It won't make a Fit

"I don't think this is going to work, it doesn't make sense!" Marcel's voice was laced with annoyance.

"You dare tell me I am wrong!" Orlic's voice rang in his head

"But that's not possible!" He said even more agitated.

"Would you know better about my mate?" Orlic retorted, the wolf itself was annoyed by his owner not accepting reality.

Laying on his bed, munching on potato chips Marcel was more than annoyed by what his wolf was implementing on him. Orlic, known for his witty comebacks was making it hard for Marcel to have a decent conversation.

"But how the hell can you be saying this about two people? Are you in your right mind?" Marcel's voice came out louder than he had expected it to.

"I just know!" Orlic said his voice filled with confidence.