" It is said that she one day vanished from the surface of the earth but wasn't dead because her stone of light was still glowing yellow though the colour was faint, Three hundred years back,her soul disintegrated and her stone of light turned black indicating that she was no longer alive. It is also said that the place her soul turned to ashes was at the border forest between the kingdom of Windsor and the kingdom of icelandic." Lilith narrated.

" Do you know the name of that female demon?" Sophia asked.

"Julia,her name is Julia my queen." Lilith answered.

Sophia was thinking that maybe this demon could be her Mom since it was obvious that her mom was no ordinary human if she was able to hide her identify from her father who was a powerful angel.